Square ratios

Geometry Level 3

The blue square touches each side of the largest square, filling 29 50 \frac{29}{50} of it.

Each of the 4 red squares at the corners of the largest square touch the blue square.

The fraction of the largest square that is red is a b , \frac{a}{b}, where a a and b b are positive coprime integers.

What is a + b ? a+b?

The answer is 2941.

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17 solutions

David Vreken
Jul 13, 2018

Let x x be the length of the smallest side of the smaller blue triangle plus the length of one of the sides of the yellow square, let y y be the length of the medium side of the larger blue triangle plus the length of one of the sides of the yellow square, and z z be the length of one of the sides of the yellow square, as shown below. Also, let the large square be a unit square, so that the red square has an area of 29 50 \frac{29}{50} and therefore a side length of 29 50 \sqrt{\frac{29}{50}} .

Then by Pythagorean's Theorem, x 2 + y 2 = 29 50 x^2 + y^2 = \frac{29}{50} , and as a unit square, x + y = 1 x + y = 1 , Solving the system of equations for x < y x < y gives x = 3 10 x = \frac{3}{10} and y = 7 10 y = \frac{7}{10} .

By similar triangles, x y = z y z \frac{x}{y} = \frac{z}{y - z} , or 3 10 7 10 = z 7 10 z \frac{\frac{3}{10}}{\frac{7}{10}} = \frac{z}{\frac{7}{10} - z} , which solves to z = 21 100 z = \frac{21}{100} .

This means that the ratio of the area of four yellow squares to the area of the large square is 4 z 2 1 = 4 ( 21 100 ) 2 1 = 441 2500 \frac{4z^2}{1} = \frac{4(\frac{21}{100})^2}{1} = \frac{441}{2500} , so a = 441 a = 441 and b = 2500 b = 2500 , and a + b = 2941 a + b = \boxed{2941} .

The problem stated that"The fraction of the largest square that is red is a/b. I took that to mean "all that is red" divided by "large grey square". Not just one red square, but all four. Not 441, but 1764. So couldn't divine the answer without doing a little mind reading.

William Biggs - 2 years, 10 months ago

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Yes, the colors of the original diagram were changed, and the wording is a little confusing.

David Vreken - 2 years, 10 months ago

I do not get it. Why is it for all the red squares and not for one?

Carlos Céspedes - 2 years, 10 months ago

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You have to interpret "The fraction of the largest square that is red" as "The fraction of the whole diagram that is colored red", so it is for all four red squares.

David Vreken - 2 years, 10 months ago

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Thank you. I already get it :)

Carlos Céspedes - 2 years, 10 months ago

Struggling to understand the middle step here where you solve for x and y. I follow the rest of it, assuming you found the correct values of x and y.

My attempt at solving: Given: x+y = 1, x^2 + y^2 = 29/50

(x+y)^2 = 1^2

x^2 + y^2 + 2xy = 1

29/50 + 2xy = 1

2xy = 21/50

xy = 21/100


Emily Falces - 2 years, 10 months ago

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Almost there! From x + y = 1, y = 1 - x, so xy = 21/100 becomes x(1 - x) = 21/100, which is x - x^2 = 21/100 or x^2 - x + 21/100 = 0. Then by the quadratic equation, x = 3/10, and since y = 1 - x, y = 1 - 3/10 = 7/10.

David Vreken - 2 years, 10 months ago

I think this is a very badly worded problem. It suggests that the red squares are of different sizes, and it asks how the largest red square's area compares to the large square. Now I figured out easily that all the red squares must be of the same size, but I simply couldn't give any other meaning to the question. I then solved until I got that the area of one red square is 441/10000, given that the largest square is a unit square, but the answer 10441 was incorrect, although 441 and 10000 are coprimes. I just missed that very last step of multiplying 441/10000 by 4, and it's really annoying, because the sole reason I couldn't get the right answer is because of the wording of the question. Now I understand that they meant "the fraction of the largest square compared to everything colored red", and the answer to that is 2500/441, add those number and you get 2941, which is the correct answer. Note that English is not my native language, but I think there are many people here with a native language other than English, so maybe the problem should be worded better. Like, "The red squares fill a/b of the largest square, where a and b are coprimes. What is a+b?"

