Here is how to make the ideal mathematical cannoli:
What is the volume of the filling in the cannoli?
Note: Top, front, and side views of the cannoli are shown. Since the excess filling has been scraped away, no filling is visible in the side view. Bon appétit!
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which one is the angle θ?
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The angle subtended by that red arc on the smaller circle. Here as shown in the graphic, it's approximately 230 degrees, just to make sure you understand.
How do I integrate the final equation from x=-1 to x=1? What are the integration techniques applied here because it seems undo-able to me?
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Regard the origin as (0,0), the former formal is the area of unit length in x. So you will get the answer if you integrate it.
Unfortunately, a lot of integrals don't have explicit expressions, so numerical means have to be used. Use Wolfram Alpha to help get you the approximate answers.
I just now tried it, and it works, giving the approximate answer of 0.533802
Had the same problem derived the same integral, except that I applied a half angle theorem to get it down to - 2sin(theta) (that matched the formula for circle segment area at Wikipedia that I looked up afterward). I did not see a formal integration that I knew (noticing that the argument of sin() is a multiple of the the reciprocal of the derivative of arcsin didn't do anything for me) so I wrote some VBA in Excel developer (for convenience) to perform the numerical integration. Matched the given answer with rounding somewhere around resolution 500 sub-intervals and all the digits by 1000. I am planning to clutter up the thread later with a step by step with images that give more detail for essentially the same solution.
I think there is a problem in the last formula. The “-”should be “+”.
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The sign "-" is correct, so that for θ larger than 180 degrees, the triangtle area is added, not subtracted. That's why I said "pay attention to sign!"
the area of the triangle = 2 ( r sin( (2pi-theta)/2 ) * r cos( (2pi-theta)/2 ) )/2 = r^2 sin( theta/2 ) * ( -cos( theta/2 ) )
Many cannoli, just one cannolo (as in cornetto!)
I don't know how to add my own solution here. So I submitted it here: "". And it seems to be not correct but I don't see where.
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The way you've approached this is the same as the way I've done this, both of our integrals are exactly the same. If you had done a numerical integration of your integral, you'd have come up with 0.5338... as an approximation.
The other guy made a mistake in evaluating your integral, putting in an "x" where a "r" should have one, so he came up with an exact answer. But it's wrong. The exact answer is
2 π π − J 1 ( 2 π ) ≈ 0 . 5 3 3 8 …
where J 1 ( x ) is the Bessel function of the 1st kind. See below in Brian Moehring's solution for comment about this.
How did you get theta?
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If you took the red section of the dough and wrapped it around a cylinder of radius π 1 , the angle it subtends is θ .
Let's say that the length of the red section is 2 , the maximum. The circumference of a circle with radius π 1 is 2. Then θ would be 2 π , which is what you get if x = 0 .
A real cannoli is slightly different: the circle (the unit circle here) is rolled up in such a way that the tips overlap, maybe 20% or more, in order to have a more cylinder like shape and be more easy to fill. Hence the radius is a bit less than 1/pi depending on the overlap. Calculations can still be done though. Buon appetit the same! :-).
The edge of the cannoli can be given by the parametric equations ⎩ ⎨ ⎧ l x = cos t y = π 1 sin ( π sin t ) z = − π 1 cos ( π sin t ) over 0 ≤ t ≤ 2 π .
Since the cannoli is symmetric over both the planes x = 0 and y = 0 , we can consider the total volume as simply 4 times the volume such that x , y ≥ 0 .
Now just note that for any given value of z , the cross section of the cannoli (over x , y ≥ 0 ) is a rectangle with area x y . Putting all this into an integral, we find the volume of the cannoli is
4 ∫ \substack x , y ≥ 0 − 1 / π ≤ z ≤ 1 / π x y d z = 4 ∫ 0 π / 2 x ( t ) y ( t ) z ′ ( t ) d t = 4 ∫ 0 π / 2 π 1 cos 2 t sin 2 ( π sin t ) d t = π 4 ∫ 0 1 1 − u 2 sin 2 ( π u ) d u ≈ 0 . 5 3 3 8 0 1 7 2 9 4 8 8
I don't know if anyone else shares my excitement about that last integral, but it's interesting to note that this integral relates the answer to the first few Fourier coefficients of the circle, which are given in terms of the Bessel function of the first kind. In other words, it is incredibly unlikely (as a couple others have already suggested) that an elementary expression exists for this answer. Rather, the exact answer would be in terms of the Bessel function (at 2 π , I think)
2 π π − J 1 ( 2 π ) ≈ 0 . 5 3 3 8 … Just practicing LaTex on my phone
I didn't look at your entry closely enough before posting. My method is like yours but by a slightly different route. Wolfram gave me a solution in terms of a Bessel function - exactly as shown by Alex Simkin.
I've been trying to come up with a less computational proof using the divergence theorem (Gauss's Law). For example, fill the cannoli with uniform charge and then compute the charge (volume) with the flux of the electric field, E. Note that E = grad V, and Laplacian(V) = 0 describes the potential outside the cannoli. I think there might be a clever way to do this because the answer is simple involving a Bessel function, which is a solution of Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates. Any ideas?
Since the unit circle is wrapped about a cylinder, we can use cylindrical coordinates to find the volume. The volume is given by
V = ∫ t = 0 2 π ∫ r = 0 a f ( t , r ) r d r d t
where a = π 1 .
Now we have to find the function f .
From the attached figure, we can deduce the following relations:
f = 2 sin s
cos s = a t ′
a cos t ′ = r cos t
Combining these relations, we obtain
f ( t , r ) = 2 sin ( cos − 1 ( a cos − 1 ( r cos ( t ) / a ) ) )
And the volume integral becomes
V = ∫ t = 0 2 π ∫ r = 0 a 2 sin ( cos − 1 ( a cos − 1 ( r cos ( t ) / a ) ) ) r d r d t
Integrating numerically, we obtain, V ≈ 0 . 5 3 3 8
Terrific 3D graphics, Hajiir
I was trying to find an analytic solution and concluded that using partial circular cross sections was not going to work (see Michael Mendrin for that method). So I integrated using rectangles whose length is 2x and width 2w. Here
. Integration was along
. Here
. The volume element is
. I changed variable to
and went to Wolfram for help with the integral. I have attached an image of the Wolfram results. Wolfram did find a recognizable function (Bessel).
oh my god i guess it with random banging to the keyboard. can someone calculate the probability of this situation? :D
As there are infinite numbers. Therefore, the probability of you arriving to the right answer is 1/ infinite~0...
Okay!!! That's weird..
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I think accepts the answers in a (small) range of values. Also, you would probably only guess till 3 digits ... So there is, indeed some finite non-zero probability of that happening
The area of the full cylinder is 2 pi (1/pi)^2, which is approximately 0.637 units^3. The cannoli is about 85% of that volume, which gives me an approximation of 0.541 units^3.
I did numerical integration too. Is there any analytic solution?
I highly doubt it.
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Given an unit circle as shown, let x be the distance from the center to red vertical line.
The length of this red vertical line is 2 1 − x 2 .
When wrapped on a cylinder of radius r = π 1 , this red line subtends an angle
θ = 2 π 1 − x 2
so that the total cross section area is (pay attention to sign!)
2 1 θ r 2 − r 2 S i n ( 2 1 θ ) C o s ( 2 1 θ )
We integrate this from x = − 1 to x = 1 and get the numerical approximation of 0 . 5 3 3 8 . . .