The First Digit

Level pending

A positive number x x is picked at random. What is the probability of that the first non-zero digit of x x is 1.

Eg: First non-zero digit of 783.2 is 7, and is it 3 in case of 0.00362

The answer is 0.301.

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1 solution

Any positive number can be rewritten as x = y × 1 0 n x=y \times 10^n , where y y is a real number with 1 y < 10 1 \leq y < 10 and n n is an integer.

Thus, l o g 10 ( x ) = n + log 10 y log_{10}(x) = n+\log_{10}y

The probability of first digit of x x being 1 = The probability of first digit of x x being 1 = probability of log 10 ( 1 ) log 10 ( y ) < log 10 2 \log_{10}(1) \leq \log_{10}(y) < \log_{10}2

The required probability is thus p = log 10 2 l o g 10 ( 1 ) = 0.301 p=\log_{10}{2}-log_{10}(1)=\boxed{0.301}

This counter-intuitive property is confirmed by the Benford's Law

I find this strange. Surely there are just as many numbers beginning with 1 as there are beginning with any other non-zero digit.

Samir Betmouni - 3 years, 5 months ago

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