Krisztián . - 2 years, 10 months ago

a "badly worded" problem??? it's a very soft way of saying it! SHOW ME, at what point in the text i should guess that it is asked to find the area of FOUR (!!!!!!!) red squares together????? it isn't mentioned anywhere!! AUTHORS, PLEASE CORRECT THE TEXT!!!

Nik Gibson - 2 years, 10 months ago

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Yeah i spend a month trying to solve this problem!!! And it is never mentioned to find the area

Noor Hasan - 2 years, 9 months ago
John Ross
Jul 13, 2018

Let the large square be a unit square, the longer leg of the larger gray triangle be G G , the shorter leg of the smaller gray triangle be g g , and the side of the red square be r r . The area of all the gray triangles is given by 2 r G + 2 r g = 2 r ( G + g ) 2rG+2rg=2r(G+g) . Because the two triangle legs and two red squares make up one edge of the unit square, this is equal to 2 r ( 1 2 r ) 2r(1-2r) . Adding up all the areas inside the unit square gives 2 r ( 1 2 r ) + 4 r 2 + 29 50 = 1 2 r = 21 50 4 r 2 = 441 2500 2r(1-2r)+4r^2+\frac{29}{50}=1 \implies 2r=\frac{21}{50} \implies 4r^2=\boxed{\frac{441}{2500}}

I got the area of the blue triangles by just noting they fill half the rectangles between two yellow squares.

Chris Maitland - 2 years, 10 months ago
Chew-Seong Cheong
Jul 13, 2018

Let area of the large square be 1 hence its side length is also 1. The area of the red square is therefore 29 50 \frac {29}{50} The area of the triangle inscribing the yellow square (two blue triangles and the yellow square) is 1 4 ( 1 29 50 ) = 21 200 \frac 14 \left(1-\frac {29}{50}\right)= \frac {21}{200} .

Let the short and long side length of the triangle inscribing the yellow square be a a and b b respectively. Then we have a + b = 1 a+b=1 and:

a b 2 = 21 200 a b = 0.21 Since a + b = 1 a ( 1 a ) = 0.21 a 2 a + 0.21 = 0 Solving the quadraic for a \begin{aligned} \frac {ab}2 & = \frac {21}{200} \\ ab & = 0.21 & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Since }a+b=1 \\ a(1-a) & = 0.21 \\ \implies a^2 - a + 0.21 & = 0 & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Solving the quadraic for }a \end{aligned}

a , b = 1 ± 1 0.84 2 { a = 0.3 b = 0.7 \implies a, b = \dfrac {1 \pm \sqrt{1-0.84}}2 \implies \begin{cases} a = 0.3 \\ b = 0.7 \end{cases}

Let the side length of the yellow square be x x . We note that the large blue triangle is similar to the triangle inscribing the yellow triangle. Therefore, we have:

x b x = a b = 3 7 7 x = 2.1 3 x x = 21 100 \begin{aligned} \frac x{b-x} & = \frac ab = \frac 37 \\ 7x & = 2.1 - 3x \\ \implies x & = \frac {21}{100}\end{aligned}

The area of the four yellow squares is 4 x 2 = 4 × 2 1 2 10 0 2 = 441 2500 4x^2 = 4 \times \dfrac {21^2}{100^2} = \dfrac {441}{2500} . Therefore, a + b = 441 + 2500 = 2941 a+b = 441+2500 = \boxed{2941} .

Why is a+b=1?

Ferhat Qqn - 2 years, 10 months ago

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@Ferhat Qqn the whole image is rotationally symmetrical. a and b are the two parts of one side of the large square, so they add up to the side length which is stated to be 1.

Neville Reid - 2 years, 10 months ago

For the last 2 mentions of yellow triangle read yellow square...

Peter Thorpe - 2 years, 10 months ago

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Thanks. I have amended it.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 2 years, 10 months ago
Damir Aktemov
Jul 26, 2018

This could be easily solved in the mind. You move grey triangles making two grey rectangles, leaving blue rectangle in the centre (without touching red area). Then you move blue rectangle down, and then join two red rectangles together making one red square.

Its size can be easily calculated, cause if big square have side length equals 1 1 , then blue rectangle have side lengths 1 1 and 29 50 \frac{29}{50} . So red square have side length 1 29 50 = 21 50 1-\frac{29}{50}=\frac{21}{50} .

