The Right Brothers

Geometry Level 3

A B C ABC is an isosceles triangle with A B = A C AB = AC and B C = 60 BC = 60 . D D is a point on B C BC such that the perpendicular distances from D D to A B AB and A C AC are 16 16 and 32 32 , respectively. What is the length of A B AB ?

The answer is 50.

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12 solutions

Mateus Gonçalves
May 20, 2014

Using that the perpendicular from D in AB give us the point E and the perpendicular from D in AC give us the point F, we can use the fact that the angle between AB and BC are equal to the angle between AC and BC (Isosceles Triangle) and we will call it ∂. Then, since we know that BD+DC=60, we can discover BD and DC using that sen(∂)=FD/DC=ED/DB.

As were told, 16=ED and 32=FD. So 32 DB=16 DC, or simple 2*DB=DC. Then we know that DB=20 and DC=40.

Knowing that we use that cos(∂)=FC/DC=(BC/2)/AC=BC/(2*AC) To discover FC we use Pitagora's theorem, using DC=40 and FD=32 we discover that FCˆ2=40ˆ2-32ˆ2 or FC=24

Then, cos(∂)=5/3 and 2 AC 3=BC*5 and BC=60. Then AC=50. And since AC=AB, AB=50.

can you tell me why negative sign product negative sign equal positive

Mohamed Attia - 5 years, 8 months ago
Joseph Gomes
May 20, 2014

A B C = A D B + A D C \triangle ABC=\triangle ADB+\triangle ADC a 4 b 2 a 2 4 = 1 2 16 c + 1 2 32 b \frac{a\,\sqrt{4\,{b}^{2}-{a}^{2}}}{4}=\frac {1}{2}16\,c+\frac {1}{2}32\,b a 4 b 2 a 2 4 = 1 2 16 b + 1 2 32 b \frac{a\,\sqrt{4\,{b}^{2}-{a}^{2}}}{4}=\frac {1}{2}16\,b+\frac {1}{2}32\,b a 4 b 2 a 2 4 = 24 b \frac{a\,\sqrt{4\,{b}^{2}-{a}^{2}}}{4}=24\,b 60 4 b 2 60 2 4 = 24 b \frac{60\,\sqrt{4\,{b}^{2}-{60}^{2}}}{4}=24\,b 5 4 b 2 3600 = 8 b 5\,\sqrt{4\,{b}^{2}-3600}=8\,b 4 b 2 3600 = 1.6 b \sqrt{4\,{b}^{2}-3600}=1.6\,b 4 b 2 3600 = 2.56 b 2 4\,{b}^{2}-3600=2.56\,{b}^{2} 1.44 b 2 = 3600 1.44\,{b}^{2}=3600 b 2 = 2500 {b}^{2}=2500 b = 50 b=50

What is the formula that you used in the second line of your solution?

Ahmad Khamis - 4 years, 8 months ago
William Wang
May 20, 2014

Call the intersection of the perpendiculars and A B AB and A C AC E E and F F , respectively. Since angles B and C are congruent and triangles B E D BED and C F D CFD are right triangles, they are similar. Then B D BD and D C DC split B C BC into a 1:2 ratio, so B D = 20 BD=20 and D C = 40 DC=40 . Applying the Pythagoream Theorem to (BED) and C F D CFD gives us 12 12 and 24 24 , respectively.

Now draw A D AD . This gives us 2 more right trangles A D E ADE and A D F ADF . Since they share the same hypotenuse, we know that the sum of the squares of their sides are equal; let A E = a AE=a and A F = b AF=b .

a 2 + 1 6 2 = b 2 + 3 2 2 a^2+16^2=b^2+32^2

a 2 = 768 + b 2 a^2=768+b^2

Since A B = A C AB=AC , we also have

a + 12 = b + 24 a+12=b+24 .

a 12 = b a-12=b

Solving the system of two equation by substituting this into a 2 = 768 + b 2 a^2=768+b^2 gives us a = 38 a=38 , so A B = 12 + a = 50 AB=12+a=\boxed{50} .

