The Special

x x is a positive integer such that the sum of its digits times 5 equals itself.

What is x ? x?

For example, 32 does not qualify because ( 3 + 2 ) × 5 = 25 32. (3+2)\times 5 = 25 \neq 32.

Bonus: Prove that there is only one possible value for x . x.

The answer is 45.

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26 solutions

Arjen Vreugdenhil
Nov 26, 2017

Call the digits from right to left a , b , c , { 0 , 1 , , 9 } a,b,c,\cdots \in \{0,1,\dots,9\} . We have 5 ( a + b + c + d + ) = a + 10 b + 100 c + 1000 d + . 5(a + b + c + d + \cdots) = a + 10b + 100c + 1000d + \cdots. 4 a = 5 b + 95 c + 995 d + 4a = 5b + 95c + 995d + \cdots If any of c , d , c,d,\dots were non-zero, 4 a 4a should be at least 95, which is impossible. Therefore the solution must have two digits at most. 4 a = 5 b 4a = 5b The only non-zero solution satisfying the constraints on a a and b b is a = 5 , b = 4 : 5 ( 5 + 4 ) = 5 + 40 = 45 . a = 5,\ b = 4:\ \ \ \ \ \ 5(5 + 4) = 5 + 40 = \boxed{45}.

Brute force approach:

function find_X_0(){
  let results = [];
  for ( let a = 1; a <= 9; a +=1 ){
    for ( let b = 0; b <= 9; b +=1 ){
      let x = a * 10 + b;
      let digits_Sum = a + b;
      let digits_Sum_5 = digits_Sum * 5;
      results.push( [ x, digits_Sum_5 ] );
      if( digits_Sum_5 == x ){
        console.log( "digits_Sum_5:", digits_Sum_5, "== x:", x );
        return x;
  console.log( v => "[" + v.join(",") + "]" ) );
  return -1;
function find_X(){
  let results = [];
  //let x = 1;
  for ( let x = 1; x <= 999; x +=1 ){
    let digits_Str = "" + x;
    let digits_Total = digits_Str.length;
    let digits_Sum = 0;
    for ( let d_i = 0; d_i < digits_Total; d_i +=1 ){
      let digit = +digits_Str[ d_i ];  
      digits_Sum += digit;    
    let digits_Sum_5 = digits_Sum * 5;
    results.push( [ x, digits_Sum_5 ] );
    if( digits_Sum_5 == x ){
      console.log( v => "[" + v.join(",") + "]" ) );
      console.log( "digits_Sum_5:", digits_Sum_5, "== x:", x );
      return x;
  console.log( v => "[" + v.join(",") + "]" ) );
  return -1;

Alexander Glukhovtsev - 3 years, 6 months ago

You just look at all numbers divisible by 5.

Stago Wood - 3 years, 6 months ago

Good work Arjen!

piyush upadhyay - 3 years, 4 months ago
Vilakshan Gupta
Nov 14, 2017
  1. Clearly, for a single digit, this property doesn't exist.

2.Checking for a 2 2 digit number a b \overline{ab} , we get ( a + b ) × 5 = 10 a + b = 5 a + 5 b (a+b)\times 5 = 10a+b=5a+5b a b = 4 5 \implies \frac{a}{b} =\frac45 . Clearly, it is only possible if number is 45 45 .

3.Checking for a 3 3 digit number a b c \overline{abc} , we get ( a + b + c ) × 5 = 100 a + 10 b + c 4 c = 95 a + 5 b (a+b+c)\times 5=100a+10b+c \implies 4c=95a+5b . Now, for a = 1 a=1 and b = 0 b=0 (the minimum case) \color{#3D99F6} \text{(the minimum case)} c c is not an integer and even if a = b = 1 a=b=1 , c c has to be equal to 25 25 , but its not possible since c c is a single digit. Therefore, a 3 3 digit number also doesn't holds this property.

And now for subsequent values of a , b , c a,b,c ,we will not get any single digit number because they will become larger and larger. Therefore, no positive number other than 45 45 exhibits this property.

You're smart.... I just guessed....

A Former Brilliant Member - 3 years, 6 months ago

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There are many of these types of problems, but once you realize how to convert 'digits' to algebra, they become much simpler. The key is representing a number like ABC as 100A + 10B + C. Then the next time you come across something like this, you will be able to annihilate it.

Alex Li - 3 years, 6 months ago

Why is it 10a+ b

Cool MusicStereo - 3 years, 6 months ago

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Any 2 2 digit number a b \overline{ab} is of the form 10 a + b 10a+b .