Area equals ( 21 50 ) 2 \big(\frac{21}{50}\big)^2 , answer is 2 1 2 + 5 0 2 = 2941 21^2+50^2=\boxed{2941}

Nibedan Mukherjee
Jul 15, 2018

Let the side length of the biggest square be 10 10 . So the area of the biggest square is 100 100 . The area of the red square is 29 50 × 100 = 58 \dfrac{29}{50} \times 100 = 58 . The side length of the red square is a + b = 58 a+b=\sqrt{58} . By applying similar triangles, we have

c a = b 10 2 c \dfrac{c}{a}=\dfrac{b}{10-2c}

a b = 10 c 2 c 2 ab=10c-2c^2 (equation 1)

Let's square a + b = 58 a+b=\sqrt{58} . It becomes a 2 + 2 a b + b 2 = 58 a^2+2ab+b^2=58 . This becomes our equation 2. Substituting equation 1 to equation 2, we get a 2 + b 2 = 58 20 c + 4 c 2 a^2+b^2=58-20c+4c^2 . This is our equation 3.

Apply pythagorean theorem,

( 10 2 c ) 2 = a 2 + b 2 (10-2c)^2=a^2+b^2

100 40 c + 4 c 2 = a 2 + b 2 100-40c+4c^2=a^2+b^2 (equation 4)

Substituting equation 3 to equation 4, we get c = 21 10 c=\dfrac{21}{10} .

The area of one yellow square is ( 21 10 ) 2 = 441 100 \left(\dfrac{21}{10}\right)^2=\dfrac{441}{100} .

The area of four yellow squares is 4 × 441 100 = 441 25 4 \times \dfrac{441}{100}=\dfrac{441}{25}

The fraction required is 441 25 100 = 441 2500 \dfrac{\dfrac{441}{25}}{100}=\dfrac{441}{2500}

The desired answer is 441 + 2500 = 2941 441+2500=\boxed{2941}

Brian Moehring
Jul 12, 2018

Let x x denote the sidelength of a yellow square and let y y denote the ratio of the longer leg to the shorter leg in each triangle (they are all similar, so this is well-defined). Then the largest square has area ( x + x y + x y + x ) 2 = 1 ( 1 + y ) 2 y = 1 x (x+xy+\frac{x}{y}+x)^2 = 1 \implies \frac{(1+y)^2}{y} = \frac{1}{x} and the red square has area ( x + x y ) 2 + ( x + x y ) 2 = 29 50 (x+xy)^2 + (x+\frac{x}{y})^2 = \frac{29}{50}

This second equation can be rewritten as 29 50 = x 2 ( ( 1 + y ) 2 y 2 ) ( ( 1 + y ) 2 y ) = x 2 ( 1 x 2 ) ( 1 x ) = 1 2 x \frac{29}{50} = x^2\left(\frac{(1+y)^2}{y} - 2\right)\left(\frac{(1+y)^2}{y}\right) = x^2\left(\frac{1}{x} - 2\right)\left(\frac{1}{x}\right) = 1-2x which gives x = 21 100 x = \frac{21}{100} so the total area of the yellow squares is 4 x 2 = 2 1 2 5 0 2 = 441 2500 4x^2 = \frac{21^2}{50^2} = \frac{441}{2500} and since we defined the area of the largest square to be 1 1 , this is also the fraction of the largest square that the yellow squares fill. Therefore, the answer is 441 + 2500 = 2941 441 + 2500 = \boxed{2941}

William Chau
Jul 28, 2018

Let x x be the side length of the red square and y y be the length of the largest square. Equating the area of the blue regions in two different way, ( y 2 x ) 2 + 4 ( y 2 x ) x / 2 = ( 29 / 50 ) y 2 , (y-2x)^2+4(y-2x)x/2 = (29/50)y^2, 50 y 2 100 x y = 29 y 2 , 50y^2-100xy = 29y^2, 21 y = 100 x , 21y = 100x, 4 x 2 / y 2 = 4 ( 21 / 100 ) 2 = 441 / 2500 , 4x^2/y^2 = 4(21/100)^2 = 441/2500, a + b = 2941. a+b = 2941.

