SAT1000 - P915

Let N = 2 n ( n N + , n 2 ) N=2^n\ (n \in \mathbb N^+, n \geq 2) , N N distinct numbers denoted as x 1 , x 2 , , x N x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_N are put into N N positions labeled 1 , 2 , , N 1,2,\cdots,N , then we will get the permutation P 0 = x 1 x 2 x N P_0=x_1 x_2 \cdots x_N .

The transform C C on the permutation P P is as follows:

  • Separate the terms on the odd and even positions, and put them to the first N 2 \dfrac{N}{2} , last N 2 \dfrac{N}{2} positions respectively, keeping the original order.

If we apply C C to P 0 P_0 once, we will get P 1 = x 1 x 3 x N 1 x 2 x 4 x N P_1=x_1 x_3 \cdots x_{N-1} x_2 x_4 \cdots x_N .

After that, we divide P 1 P_1 into 2 2 consecutive segments consisting of N 2 \dfrac{N}{2} numbers, and apply C C to each segment, we will get P 2 P_2 .

For example, if n = 3 , N = 8 n=3,\ N=8 , we will get P 2 = x 1 x 5 x 3 x 7 x 2 x 6 x 4 x 8 P_2=x_1 x_5 x_3 x_7 x_2 x_6 x_4 x_8 , at this time, x 7 x_7 is on 4 t h 4\ th position of P 2 P_2 .

From then on, when 2 i n 2 2 \leq i \leq n-2 , we divide P i P_i into 2 i 2^i consecutive segments consisting of N 2 i \dfrac{N}{2^i} numbers, and apply C C to each segment to get P i + 1 P_{i+1} .

Then when n = 32 , N = 2 32 n=32,\ N=2^{32} , x 173 x_{173} is on the M t h M\ th position of P 4 P_4 . Submit M M .

Have a look at my problem set: SAT 1000 problems

The answer is 805306379.

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2 solutions

David Vreken
Jul 2, 2020

173 1 ( m o d 2 ) 173 \equiv 1 \pmod{2} so x 173 x_{173} is in the front half of P 1 P_1 .

173 1 ( m o d 4 ) 173 \equiv 1 \pmod{4} so x 173 x_{173} is in the front quarter of P 2 P_2 .

173 5 ( m o d 8 ) 173 \equiv 5 \pmod{8} so x 173 x_{173} is in the second half of the front quarter (in other words, the second eighth) of P 3 P_3 .

173 13 ( m o d 16 ) 173 \equiv 13 \pmod{16} so x 173 x_{173} is in the second half of the second eighth (in other words, the fourth sixteenth) of P 4 P_4 .

173 = 16 10 + 13 173 = 16 \cdot 10 + 13 , so x 173 x_{173} is the 10 + 1 = 1 1 th 10 + 1 = 11^{\text{th}} term in the fourth sixteenth of P 4 P_4 . The first three sixteenths have 2 32 16 = 2 28 \frac{2^{32}}{16} = 2^{28} terms each.

Therefore, x 173 x_{173} is in position M = 3 2 28 + 11 = 805306379 M = 3 \cdot 2^{28} + 11 = \boxed{805306379} of P 4 P_4 .

For given n n , we have N = 2 n N = 2^n distinct numbers x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , , x N x_1\,,\,x_2\,,\,x_3\,,\,\cdots\,,\,x_N labeled at position 1 , 2 , 3 , , N 1\,,\,2\,,\,3\,,\,\cdots\,,\,N to form a permutation

P 0 = x 1 x 2 x 3 x N P_0 = x_1x_2x_3\cdots x_N

For n = 32 n = 32 we have N = 2 32 N = 2^{32} . On applying transformation C C to P 0 P_0 we get,

P 1 = x 1 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 2 32 1 x 2 x 4 x 6 x 2 32 P_1 = x_1x_3x_5x_7\cdots x_{2^{32}-1}x_2x_4x_6\cdots x_{2^{32}}

Since 173 173 is an odd number we conclude that x 173 x_{173} must be in the first half of P 1 P_1 . Let x 173 x_{173} be at n n th position from left. Then

2 n 1 = 173 n = 87 2n - 1 = 173\newline\Rightarrow n = 87

So, x 173 x_{173} is at 87 t h 87th position of P 1 P_1 .

Dividing P 1 P_1 into 2 1 = 2 2^1 = 2 segments and then again applying C C to each segment of P 1 P_1 we get,

Since 87 87 is again an odd number we get that x 173 x_{173} occurs at odd position in first segment of P 1 P_1 . So it occurs at left part of first segment in P 2 P_2 formed by transformation C C to P 1 P_1 . Position of x 173 x_{173} in P 2 P_2 is determined by

2 n 1 87 n = 44 2n - 1 - 87\newline\Rightarrow n = 44

So, x 173 x_{173} is at 44 t h 44th position of P 2 P_2 .

Dividing P 2 P_2 into 2 2 = 4 2^2 = 4 segments each of length 2 30 2^{30} and then again applying C C to each segment of P 2 P_2 we get,

Since 44 44 is an even number and less than 2 30 2^{30} length of each segment of P 2 P_2 we get that x 173 x_{173} occurs at even position in first segment of P 2 P_2 . So it occurs at right part of first segment in P 3 P_3 formed by transformation C C to P 2 P_2 . Left part of first segment of P 3 P_3 consists of (half of the length of segment) numbers. So number of numbers in left part of first segment of P 3 P_3 is 2 30 2 = 2 29 \displaystyle\frac{2^{30}}{2} = 2^{29} . Position of x 173 x_{173} in right part of first segment of P 3 P_3 is determined by

2 n = 44 n = 22 2n = 44\newline\Rightarrow n = 22 .

So, x 173 x_{173} is at ( 2 29 + 22 ) t h (2^{29} + 22)th position of P 3 P_3 .

Dividing P 3 P_3 into 2 3 = 8 2^3 = 8 segments each of length 2 29 2^{29} and then again applying C C to each segment of P 3 P_3 we get,

We see that x 173 x_{173} is at ( 2 29 + 22 ) t h (2^{29} + 22)th position of P 3 P_3 . So, it means that x 173 x_{173} occurs in the second segment of P 3 P_3 because each segment is of length 2 29 2^{29} . Now in the second segment x 173 x_{173} is at 22 n d 22nd position from left.

Since 22 22 is again an even number we get that x 173 x_{173} occurs at even position in the second segment of P 3 P_3 . So it occurs at the right part of second segment of P 4 P_4 formed by transformation C C to P 3 P_3 . Left part of second segment of P 4 P_4 consists of (half of the length of segment) numbers. So number of numbers in left part of second segment of P 4 P_4 is 2 29 2 = 2 28 \displaystyle\frac{2^{29}}{2} = 2^{28} . Position of x 173 x_{173} in right part of second segment of P 4 P_4 is determined by

2 n = 22 n = 11 2n = 22\newline \Rightarrow n = 11

So, x 173 x_{173} is at ( 2 29 + 2 28 + 11 ) t h = 805306379 t h (2^{29} + 2^{28} + 11)th = 805306379th position of P 4 P_4 .

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