Vilakshan Gupta - 3 years, 6 months ago
Kent Tyrer
Nov 27, 2017

(4+5)(5) = 45

(3+2)(5) does not equal 30.

Don't you mean (3+2)(5) desn't equal 32?

David Weisberg - 3 years, 6 months ago

If I take your example of 3+2 5=25 not equal to 32. Then Ur answer of 45 is not correct because 4+5 9=81 not equal to 45.

Yasin Shah - 3 years, 6 months ago

(2+3)x5=25 ?

Marcel Bingham - 3 years, 6 months ago

is it possible to downvote?

Luis Albino - 3 years, 6 months ago
Md Mehedi Hasan
Nov 26, 2017

Let x = a b x=\overline{ab}

Then we can write, x = a b = 10 a + b x=\overline{ab}=10a+b

From the question we can write, 5 × ( a + b ) = x = 10 a + b 5 a + 5 b = 10 a + b 5 a = 4 b a = 4 b 5 5\times(a+b)=x=10a+b\\5a+5b=10a+b\\5a=4b\\a=\frac{4b}{5}

Here a a would be a integer if 4 b 5 \frac{4b}{5} is a intiger and then we can say for a a being integer b b must be divisible by 5 5

Hence b b can be = 0 , 5 , 10 , 15 , . . . =0,5,10,15,...

If b = 0 b=0 then a a comes 0 0 . It’s not possible. \color{#D61F06}{\text{It's not possible.}}

Again b = 5 b=5 then a a comes 4 4 It’s possible. \color{#20A900}{\text{It's possible.}}

Again b 10 , 15.... b\neq10,15.... because b b is a single digit.

So, we can get only one answer, which is x = 45 x=\boxed{45}

Why x=10a+b ?

Elizeu Vailant - 3 years, 6 months ago

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I want to give you a example to clear it.

Let a number is 58 58 , if it is a b \overline{ab} then a = 5 , b = 8 a=5 ,b=8

then 58 = 50 + 8 = 5 × 10 + 8 = 10 a + b 58=50+8=5\times10+8=10a+b

Md Mehedi Hasan - 3 years, 6 months ago

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You seem to assume that x is a 2-digit number.

t Byhn - 3 years, 6 months ago

Can you understand? If not, you can tell me.

Md Mehedi Hasan - 3 years, 6 months ago
Cod Smack
Nov 28, 2017






The only single digit positive whole number Y that fits this equation with a result that is also a single digit positive number is Y=5 making X=4.

Alex Dumbadze
Nov 30, 2017

Oh it is simple we can represent 2 numbers of x as a_b. a+b*5 = x a+b = x/5 thus meaning x is dividable by 5 and has 2 numbers in it so x can be {10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45...} I mean i just solved it like 1+0 = 10/5 => 1=2 only answer I got to was 45 :D and that was only one working... I mean I am not genius so...

Tyson Cowles
Nov 30, 2017

How is zero not a solution?

Zero is not a positive integer

t Byhn - 3 years, 6 months ago

wouldn't 1 work as well?

Aaron Zhang - 3 years, 4 months ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Nov 28 18:27:20 2017

@author: Michael Fitzgerald
for i in range(10,1000):
    digits = [int(x) for x in str(i)]
    ans = sum(digits)*5
    if ans == i:
        print i


if one multiplies by 3 instead of 5, answer is 27
multiply by 4, answers are 12, 24, 26, 48
multiply by 6, answer is 54
multiply by 7, answers are 21, 42, 63, 84
multiply by 8, answer is 72
multiply by 9, answer is 81
multiply by 11, answer is 198

Michael Fitzgerald - 3 years, 6 months ago
Valentin Petkov
Dec 3, 2017

5(x+y)=10x+y 5x=4y

Jonathan Spirit
Dec 3, 2017

I can prove this by elimination.

Step 1: All digits of a number are positive integers and therefore must add up to a positive integer. Any number that is not a multiple of five, if divided by five, will not return a positive integer; therefore, the number must be divisible by five.

Step 2: Three-digit numbers are out. The highest sum of digits any three-digit number divisible by five can have is 23; 23 * 5 is 115. Any number between 100 and 195 is also out because 1 + 9 + 5, the maximum, = 15 * 5 = 75 which is less than 100.

Step 3: By this same logic, each further order of magnitude is out, because the maximum sum of digits * 5 increases by 45 each order of magnitude, while the actual number you need increases by, well, orders of magnitude.