Kwesi Levy
May 20, 2014

As with any geometry problem, we must draw what we have: A B C \bigtriangleup ABC with A B = A C AB=AC , point A A as the vertex, and B C = 60 BC=60 .

Then, we must assign variables to the triangle. We know that A B = A C AB=AC , so let us assign a variable z z to that side length. Moreover, we know that D D is 16 16 units and 32 32 units away, respectively, from A B AB and A C AC perpendicularly meaning that it meets the edges, respectively, at B B' and C C' at right angles, allowing us to make right triangles.

Now we have two right triangles that share portions of B C BC has hypotenuses: (1) the one with hypotenuse B D BD , a leg B D B'D of length 16 16 , and a leg B B B'B of length we shall call x x and (2) the one with a hypotenuse C D CD , a leg C D C'D of length 32 32 , and a leg C C C'C of length we shall call y y .

In addition to the above right triangles, we have two more who share A D AD as a hypotenuse: (1) A B D AB'D and (2) A C D AC'D . We can see that A B = z x AB'=z-x and B D = 16 B'D=16 , and that A C = z y AC'=z-y and C D = 32 C'D=32 .

Back to the first pair of right triangles. A trained geometer's eye will note that D B B DBB' and D C C DCC' are similar triangles by Angle-Angle-Angle (AAA) Similarity. B B D = C C D \angle B'BD = \angle C'CD because of the fact that A B = A C AB=AC . Moreover, A B D = A C D = 9 0 \angle AB'D = \angle AC'D = 90 ^ \circ because of the fact that they are right angles formed by perpendicular intersections. Still, B D B = C D C \angle B'DB = \angle C'DC because the other two angles have already been proven equal. Thus, D B B D C C \bigtriangleup DBB' \simeq \bigtriangleup DCC' .

Because they are similar, it follows that B D C D = B D D C B D C D = B D 60 B D \frac {B'D}{C'D} = \frac {BD}{DC} \Rightarrow \frac {B'D}{C'D} = \frac {BD}{60-BD} \Rightarrow 16 32 = 1 2 = B D 60 B D 60 B D = 2 B D B D = 20 \frac {16}{32} = \frac{1}{2} = \frac {BD}{60-BD} \Rightarrow 60-BD=2BD \Rightarrow BD=20 and C D = 60 20 = 40 CD=60-20=40 .

We can now solve for x x and y y by using Pythagorean Theorem. 1 6 2 + x 2 = 2 0 2 256 + x 2 = 400 x 2 = 144 x = 12 16^2+x^2=20^2 \Rightarrow 256+x^2=400 \Rightarrow x^2=144 \Rightarrow x=12 . 3 2 2 + y 2 = 4 0 2 1024 + y 2 = 1600 y 2 = 576 y = 24 32^2+y^2=40^2 \Rightarrow 1024+y^2=1600 \Rightarrow y^2=576 \Rightarrow y=24 (or you could have just multiplied x x by 2 2 because of similarity scaling.)

Finally, in order to solve for z z , we must "solve" for A D AD . We can do this by using Pythagorean Theorem again. ( z 12 ) 2 + 1 6 2 = ( z 24 ) 2 + 3 2 2 (z-12)^2+16^2=(z-24)^2+32^2 \Rightarrow z 2 24 z + 144 + 256 = z 2 48 z + 576 + 1024 z^2-24z+144+256=z^2-48z+576+1024 \Rightarrow z 2 24 z + 400 = z 2 48 z + 1600 z^2-24z+400=z^2-48z+1600 \Rightarrow 24 z + 400 = 48 z + 1600 z = 50 = A B -24z+400=-48z+1600 \Rightarrow z=50=AB .

K w e s i L . \star Kwesi L.

There are numerous ways of approaching this problem, due to the right angles involved.

A more direct way using trigonometric functions (which essentially encapsulates the similar triangles argument given) is to realize that cos A B C = B E B D = 30 A B \cos \angle ABC = \frac {BE}{BD} = \frac {30}{AB} , hence A B = 20 × 30 12 = 50 AB = \frac {20 \times 30}{ 12} = 50 .

