Thermal contact

Two identical bodies with different temperatures T 1 = 2 T 2 T_1 = 2T_2 are brought into thermal contact, so that their temperatures are equalized and assume a final temperature T m T_m . As a result of the temperature compensation, the entropy S = S 1 + S 2 S = S_1 + S_2 of the overall system increases. What is the value of the entropy change of whole system, if this is given in units of the total heat capacity C = C 1 + C 2 C = C_1 + C_2 ?

Details and Assumptions:

  • T T is an absolute temperature measured in units of Kelvin.
  • The heat capacities of both systems are the same: C 1 = C 2 C_1 = C_2 .
  • No heat is released to the environment.

The answer is 0.05889.

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2 solutions

Laszlo Mihaly
Sep 27, 2017

The entropy of a system with constant (temperature independent) heat capacity is S = c ln ( T ) + c o n s t S=c \ln(T) + const . (The constant term is not important here, but it is related to the fact the the heat capacity cannot be independent of the temperature, because according the the third law at T 0 T \rightarrow 0 , S 0 S \rightarrow 0 .) The entropy change is Δ S = c ln ( T f / T i ) \Delta S=c \ln(T_f/T_i) , where T f T_f is the final temperature and T i T_i is the initial temperature.

According to the notations in the problem, c = C / 2 c=C/2 . The common temperature will be T f = ( 3 / 2 ) T T_f=(3/2) T . The entropy change of the first body is Δ S 1 = ( C / 2 ) ln 3 / 2 T T = ( C / 2 ) ( 0.4055 ) \Delta S_1=(C/2) \ln \frac{3/2 T}{T} =(C/2) (0.4055) . Similarly, for the second body Δ S 2 = ( C / 2 ) ln 3 / 2 T T = ( C / 2 ) ( 0.2877 ) \Delta S_2=(C/2) \ln \frac{3/2 T}{T} =-(C/2) (0.2877) . The total change is Δ S = Δ S 1 + Δ S 2 = C ( 0.1178 / 2 ) = C ( 0.05589 ) \Delta S= \Delta S_1+ \Delta S_2=C (0.1178/2)=C (0.05589)

Markus Michelmann
Sep 26, 2017

The final temperature T m T_m results form energy conservation Δ Q 1 = C 1 ( T m T 1 ) = ! Δ Q 2 = C 2 ( T m T 2 ) T m = C 1 T 1 + C 2 T 2 C 1 + C 2 = T 1 + T 2 2 \begin{aligned} \Delta Q_1 = C_1 (T_m - T_1) &\stackrel{!}{=} -\Delta Q_2 = -C_2 (T_m - T_2) \\ \Rightarrow \quad T_m &= \frac{C_1 T_1 + C_2 T_2}{C_1 + C_2} = \frac{T_1 + T_2}{2} \end{aligned} The entropy change is caused by a heat flow d Q i = C i d T i dQ_i = C_i dT_i , i = 1 , 2 i = 1,2 , so that d S i = d Q i T i = C i T i d T i Δ S i = T i T m C i T i d T i = C i ln T m T i Δ S = Δ S 1 + Δ S 2 = C 1 ln T m T 1 + C 2 ln T m T 2 = C 2 ln T m 2 T 1 T 2 = C ln T m T 1 T 2 = C ln 3 2 2 = 0.05889 C \begin{aligned} dS_i &= \frac{dQ_i}{T_i} = \frac{C_i}{T_i} dT_i \\ \Rightarrow \quad \Delta S_i &= \int_{T_i}^{T_m} \frac{C_i}{T_i} dT_i = C_i \ln \frac{T_m}{T_i} \\ \Rightarrow \quad \Delta S &= \Delta S_1 + \Delta S_2 = C_1 \ln \frac{T_m}{T_1} + C_2 \ln \frac{T_m}{T_2} = \frac{C}{2} \ln \frac{T_m^2}{T_1 T_2} = C \ln \frac{T_m}{\sqrt{T_1 T_2}} \\ &= C \ln \frac{3}{2 \sqrt{2}} = 0.05889 \cdot C \end{aligned}

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