Step 4: Odd multiples of five whose digits add to an even number are out because even numbers * 5 end in 0. Even multiples of five whose digits add to an odd number are out because odd numbers * 5 end in 5. (Proof: an odd * an odd is an odd; an even times an odd is an even; multiples of five can only end in one odd number or one even number; therefore, an even multiple of five always ends in 0 and an odd multiple of five always ends in five.)

Step 5: Test the remaining cases. The digits of 20, 40, 60, and 80 all multiply to half of their source. 5, 25, 45, 65, and 85 remain; 5, 25, 65, and 85 do not resolve properly; 45 is the only answer.

Chase Marangu
Dec 1, 2017

Hello, I am new to this. What I did was I used a formula I made up, d i g i t ( n , i , b a s e ) = n ÷ b a s e i m o d b a s e digit(n, i, base)=\lfloor{}n÷base^{i}\rfloor{} \bmod{} base where n is the number, i is the index, and base is the base. I summed up the digits then all the digits from index 0 to index 20 (because I figured beyond that was unnecessary and I was too lazy to type log b a s e x + 1 \lfloor{}\log_{base}{x}\rfloor{}+1 the formula to sum up the digits of x was i = 0 20 d i g i t ( x , i , b a s e ) \sum\limits_{i=0}^{20} digit(x, i, base)

I checked it on a graphing calculator. 45 looked right. I did the math. It was right. I am not sure I could prove this is the only solution with my method, though.

Btw assume we all have 10 fingers and count in base-10.

That is my first time using LaTeX \LaTeX{}

chase marangu - 3 years, 6 months ago

Another way is y = ( f l o o r ( x 10 ) + x m o d 10 ) 5 y=\left(floor\left(\frac{x}{10}\right)+x mod 10\right)⋅5 compare it to a graph of y = x y=x where they intersect and it's a positive integer there's your solution

chase marangu - 3 years, 2 months ago
Chin Kee Haw
Nov 30, 2017

The multiples of 9 satiefies the property that adding all the digits then multiplied by a constant equals itself. This is always true because the rule of divisibility of 9 tells us that any multiple of 9, when added all of its digits, and if you have two or more digits, repeat, you always get 9. In this question, the constant is 5. Therefore, 9*5=45, which is the only answer.

Emil Westin
Nov 30, 2017

I solved it like this:

10 a + 1 b = 5 ( a + b ) 10 \cdot a + 1 \cdot b = 5(a+b)

10 a + b = 5 a + 5 b 10a + b = 5a+5b

Subtract -5a and -b both sides

5 a = 4 b 5a = 4b

We see that b > a and we need to find a and b such that there is an equality

We need to try for different numbers, lets try with b.

if b = 1 then a is a fraction -> not valid because we need an integer

b=2 then a is a fraction -> not valid because we need an integer

b=3 then a is a fraction -> not valid because we need an integer

b=4 then a is a fraction -> not valid because we need an integer

b=5 then a is 5a=20, --> a=4 NOW WE HAVE AN INTEGER

Test: a = 4 , b = 5 a=4, b=5

10 4 + 5 = 5 ( 4 + 5 ) 10 \cdot 4 + 5 = 5(4+5)

45 = 5 9 45 = 5 \cdot 9

45 = 45 45 = 45


Nov 30, 2017

Let unit digit is p, Tens digit is q,

Then No. is (10q+p), Acc. to Question. (q+p)5= 10q+p, 4p = 5q, q = 4p/5,

Since p & q both are positive integer so when q =4, then p=5, So, number is 40+5=45

Michael Light
Nov 28, 2017

(x+y) * 5 = 10x + y will eventually give 4/5y = x from there I guessed

There are actually two solutions. The second one is zero. Sum of digits of 0: 0. 0x5=0.

0 is not a positive integer.

Jason Dyer Staff - 3 years, 6 months ago
Terry Smith
Nov 28, 2017

Shame! The name of the problem gives the solution away!

The expansion of our number N N in base 10 10 is a sum of the form a 0 + a 1 10 + a 2 1 0 2 + . . . + a n 1 1 0 n 1 a_{0} + a_{1}*10 + a_{2}*10^2 + ... + a_{n-1}*10^{n-1} ; this is a number that has n n digits.