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago

Lets assume --

  1. The perpendicular from D meets AB At Q and AC at P .

2.AP = x .and CP = y . 3.AQ= a and BQ=b .

4.BD= l and CD = m.

Therefore , x+y = a+b .......... (1)

l+m = 60 ...........(2)

16^2 + b^2 = l^2 ..(3)

32^2 + y^2 = m^2 ...(4)

Now , let us Look at triangles ,DQP and DCP .....

We conlcude that ,

\angle DQB = \angle DPC = 90 ^ \circ

In triangle ABC , AB= AC ...therefore , opp angles to equal sides are equal ...

Therefore . \angle QBD = \angle PCD

By Angle Sum property of a triangle , We say that \angle QDB = \angle PDC .

Therefore by AAA similarity , triangle DAB is similar to triangle DPC .

but , PD = 2QD ...

We can conclude that triangle DAB = twice triangle DPC .

y = 2b .... (5)

m =2l ...... (6)

Now , On BC ,

l + 2l = 60

therefore , l =20 ! ..... (7)

So ...

32^2 + (2b)^2 = (2l^2)

1024 + 4b^2 = 4l^2

256 + b^2 = l^2

from (7) , b^2 = 400 - 256

b = 12 ...... (8)

now , CP = 2QB ... From AAA similarity , ..... (9)

In quadrilateral AQDP , Let us name AD as r ....

a^2 + 16^2 = r^2

x^2 + 32^2 =r^2

therefore , Equating Above ones , we get ...

a^2 + 16^2 = x^2 + 32^2

a^2 - x^2 = 32^2 - 16^2

(a+x ) (a-x ) = 768 ...

a+x = 64 .... (10)


x+24 = a+12

12 = a - x

64 = a + x

76 = 2a

a = 38 ! ... (11)

From (10 )

a + x =64

38 + x = 64

x= 26 ...... (12)

                           So ... In AC , x + 24 = AC 

                                  AC = 24 + 26 = 50 ...

Since AC = AB .....

AB = 50 !!!

Cheng Sun
Aug 19, 2013

Let the intersections of the perpendiculars from D D to A B AB and A C AC be E E and F F respectively. Then, D E B \triangle DEB is similar to D F C \triangle DFC with scale ratio 1 : 2 1:2 , so B D = 20 BD=20 and D C = 40 DC=40 . Then, by Pythagoras B E = 12 BE=12 and C F = 24 CF=24 . Let E A = x EA=x . Then by Pythagoras D A = x 2 + 16 2 DA=\sqrt{x^2+{16}^2} and F A = x 2 768 FA=\sqrt{x^2-768} , so 12 + x = 24 + x 2 768 12+x=24+\sqrt{x^2-768} . Solving this gives a single solution x = 38 x=38 , so A B = 12 + x = 50 AB=12+x=50 .

Moderator note:

Good approach noticing the similar right triangles.

Are there other similar triangles that we can use? Can we solve this problem without resorting to ugly algebra?

You can drop a perpendicular from A to BC, intersecting at G, then triangle ABG and BDE are similar. This helps you to avoid unnecessary algebra I guess :)

Yuchen Liu - 7 years, 9 months ago

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Good! Can you write out the rest of the details, to make it clear what you mean?

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 9 months ago

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Using Pythagoras on B D E \triangle BDE , B E = 12 BE=12 . As A B C \triangle ABC is isoceles, the point G G bisects the line B C BC , so B G = 30 BG=30 . Using the similarity, B D B E = A B B G = 20 12 \frac{BD}{BE}=\frac{AB}{BG}=\frac{20}{12} , hence A B = 30 20 12 = 50 AB=30\cdot\frac{20}{12}=50

Cheng Sun - 7 years, 9 months ago

We can use the "law of cosines" to obtain the side AB. it is easier i suppose

Utkarsh Mehra - 7 years, 9 months ago

My solution yields the side using just the sine rule and simple algebra. No constructions required

