Shooting Zone

100 people are sitting on a big round table such that (1,2),(2,3),...,(100,1) are next to each other. 1 has a gun with him. He shoots 2 and gives the gun to 3. 3 shoots 4 and passes gun to 5 (if 100 gets gun he will shoot the next living person). This continues till one person remains alive. Which person is alive?

  • eg. Answer 40 if 40 is alive.

Hint : Start with small number of person sitting on the table and solve that. You will get a pattern. Then solve this.

For part 2 Shooting Zone 2

The answer is 73.

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2 solutions

Jack D'Aurizio
Apr 15, 2014

Let "the champion" be the living person with the smallest index, and let a "turn" end when the gun crosses the 100-1 line. After every turn, the champion changes if and only if the number of survivors is odd; in that case its index increases by a power of two given by the turn number. This gives that if n n people around a table play this kind of determistic russian roulette, the index of the last survivor is given by 2 ( n 2 log 2 n ) + 1 , 2\cdot\left(n-2^{\left\lfloor\log_2 n \right\rfloor}\right)+1, that is a cyclic shift of the binary representation of n n , where the leading 1 1 becomes the least significant bit.

Hà Vĩnh Đạt
Apr 5, 2014

This can be solved by computer science: using C/C++ complier: //Linked List struct Node { int _Val; Node* _pNext; };

void deleteNode(Node* & head, Node* _del) { Node* cur = _head; if (cur == _del) { Node* cur 2 = head; while (cur 2-> pNext != _head) cur 2 = cur 2-> pNext; //cur 2 in the tail Node* temp = cur-> pNext; delete cur; head = temp; cur 2-> pNext = _head; } else { while (cur-> pNext != head) { if (cur-> pNext == del) { Node* temp = cur-> pNext-> pNext; delete cur-> pNext; cur-> pNext = temp; } cur = cur-> pNext; } } }

int countEle(Node* head) { int c = 1; Node* cur = _head; if (cur-> pNext == head) return c; while (cur-> pNext != head) { c++; cur = cur-> pNext; } return c; }

void main() { Node* head = NULL; //Create circle linked list for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { if (head == NULL) { head = new Node; head-> Val = i; head-> pNext = head; } else { Node* cur = head; while (cur-> pNext != head) cur = cur-> pNext; cur-> pNext = new Node; cur-> pNext-> Val = i; cur-> pNext-> pNext = head; } } //============================ Node* cur = head; while (countEle(head) != 1) { deleteNode(head, cur-> pNext); cur = cur-> pNext; } cout << cur-> Val << endl; }

I appreciate that you solved it using programming.

Can you solve the same problem if there were 8589934598 8589934598 people instead of just 100 100 . ( The pattern used for solving this type of question will definitely solve it easily )

Shahbaz Patel - 7 years, 2 months ago

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why dont you tell the pattern bcoz many of us can't recognize it as we r not as intelligent as u r

Prajwal Kavad - 7 years, 1 month ago

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sarcastic flattery i would say. :P

I wrote a solution in part 2 of the question. You can go solve that. Best of luck! :)

Shahbaz Patel - 7 years, 1 month ago

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