Since all digits of the form a i a_{i} can be at most equal to 9 9 , the sum of all digits i = 0 n 1 a i \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_{i} must be less than or equal to 9 n 9n .Thus, i = 0 n 1 a i 9 n \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_{i} \leq 9n , and therefore 5 i = 0 n 1 a i 5 9 n = 45 n 5\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_{i} \leq 5*9n = 45n , from which we can conclude that N 45 n N \leq 45n .

If we take the logarithm base 10 on both sides, we get l o g ( N ) l o g ( 45 n ) = l o g ( 45 ) + l o g ( n ) log(N) \leq log(45n) = log(45) + log(n) . Since N N has n n digits, n 1 l o g ( N ) n n - 1 \leq log(N) \leq n , and thus l o g ( N ) = n 1 \lfloor log(N) \rfloor = n - 1 ; what this means is that given l o g ( N ) l o g ( 45 ) + l o g ( n ) \lfloor log(N) \rfloor \leq \lfloor log(45) + log(n) \rfloor , we have that n 1 l o g ( 45 ) + l o g ( n ) n - 1 \leq \lfloor log(45) + log(n) \rfloor

If we plug in values for n n , we see that for any value n 3 n \geq 3 , the quantity n 1 n - 1 surpasses l o g ( 45 ) + l o g ( n ) \lfloor log(45) + log(n) \rfloor , and thus our number N N can have at most 2 digits.

If n n is a single digit number, n n is equal to a 0 a_{0} , and we'd have a 0 = 5 a 0 a_{0} = 5*a_{0} and in turn a 0 = 0 a_{0} = 0 , which would make N = 0 N = 0 and this is not a valid solution.

If n n has two digits, n = a 0 + a 1 10 n = a_{0} + a_{1}*10 , and then a 0 + 10 a 1 = 5 ( a 0 + a 1 ) a_{0} + 10*a_{1} = 5(a_{0} + a_{1}) ; this gives us 4 a 0 = 5 a 1 4a_{0} = 5a_{1} , and since both are numbers between 0 0 and 9 9 (inclusive, except a 0 a_{0} cannot be 0 0 if a 1 a_{1} is also 0 0 ), the only numbers that satisfy all conditions are a 0 = 5 a_{0} = 5 and a_[1} = 4 , which in turn means that N = 45 N = 45 , which is the solution sought.

There is only one because we can see how if the number increase the value of the answer with the number x is at a greater difference and the same for a lo were number... That can be explained with a graph and a parabòlic line

Chandan Gupta
Nov 27, 2017

sum of digital is multimplied by 5.surely last digit of required no =0/5 so (a+b)×5=10a+b $a÷b=4÷5 $(ab)=(45)

Kaijin Mujitsu
Nov 27, 2017

The answer must satisfy these:

  1. The number must be 2-digits so it can have a sum of its digits.

  2. The number must have a factor of five. (Because we have to times five later on, to have a chance of being the same, the number has to have a factor of five.)

Then we can start calculating: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45....

The answer is 45 because (4+5)x5=9x5=45

Harry Hung
Nov 27, 2017

a = tenth digit

b = oneth digit

(a + b) x 5 = 10a + b

5a + 5b = 10a + b

4b = 5a

if a = 4 and b = 5

substitute in 20 = 20 is correct

anwser is 45

André Freitas
Nov 27, 2017

One solution would be writing multiples of 5, adding their digits an then multiplying them by 5. Something like this:

05 = ( 0 + 5 ) = 5 5 = 25 05 = (0+5) = 5 * 5 = 25

10 = ( 1 + 0 ) = 1 5 = 5 10 = (1+0) = 1 * 5 = 5

15 = ( 1 + 5 ) = 6 5 = 30 15 = (1+5) = 6 * 5 = 30

20 = ( 2 + 0 ) = 2 5 = 10 20 = (2+0) = 2 * 5 = 10

25 = ( 2 + 5 ) = 7 5 = 35 25 = (2+5) = 7 * 5 = 35

30 = ( 3 + 0 ) = 3 5 = 15 30 = (3+0) = 3 * 5 = 15

35 = ( 3 + 5 ) = 8 5 = 40 35 = (3+5) = 8 * 5 = 40

40 = ( 4 + 0 ) = 4 5 = 20 40 = (4+0) = 4 * 5 = 20

45 = ( 4 + 5 ) = 9 5 = 45 45 = (4+5) = 9 * 5 = 45

50 = ( 5 + 0 ) = 5 5 = 25 50 = (5+0) = 5 * 5 = 25

. .

. .

. .