Dhruv Sharma - 7 years, 9 months ago
Louis Cahyadi
May 20, 2014

let AB = x ,and the altitude of triangle from A=t we know that area of triangle ABC = area of triangle ABD + area of triangle ACD

(60×t)/2=(x ×16)/2+(x × 32)/2 and 30t = 24 x

       t=4/5 x

we also know that x^2 = t^2 + (60/2)^2 x^2 = 16/25 (x^2) + 900 9/25 ( x^2)= 900 x^2 =2500 x=50

Dhruv Sharma
Aug 25, 2013

Let B D = x , D C = 60 x BD = x, DC = 60-x Call B = C = θ \angle B = \angle C = \theta . We equate the sines of the two angles to give us E B = 12 , F C = 24 EB = 12, FC = 24

Next \( \angle A = \pi - \theta) and using the sine rule we get

\( \frac{sin(\pi - \theta)}{BC} = \frac{sin(\theta)}{AC} \)

A C = 30 c o s ( θ ) \Rightarrow AC = \frac{30}{cos(\theta)} where c o s ( θ ) = 12 20 cos(\theta) = \frac{12}{20}

A C = 50 = A B \Rightarrow AC = 50 = AB

Assume the length of AB is t . Then AB = AC = t Area of triangle ABD = \frac {1}{2} .16 t = 8 t Area of triangle ACD = \frac {1}{2}.32 t = 16 t If we sum the area of both triangle ABD and ACD , we'll get area of triangle ABC , that is 24 t .

Look at triangle ABC . Let's draw an altitude line from A to line BC . We get the length of the altitude from phytagorean theorem, that is \sqrt{ AB ^2 - 30^2} = \sqrt{ t ^2 - 900}

Then we also get area of triangle ABC , \frac {1}{2} . 60 . \sqrt{ t ^2 - 900} = 30 t . \sqrt{ t ^2 - 900}

from the above, 24 t = 30 t . \sqrt{ t ^2 - 900}

Then, we'll get t = 50

So, the length of AB is 50.

2nd equation had an extra t in it.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Gaurav Garg
May 20, 2014

Let DM is perpendicular to AB and DN to AC. Clearly, Triangle BDM ~ CDN (all angles are equal). => BD:DC = MD:DN => BD = 20 => Angle B = 57 degrees

Apply cosine formula in triangle ABC at angle B.

Angle B is not 57 degrees.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
John cyril Claur
Aug 23, 2013

It is given that triangle ABC is isosceles with AB=AC, Thus, <B and <C are equal, Let <B=<C=X(in degrees) and <A=180-2X

Also,D is a point on BC, where BC=60 let CD=y and BD=60-y

sinX=32/y=16/(60-y) solving for y, we get y=40 Thus, sinx=4/5

Using cosine law, BC^2=AB^2+AC^2-2 AB AC*cos(180-2X) 3600=2AB^2+2(AB^2)(cos2X) 3600=2AB^2(1+1-2sin^2 x) 3600=2AB^2(2-2(16/25)) 3600=(36/25)AB^2 AB=50

Karthik Kn
Aug 19, 2013

If <BAC = x => <ACB=<CBA= 90-(x/2) ; => <EDC=<FDB=x/2 ; (E and F are points at which perpendicular from D meets AC and AB respectively) ; =>cos(x/2)=16/BD=32/CD ; =>BD=2CD ; =>BD=20, CD=40 (BD+CD = BC = 60) ; =>Cos(x/2)=4/5 => Cos(x/2)=3/5 ; Also, if we draw a perpendicular from A to BC it would meet at the midpoint G of BC ; Hence, sin(x/2) = BG/AB (BG=BC/2=30) ; => AB=BG/sin(x/2)=30/(3/5)=50 ;

I believe you mean sin(x/2)=3/5 (instead of cos) on the second line :)

Cheng Sun - 7 years, 9 months ago

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Yes. Sorry abt that. And thank you :)

Karthik KN - 7 years, 9 months ago

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