Rods with Springs!

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4 identical bars of mass M M and length L L are connected by pins at A , B , C A,B, C and D D . The bars are attached to four massless springs of same spring constant K K . The entire system can move in horizontal plane. In the equilibrium position θ = 4 5 \theta = 45^\circ as shown in figure. If the corners A A and C C are given a slight displacement away from each other and released, find angular frequency of small oscillations.

Details and Assumptions :

  • There is no friction anywhere.
  • M = 3 kg M = 3 \text{ kg} .
  • L = 1 m L = 1 \text{ m} .
  • K = 200 N/m K = 200 \text{ N/m} .

The answer is 10.

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1 solution

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Dotted lines represent equilibrium config. Solid lines represent instantenous config. Dotted lines represent equilibrium config. Solid lines represent instantenous config.

Let the rods be rotated by a small angle θ \theta so that they make an angle 45 ° θ 45° - \theta with A C AC It is easy to see that in this process the springs at A and C would be compressed by a = L ( cos ( 45 ° θ ) cos 45 ° ) a= L(\cos(45°-\theta) - \cos 45°) and the springs at B and D would be extended by b = L ( sin 45 ° sin ( 45 ° θ ) ) b= L(\sin 45° - \sin(45°-\theta)) . At this instant potential energy of the system could be written as

P E = ( 2 1 2 K a 2 ) + ( 2 1 2 K b 2 ) PE = (2 * \frac{1}{2}Ka^2) + (2 * \frac{1}{2}Kb^2)

Plugging values of a a and b b and simplifying we get

P E = 2 K L 2 ( 1 cos θ ) PE = 2KL^2(1-\cos \theta)

At this instant the rods are in pure rotation about their respective Instantenous centre of Rotation (IC)

Moment of inertia of each rod about respective IC

I = M L 2 12 + M ( L 2 ) 2 = M L 2 3 I = \frac{ML^2}{12} + M(\frac{L}{2})^2 = \frac{ML^2}{3} (parallel axis theorem)

The Kinetic Energy of the system at this instant would be

K E = 4 0.5 I ω 2 KE = 4* 0.5 * I\omega^2

Total Energy T E = P E + K E = c o n s t . TE = PE + KE = const.

T E = 2 K L 2 ( 1 cos θ ) + 2 I ω 2 = c o n s t . TE = 2KL^2(1-\cos \theta) + 2*I\omega^2 = const.

Differentiating wrt. Time we get 2 K L 2 ( sin θ ) θ ˙ + 4 M L 2 3 ω ω ˙ = 0 2KL^2 (\sin\theta)\dot{\theta} + \frac{4ML^2}{3}\omega\dot{\omega} = 0

As ω = θ ˙ a n d ω ˙ = θ ¨ \omega = \dot{\theta} and \dot{\omega} = \ddot{\theta} on simplifying we get

K L 2 sin θ + ( 2 / 3 ) M L 2 θ ¨ = 0 KL^2 \sin\theta + (2/3)ML^2 \ddot{\theta} = 0

On further simplification and using sin θ θ \sin\theta \approx \theta we get

θ ¨ = 3 K 2 M θ \ddot{\theta} = -\frac{3K}{2M} \theta

So Angular frequency = 3 K 2 M \sqrt{\frac{3K}{2M}}

From A.Mishra

Arunava Das - 3 years, 4 months ago

Nice question! Done it the same way

Divyansh Choudhary - 5 years, 2 months ago

Good one .

Aniket Sanghi - 4 years ago

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