Bauet Stevenson
Nov 27, 2017

X=xy (x+y)×5=x X+y=x/5 Y=x/5-x Y=-4x/5 5y=4x use only absolute values since the number is xy then the number is 45. (4+5)×5=9×5=45

  • Let's begin assuming that x x is an n n -digit positive integer.

  • Then, x = 1 0 n 1 a n 1 + 1 0 n 2 a n 2 + + 1 0 3 a 3 + 1 0 2 a 2 + 10 a 1 + a 0 x = 10^{n-1}a_{n-1}+ 10^{n-2}a_{n-2}+ \ldots \ldots \ldots + 10^3a_3+10^2a_2+10a_1+a_0 .

  • And sum of digits of x = a 0 + a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + + a n 1 x = a_0+a_1+a_2+a_3+ \ldots \ldots \ldots + a_{n-1} .

  • The problem statement demands x x must satisfy the following equality.

1 0 n 1 a n 1 + 1 0 n 2 a n 2 + + 1 0 3 a 3 + 1 0 2 a 2 + 10 a 1 + a 0 = 5 × ( a 0 + a 1 + a 2 + a 3 + + a n 1 ) 10^{n-1}a_{n-1}+ 10^{n-2}a_{n-2}+ \ldots \ldots \ldots + 10^3a_3+10^2a_2+10a_1+a_0 = 5 \times (a_0+a_1+a_2+a_3+ \ldots \ldots \ldots + a_{n-1})

( 1 0 n 1 5 ) a n 1 + ( 1 0 n 2 5 ) a n 2 + + ( 1 0 3 5 ) a 3 + ( 1 0 2 5 ) a 2 + ( 10 5 ) a 1 = 4 a 0 ( 1 ) \Leftrightarrow (10^{n-1}-5)a_{n-1}+ (10^{n-2}-5)a_{n-2}+ \ldots \ldots \ldots + (10^3-5)a_3+(10^2-5)a_2+(10-5)a_1 = 4a_0 \ldots \ldots \ldots (1)

  • Now, we notice, under the restriction that n 3 n\geq 3 , the minimum value of the left side expression of ( 1 ) (1) occurs when a n 1 = a n 2 = = a 4 = a 3 = 0 a_{n-1}=a_{n-2}=\ldots \ldots \ldots = a_4=a_3=0 , a 2 = 1 a_2=1 and a 1 = 0 a_1=0 , which is 95 95 . On the other hand, under the very same restriction, the maximum value of the right side expression of ( 1 ) (1) occurs when a 0 = 9 a_0=9 , which is 36 36 . As for n 3 n\geq 3 , the minimum value of the left side expression of ( 1 ) (1) exceeds even the maximum value of the right side expression of ( 1 ) (1) , no positive integer x x with n 3 n\geq 3 can satisfy ( 1 ) (1) .

  • So, x x is, at most, a 2 2 -digit positive integer, with x = 10 a 1 + a 0 x= 10a_1+a_0 .

  • We have, from ( 1 ) (1) , 5 a 1 = 4 a 0 ( 2 ) 5a_1 = 4a_0 \ldots \ldots \ldots (2) .

  • Now, we see, x x cannot be a single-digit number; because x x is a single-digit number a 1 = 0 a 0 = 0 x = 0 \implies a_1 = 0 \implies a_0 = 0 \implies x = 0 , which contradicts the fact that x x is a positive integer.

  • So, x x is a 2 2 -digit positive integer; and none of a 1 a_1 and a 0 a_0 equals 0 0 .

  • In accordance with ( 2 ) (2) , 4 a 1 4 | a_1 and 5 a 0 5 | a_0 . So, the set of candidates for a 1 a_1 is { 4 , 8 } \{4,8\} and for a 0 a_0 is { 5 } \{5\} . We are left with two candidates for x x , namely 45 45 and 85 85 .

  • It's easy to see 85 85 doesn't qualify, but 45 \boxed{45} does. And uniqueness of 45 45 is proved too.

Raghav Rat'z
Nov 27, 2017

10x+y=5(x+y) ---- equation 1 5x=4y 5x/4=y Since we need y to be integer, x must be a multiple of 4. But, 4 itself is a multiple of 4. Therefore,for x=4, y=5*4/4=5. By substituting in equation 1, that x=4 and y=5, The number is 45. It is the only such number because on plugging x=8,12,16,...(the next multiples of 4), y becomes 10 which is not allowed because only the numbers 0 to 9 are allowed to take place of y as according to the base 10 number system.

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