Steven Zheng
Jul 28, 2018

Refer to the above diagram. Let x x be the side length of the red square. By similar triangles we get the relation a x x = a b . \frac{a-x}{x} = \frac{a}{b}. Thus x = a b a + b . x = \frac{ab}{a+b}. The side length of the blue square be c c . The sides of the blue square forms a right triangle with the sides a a and b b . Since the side length of the large square is a + b a+b , c 2 ( a + b ) 2 = 29 50 \frac{c^2}{(a+b)^2} = \frac{29}{50} or a 2 + b 2 ( a + b ) 2 = 29 50 . \frac{a^2+b^2}{(a+b)^2} = \frac{29}{50}. Let ( a + b ) 2 = 50 (a+b)^2 = 50 (the area of the large square) and a 2 + b 2 = 29 a^2+b^2 = 29 (the area of the blue square). This means ( a + b ) 2 ( a 2 + b 2 ) = 50 29 (a+b)^2-(a^2+b^2) = 50-29 , which shows that 2 a b = 21 2ab = 21 or a b = 21 2 ab = \frac{21}{2} . The area of red is four times the area of the red square. 4 x 2 = 4 ( a b a + b ) 2 = 4 441 4 1 50 = 441 50 . 4x^2 = 4\left( \frac{ab}{a+b}\right)^2 = 4\cdot\frac{441}{4} \cdot \frac{1}{50} = \frac{441}{50}. Since the area of the large square is 50 4 x 2 50 = 441 2500 . \frac{4x^2}{50} = \frac{441}{2500}. Just add the numerator and denominator to get 2941 \boxed{2941} .

Vinod Kumar
Jul 25, 2018

Let 'c' be the side of large square. Let 'b' be the side of middle square and 'a' the side of small four squares. Then, we have the relation b^2=(c-2a)^2+2a(c-2a)=c(c-2a), Assuming c=10 with (b^2/c^2)=(29/50), we get, a=(21/10), which gives, (4a^2/c^2)=(21/50)^2=441/2500, Therefore, Answer=2941

I am sorry, but I do not know how to make the image smaller.

Let the larger square be a unit square.

We note that x + y = ( 1 2 s ) x+y=(1-2s) . The area of the four triangles is 1 29 50 = 21 50 1-\frac{29}{50}=\frac{21}{50} . Therefore, 4 ( s 2 + 1 2 x s + 1 2 y s ) = 21 50 4(s^{2}+\frac{1}{2}xs+\frac{1}{2}ys)=\frac{21}{50}

4 [ s 2 + 1 2 s ( x + y ) ] = 4 [ s 2 + 1 2 s ( 1 2 s ) ] = 4 ( s 2 + 1 2 s s 2 ) = 2 s = 21 50 4[s^{2}+\frac{1}{2}s(x+y)]=4[s^{2}+\frac{1}{2}s(1-2s)]=4(s^{2}+\frac{1}{2}s-s^{2})=2s=\frac{21}{50} So s = 21 100 s=\frac{21}{100}

Finally, 4 s 2 = 441 2500 4s^{2}=\frac{441}{2500} So the answer is 2941 \boxed{2941}

Divide up as in the picture, swap the colors as indicated by the arrow, and you end up with a blue rectangle in the middle and a rectangle at the top and bottom both the height of the red squares. Given that the blue rectangle obtained that way is 29/50 of the height, twice the height of the red square is 1 - 29/50 = 21/50 of the height of the full square. Likewise for the width. The 4 squares form a single square of twice the height and width of a single square, so it is ( 21 / 50 ) 2 = 441 / 2500 (21/50)^2 = 441/2500 of the total square, and thus the answer is 441 + 2500 = 2941. Done.

Daniel Wang
Jul 24, 2018

Assuming that the length of the largest square is 10,the area of the bule square is 58 accordingly. The area of the blue square can be presented as (10-2a) a 2+(10-2a)^2 which equals 58.Then we get a( 7 5 \frac{7}{5} ).

Rocco Dalto
Jul 23, 2018

Let the side of the larger square be 1 1 .

1 = 2 ( y ) ( 1 y ) + 29 50 100 y 2 100 y + 21 = 0 y 1 = 7 10 \implies 1 = 2(y)(1 - y) + \dfrac{29}{50} \implies 100y^2 - 100y + 21 = 0 \implies y_{1} = \dfrac{7}{10} and y 2 = 3 10 y_{2} = \dfrac{3}{10} .

Using similar triangles above

7 10 x 10 x = 10 x 3 10 x x = 21 100 A r e d = 4 ( 21 100 ) 2 = ( 21 50 ) 2 = 441 2500 = a b a + b = 2941 . \implies \dfrac{7 - 10x}{10x} = \dfrac{10x}{3 - 10x} \implies x = \dfrac{21}{100} \implies A_{red} = 4(\dfrac{21}{100})^2 = (\dfrac{21}{50})^2 = \dfrac{441}{2500} = \dfrac{a}{b} \implies a + b = \boxed{2941}.

