Tens Digit 7

Determine the smallest 3-digit number N N such that the tens digit of N 2 N^2 is 7 7 .

The answer is 124.

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15 solutions

Derek Khu
May 20, 2014

Let N = 100 a + b N = 100a + b , where a a is the hundreds digit. Note that ( 100 a + b ) 2 b 2 ( m o d 100 ) (100a+b)^2 \equiv b^2 \pmod{100} , so the tens term of N 2 N^2 is independent of a a . To minimise N N , we let a = 1 a=1 .

Consider the units digits of b 2 b^2 . Since b 2 0 , 1 or 4 ( m o d 5 ) b^2 \equiv 0, 1 \textrm{ or } 4 \pmod{5} , then the units digit of b 2 b^2 can be 0 , 1 , 4 , 5 , 6 or 9 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 \textrm{ or } 9 . Also, because b 2 0 or 1 ( m o d 4 ) b^2 \equiv 0 \textrm{ or } 1 \pmod{4} and the tens digit of b 2 b^2 is 7 7 , then the units digit of b 2 b^2 can be 2 , 3 , 6 or 7 2, 3, 6 \textrm{ or } 7 (since only 72 , 73 , 76 , 77 0 or 1 ( m o d 4 ) 72, 73, 76, 77 \equiv 0 \textrm{ or } 1 \pmod{4} ). Thus, the units digit of b 2 b^2 is 6 6 . From this, we can work backwards to know that b 1 or 4 ( m o d 5 ) b \equiv 1 \textrm{ or } 4 \pmod{5} and b 0 ( m o d 2 ) b \equiv 0 \pmod{2} . Thus, b 4 or 6 ( m o d 10 ) b \equiv 4 \textrm{ or } 6 \pmod{10} .

Trying out b = 4 , 6 , 14 , 16 and 24 b = 4, 6, 14, 16 \textrm{ and } 24 , we find that b = 24 b=24 is the only value that will make b 2 76 ( m o d 100 ) b^2 \equiv 76 \pmod{100} . So the smallest N N is 124 124 .

Nice solution, more detailed than the intended one.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Ekky Arizaputra
May 20, 2014

Let N = a b c N=\overline{abc} be a 3 digit number.Then N 2 ( 100 a + 10 b + c ) 2 ( 10 b + c ) 2 c 2 ( m o d 20 ) N^2\equiv(100a+10b+c)^2\equiv(10b+c)^2\equiv c^2\pmod{20} .Since it have 7 7 ,an odd number, as it's tens digit,then c 2 r ( m o d 20 ) c^2\equiv r\pmod{20} ,where 10 r 19 10\leq r \leq19 .We obtain c { 4 , 6 } c\in\{4,6\} .Using modulo 100, N 2 20 b c + c 2 ( m o d 100 ) N^2\equiv20bc+c^2\pmod{100} .Putting c = 4 c=4 ,we have 80 b + 16 ( m o d 100 ) 80b+16\pmod{100} .Then 80 b 80b have 6 6 as its tens digit,which the smallest b b that satisfy this is 2.So for case c = 4 c=4 ,the smallest is 124(since we can choose a a randomly).The latter case have 126 as the smallest number.Hence 124 is the smallest possible value of N N

correct and nice solution

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Edwin Ma
May 20, 2014

Let N = 100 a + 10 b + c N=100a+10b+c where a , b , c a,b,c are integers and 1 a 9 , 0 b 9 , 0 c 9 1\leq a \leq 9, 0\leq b \leq 9, 0\leq c \leq 9 . Then N 2 = 10000 a 2 + 100 b 2 + c 2 + 2 ( 1000 a b + 10 b c + 100 a c ) N^2=10000a^2+100b^2+c^2+2(1000ab+10bc+100ac) . Now let's focus on the tens digit of N 2 N^2 . The terms that determine the tens digit of N 2 N^2 are 20 b c 20bc and c 2 c^2 . Since we want the tens digit of N 2 N^2 to be odd and the tens digit of 20 b c 20bc is even, the tens digit of c 2 c^2 must be odd. This means that the only possible values of c c are 4 4 and 6 6 .

Case 1 1 : Let c = 6 c=6 . We have 20 b c + c 2 = 120 b + 36 20bc+c^2=120b+36 The smallest such b b that produces 7 7 in the tens place is 2 2 . Hence N = 126 N=126 .

