Around The 100-dimensional Unit Sphere

Algebra Level 5

S = k = 1 99 x k x k + 1 S=\sum_{k=1}^{99}x_kx_{k+1}

Find the maximum of S S when k = 1 100 x k 2 = 1 \displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{100}x_k^2=1 , where x 1 , , x 100 x_1,\ldots,x_{100} are real numbers. Enter 1 0 5 × S \lfloor 10^5 \times S \rfloor as your answer.

Hint : Consider Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind

Inspiration .

The answer is 99951.

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1 solution

Mark Hennings
Jan 13, 2016

The desired maximum value of S S is half the largest eigenvalue of the symmetric 100 × 100 100 \times 100 matrix B [ 100 ] B[100] , where B [ 100 ] i j = { 1 i j = 1 , 0 otherwise , B[100]_{ij} \; = \; \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 1 & \qquad & |i-j| = 1\;, \\ 0 & \qquad & \mbox{otherwise}\;, \end{array} \right. for 1 i , j 100 1 \le i,j \le 100 .

The vector x ( α ) \mathbf{x}(\alpha) , where x ( α ) j = sin j α , 1 j 100 , \mathbf{x}(\alpha)_j \; = \; \sin j\alpha \;, \qquad \qquad 1 \le j \le 100 \;, satisfies the identity B [ 100 ] x ( α ) = 2 cos α x ( α ) + ( 0 0 0 sin 101 α ) , B[100] \mathbf{x}(\alpha) \; = \; 2\cos\alpha \mathbf{x}(\alpha) + \left(\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \\ -\sin101\alpha\end{array}\right) \;, and hence x ( α ) \mathbf{x}(\alpha) is an eigenvector of B [ 100 ] B[100] , with eigenvalue 2 cos α 2\cos\alpha , provided that x ( α ) 0 \mathbf{x}(\alpha) \neq \mathbf{0} and sin 101 α = 0 \sin101\alpha = 0 .

Thus the eigenvalues of B [ 100 ] B[100] are 2 cos k π 101 2\cos \tfrac{k\pi}{101} for 1 k 100 1 \le k \le 100 , and so the largest eigenvalue of B [ 100 ] B[100] is 2 cos π 101 2\cos\tfrac{\pi}{101} . The answer to the question is thus 1 0 5 cos π 101 = 99951 \lfloor 10^5 \cos\tfrac{\pi}{101} \rfloor \,=\, \boxed{99951} .

If you prefer, we can show that the characteristic polynomial χ B [ 100 ] ( λ ) \chi_{B[100]}(\lambda) of the matrix B [ 100 ] B[100] is U 100 ( 1 2 λ ) U_{100}(\tfrac12\lambda) , where U 100 U_{100} is a Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind. This is because, if B [ m ] B[m] is the analogously-defined m × m m \times m matrix, then elementary determinant calculations give χ B [ m + 1 ] ( λ ) + χ B [ m 1 ] ( λ ) = λ χ B [ m ] ( λ ) \chi_{B[m+1]}(\lambda) + \chi_{B[m-1]}(\lambda) \; = \; \lambda \chi_{B[m]}(\lambda) for m 2 m \ge 2 , while χ B [ 1 ] ( λ ) = λ χ B [ 2 ] ( λ ) = λ 2 1 . \chi_{B[1]}(\lambda) \; = \; \lambda \qquad \qquad \chi_{B[2]}(\lambda) \; =\; \lambda^2 - 1 \;. It is now clear that χ B [ m ] ( 2 λ ) = U m ( λ ) \chi_{B[m]}(2\lambda) \,=\, U_m(\lambda) , as required. Since U m ( cos θ ) = sin ( m + 1 ) θ sin θ , U_m(\cos\theta) \; = \; \frac{\sin(m+1)\theta}{\sin\theta} \;, we deduce that the eigenvalues of B [ 100 ] B[100] are 2 cos k π 100 2\cos\tfrac{k\pi}{100} for 1 k 100 1 \le k \le 100 , as before.

Thank you! It's great that you did it two ways! My personal favourite is the Chebyshev -approach; it's seems round-about to worry about the eigenvectors in this context. If people need some more background on Chebychev polynomials of the second kind, there is a good summary here that explains all we need.

I will post one more of these kinds of problems to see whether anybody else catches on, maybe @Aareyan Manzoor ? In the language of Dynkin graphs, this one was about the simplest case, A n A_n ... let's think about D n D_n next.

A small typo: In the last row it should be 1 k 100 1\leq k \leq 100 .

Otto Bretscher - 5 years, 5 months ago

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