This problem reminds me of deriving the pythagorean theorem using areas.

The area of the square ( a + b ) 2 = 2 a b + c 2 a 2 + b 2 = c 2 (a + b)^2 = 2ab + c^2 \implies a^2 + b^2 = c^2 .

I posted a somewhat similar problem:

Let the diagram above be extended to a regular n g o n n-gon and A j A_{j} , where ( 1 j n ) (1 \leq j \leq n) , be the area of one of the red triangles.

If lim n j = 1 n A j = π ( a 2 + 2 a b 12 b 2 ) \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \sum_{j = 1}^{n} A_{j} = \pi(a^2 + 2ab - 12b^2) find a b \dfrac{a}{b} .

The area of what simple closed curve does j = 1 n A j \sum_{j = 1}^{n} A_{j} converge to?

Link to above problem

Patrick Corn
Jul 13, 2018

The big square is four congruent right triangles plus the red square. Call the sides of those four congruent right triangles a , b , c , a,b,c, with c c the hypotenuse. Then c 2 ( a + b ) 2 = 29 50 , \frac{c^2}{(a+b)^2} = \frac{29}{50}, but c 2 = a 2 + b 2 c^2 = a^2+b^2 by Pythagoras, so a 2 + b 2 ( a + b ) 2 = 29 50 \frac{a^2+b^2}{(a+b)^2} = \frac{29}{50} and subtracting both sides from 1 1 gives 2 a b ( a + b ) 2 = 21 50 . \frac{2ab}{(a+b)^2} = \frac{21}{50}. Now the side length x x of the four yellow squares is half the harmonic mean of a a and b b , x = a b a + b , x = \frac{ab}{a+b}, and the ratio of the areas of the four yellow squares to the big square is 4 ( a b a + b ) 2 ( a + b ) 2 = 4 ( a b ) 2 ( a + b ) 4 . \frac{4\left(\frac{ab}{a+b}\right)^2}{(a+b)^2} = \frac{4(ab)^2}{(a+b)^4}. But this is just the square of the quantity we looked at above. So the answer is ( 21 50 ) 2 = 441 2500 , \left( \frac{21}{50}\right)^2 = \frac{441}{2500}, and the answer is 2941 . \fbox{2941}.

Mehul Gajwani
Jul 22, 2018

Another way to get the dimensions of the grey triangles:

Label the diagram as per David Vreken's solution.

Let the large square be a unit square. The area of the blue square is 29 50 \frac{29}{50} , so the area of the four grey triangles is 21 50 \frac{21}{50} . Thus, by symmetry, the area of the four blue triangles is 21 50 \frac{21}{50} . Thus, the area of the small inner blue square is 8 50 = 4 25 \frac{8}{50}=\frac{4}{25} . Thus its side length is 4 25 = 2 5 \sqrt{\frac{4}{25}}=\frac{2}{5} . Looking at the sum of vertical measures, the length of the inner blue square is 1 2 x 1-2x . Thus 1 2 x = 2 5 x = 3 10 1-2x=\frac{2}{5} \Rightarrow x=\frac{3}{10} . Now y = ( x ) + ( 1 2 x ) = ( 1 x ) = 7 10 y=(x)+(1-2x)=(1-x)=\frac{7}{10} .

From here proceed as per David Vreken's solution to find the side length of the red squares and thus their area.

Edwin Gray
Jul 14, 2018

Let S = side of large square, d = side of red square, t = side of yellow square, x = distance from a corner of large square to closest point where red squae touches large square. Then, d^2 = x^2 + S - x)^2 gives a quadratic in x. Substituting d^2 = (29/50)S62, and solving the quadratic for x, x = 3S/10. The Blue area in one corner = (1/2)(t)(x - t) + (1/2)(t)(S - x - t). Then the total Blue area is (multiplying by 4 and simplifying), 2tS - 4t^2.We have Blue area = 2tS - 4t^2, yellow area = 4t^2, red area = (29/50(S^2, and total area = S^2. Equating the sum of area to S^2, we have 2tS =(21/50)S^2, or t = 21S/100. The ratio of interest is 4t^2/S62, which is 4*441/10000, which reduces to 441/2500, and 441 + 2500 = 2941. Ed Gray

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