Case 2 2 : Let c = 4 c=4 . We have 20 b c + c 2 = 80 b + 16 20bc+c^2=80b+16 The smallest such b b that produces 7 7 in the tens place is 2 2 . Hence N = 124 N=124 .

Since 124 < 126 124 < 126 the smallest N N such that the tens digit of N 2 N^2 is 7 7 is 124.

All correct solutions used the fact that the last tow digits of a square of a number only depend on the last two digits of the number. Beyond that, many different methods were proposed. The most common tools were inequalities and the parity of the tens digit.

There was one fairly common mistake (besides using a computer, which cannot be accepted as a valid solution). If one does not produce the whole list of two-digit numbers with the tens digit of the square being 7, then one has to justify that 24 is the smallest possible. In particular, 4 being the smallest possible is just a coincidence. And 20bc+c^2 being the smallest possible will also not guarantee that the original number is the smallest possible.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Daren Khu
May 20, 2014

Let N = a b c N = \overline{abc} . Let y = b c y = \overline{bc} . Then N 2 = ( 100 a + y ) 2 = 10000 a 2 + 200 a y + y 2 N^2 = (100a+y)^2 = 10000a^2 + 200ay + y^2 . This shows that the tens digit of N N is independent of a a , so to get the smallest N N , a a must be 1 1 .

We're now reduced to finding the smallest non-negative integer Y Y such that the tens digit of Y 2 Y^2 is 7 7 . Note that 8 2 < 70 < 79 < 9 2 8^2 < 70 < 79 < 9^2 , 1 3 2 < 170 < 179 < 1 4 2 13^2 < 170 < 179 < 14^2 , 1 6 2 < 270 < 279 < 1 7 2 16^2 < 270 < 279 <17^2 , 1 9 2 < 370 < 379 < 2 0 2 19^2 < 370 < 379 < 20^2 , 2 1 2 < 470 < 479 < 2 2 2 21^2 < 470 < 479 < 22^2 . Also note that 2 3 2 = 529 23^2 = 529 and 2 4 2 = 576 24^2 = 576 , so the smallest Y Y is 24 24 .

Hence we have the smallest N N as 124 124 .

possibly feature

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Lab Bhattacharjee
May 20, 2014


So, the value of x does not matter and $$x_{min}=1$$

$$\text{Note that, the tens digit of } N^2 \text{ will be odd} \iff \text{ the tens digit of }z^2\text{ is odd }$$

So, z must be 4 or 6

If $$z=4, N^2\equiv (8y+1)10+6 \pmod{100}\implies 8y+1\equiv7\pmod{10}\implies y=2,7\text{ as } 0\le y\le9$$

If $$z=6, N^2\equiv (12y+3)10+6 \pmod{100}\implies 12y+3\equiv7\pmod{10}\implies y=2,7 \text{ as } 0\le y\le9$$

So, $$N_{min}=100\cdot1+10\cdot2+4$$

Allen Liu
May 20, 2014

Notice that the tens digit of the square of a number a b c \overline{abc} is the same as that of the number b c \overline{bc} ,

Using this principle, we can simplify this problem to finding a two-digit number whose square has a 7 as its tens digit.

since 8 2 = 64 , 9 2 = 81 8^2=64, 9^2=81

1 3 2 = 169 , 1 4 2 = 196 13^2=169, 14^2=196

1 6 2 = 256 , 1 7 2 = 289 16^2=256, 17^2=289

1 9 2 = 361 , 2 0 2 = 400 19^2=361, 20^2=400

2 1 2 = 441 , 2 2 2 = 484 21^2=441, 22^2=484

this leads us to 2 4 2 = 576 24^2=576 which has a 7 as its tens digit

taking the smallest possible hundreds digit 1, 124 is confirmed to be the final answer.

probably feature. Similar in spirit to the darenkhu solution, but this user is much younger.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Siddharth Prasad
May 20, 2014

Let N = 100 a + 10 b + c N=100a+10b+c . Then, $$N^2=10000a^2+2000ab+200ac+100b^2+20bc+c^2.$$ We want to work with the expression 20 b c + c 2 20bc+c^2 since this is what determines the tens digit of N 2 N^2 . To minimize N N , let a = 1 a=1 . Now we can proceed by casework.

Case 1: b = 1 b=1 We need to find c c such that c 2 + 20 c c^2+20c has a tens digit of 7 7 . We can empirically see that no c { 1 , 2 , , 9 } c\in\{1,2,\ldots,9\} satisfies this, so b 1. b\neq 1.

Case 2: b = 2 b=2 We need to find c c such that c 2 + 40 c c^2+40c . The minimal c c that satisfies this is given by c = 4 c=4 , so that c 2 + 40 c = 176 c^2+40c=176 . Thus, a = 1 , b = 2 , c = 4 a=1, b=2, c=4 , so N = 124 \boxed{N=124} .

possibly feature

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Mursalin Habib
May 20, 2014

We can show that the hundreds digit of N N [its leftmost digit] can not influence the tens digit of N 2 N^2 in any way.

Let N = 100 a + 10 b + c N=100a+10b+c for some integers a , b a, b and c c [ 1 a 9 , 0 b 9 1\leq a\leq 9, 0\leq b\leq 9 and 0 c 9 0\leq c\leq 9 ].

So, N 2 = ( 100 a + 10 b + c ) 2 N^2=(100a+10b+c)^2 = 10000 a 2 + 100 b 2 + c 2 + 2000 a b + 20 b c + 200 c a =10000a^2+100b^2+c^2+2000ab+20bc+200ca .

We can see that the terms that have a a in them have at least 3 3 zeros on their right end. So they won't contribute to the tens digit in any way. That means whatever a a is, it doesn't affect the tens digit. Since we're looking for the smallest value of N N , we want the lowest possible value of a a which is 1 1 .

Again we see that the only part that could affect the tens digit of N 2 N^2 is c 2 + 20 b c c^2+20bc . So, c 2 + 20 b c c^2+20bc has to have 7 7 as its tens digit for N 2 N^2 to have 7 7 as its tens digit. We can immediately see that c 0 c\neq 0 .

Another possibility that we can rule out is b = 0 b=0 . Because then, the tens digit will completely depend on c 2 c^2 . And there is no c c [ 1 c 9 1\leq c\leq 9 ]such that c 2 c^2 has 7 7 as its tens digit.

Whatever, b b or c c may be 20 b c 20bc would always have an even number at its tens digit and zero as its units digit. This is because 20 b c 20bc is always a multiple of 20 20 and can be written as 2 k × 10 2k\times 10 where k k is an integer.

If c c was 1 , 2 1, 2 or 3 3 , c 2 c^2 wouldn't affect the tens digit because then c 2 c^2 would be less than 10 10 . Then the tens digit will entirely depend on 20 b c 20bc . We've seen in the previous paragraph that 20 b c 20bc will always have an even number as its tens digit. So, in this case [ c < 4 c<4 ], N 2 N^2 won't have 7 7 as its tens digit.

So, c 4 c\geq 4 .

Another thing that we understand from here is that the tens digit of c 2 c^2 has to be odd since the tens digit of 20 b c 20bc is even. As we want 7 7 , an odd number, as the tens digit of N 2 N^2 , we need a number with odd-tens-digit to add with the even tens digit of 20 b c 20bc to get it.

This narrows c c down to 4 4 and 6 6 [ 4 2 4^2 has 1 1 as its tens digit and 6 2 6^2 has 3 3 as its tens digit. No other c c where 4 c 9 4\leq c\leq 9 has an odd tens digit.]

Now we're going to test these two values of c c . If c = 4 c=4 , we need the the tens digit of 20 b c = 80 b 20bc=80b to be 6 6 so that we can add it with the tens digit of c 2 = 4 2 c^2=4^2 [which is 1 1 ] to get 7 7 . This gives us two values of b b : 2 2 and 7 7 .

And if c = 6 c=6 , we need the tens digit of 20 b c = 120 b 20bc=120b to be 4 4 so that we can add it with the tens digit of c 2 = 6 2 c^2=6^2 [which is 3 3 ] to get 7 7 . This again gives us two values of b b : 2 2 and 7 7 .

So, for smallest N N , a = 1 , b = 2 a=1, b=2 and c = 4 c=4 .

And N = 124 N=124 .

possibly feature

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Anshul Agarwal
May 20, 2014

The question says that the last 2 digits must be
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79.
(But using the properties of squares) The last digit can't be 2, 3, 7 and 8.

So, 72, 73, 77 and 78 are REJECTED.

Unit digit of any number --------- Last 2 digits of square

1 --------- (even)1
2 --------- (even)4
3 --------- (even)9
4 --------- (odd)6
5 --------- 25
6 --------- (odd)6
7 --------- (even)9
8 --------- (even)4
9 --------- (even)1
0 --------- 00

This table gives the information of last 2 digits of square of ANY number. So, using this table we REJECT the last 2 digits of the square which are 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 79 (as 7 is odd).

Therefore, the last 2 digits of N 2 N^2 should be 76.

Observation-1:We observe that the last 2 digits of a b \overline{ab} [2 digit number] and 1 a b \overline{ab} [3 digit number] are equal.

So, if we find the smallest 2 digit number having last 2 digits as 76, we can easily find the 3 digit number N N .

Observation-2: we find that the 2 digit number is 24.
Hence, the number N N is 124 [ Observation-1 ]

"So, if we find the smallest 2 digit number having last 2 digits as 76, " there is a bit of confusion between the number and its square

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Bùi Kiên
May 20, 2014

We only care about the tens digit of N 2 N^2 , since N N needs to be as small as possible, the hundreds digit of N must be 1 1 . N N can be expressed as N = 1 a b N = \overline{1ab} . Then we have:

N 2 = ( 100 + 10 a + b ) 2 N^2 = (100+10a+b)^2 = 10000 + 100 a 2 + b 2 + 2000 a + 20 a b + 200 b = 10000+100a^2+b^2+2000a+20ab+200b

Let P = b 2 + 20 a b P = b^2 + 20ab . The tens digit of P P is also 7 7 , so value of P must satisfy one of these conditions:

( 1 ) 70 P < 80 ( 2 ) 170 P < 180 ( 3 ) 270 P < 280 e t c . (1) 70 \le P < 80 \\ (2) 170 \le P < 180 \\ (3) 270 \le P < 280 \\ etc.

In the first case, with any value of b b from 0 to 9, it doesn't exit integer value of a a . In the second case, if b = 4 b = 4 , then a = 2 a = 2 . Hence, the answer is 124 124 .

It is not obvious that the smallest P corresponds to the smallest \overline{ab}. So the argument is incomplete.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Noah Fang
May 20, 2014

An attractive argument, but with a serious flaw: Minimizing Z is not guaranteed to minimize the number. Possibly feature as incorrect.

Dhia Clarissa
May 20, 2014

If you square a 3-digit number, the last two digits are always the same as the square of the 2-digit number itself.

Given an example : 12 x 12 = 144 and 112 x 112 = 12544

Back to the question, a 2-digit number which has 7 as its tens digit is 24, as 24 x 24 = 576.

So the smallest 3-digit number which has the same last two digits is 124 as 124 x 124 = 15376

"Back to the question, a 2-digit number which has 7 as its tens digit is 24, as 24 x 24 = 576." This is the smallest number, but not the only one. Some details are missing too.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Harry Setiawan
May 20, 2014

the last two digits of N ^ 2 the same as the last two digits of the square of the last two digits N. so digit ratusannya not influence example: 214 ^ 2 = 45796 14 ^ 2 = 196 the same last two digits equal 96 so, just look for the square two digit 7 digit puluhannya ketemunya 24 ^ 2 = 576 124 ^ 2 = 15376 N = 124

I can only guess what ratusannya and puluhannya ketemunya mean. Anyway, very few details are provided.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Calvin Lin Staff
May 13, 2014

Consider the quadratic residues modulo 100 100 . The only instance when 7 7 appears in the tens digit is when x 2 76 ( m o d 100 ) x^2 \equiv 76 \pmod{100} . Hence, this tells us that the last digit of N N must be either 4 4 or 6 6 . Since ( x + 100 ) 2 x 2 ( m o d 100 ) (x+100)^2 \equiv x^2 \pmod{100} , the hundreds digit of N N is 1 1 , and we only need to check the 2-digit numbers.

For the 2-digit numbers, checking 4 4 , 6 6 , 14 14 , 16 16 , 24 24 , we see that 2 4 2 = 576 24^2 = 576 is the smallest integer that satisfies the condition. Thus, N = 124 N=124 .

Si Yu How
May 20, 2014

Just try from 100 onward and output the first valid solution. Note that the first digit of N N does not affect the tens digit of N 2 N^2 so we just need to square the last two digits when checking.

"output the first valid solution" Clearly a computer was used.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago

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