These numbers look perfect

144 , 324 , 400 , 784 , 1936 144, 324, 400, 784, 1936

The above shows some integers such that all of them have exactly 15 positive divisors. I can't seem to find any number that has exactly 15 positive divisors whose last 2 digits is also 15.

Is it true to conclude that there is no positive integer with exactly 15 positive divisors whose last 2 digits is also 15?

No, there are finitely many such numbers Yes, that's correct No, there are infinitely many such numbers

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2 solutions

Zee Ell
Jan 9, 2018

It is easy to see that any natural number (in the decimal system) with the last two digits of 15 is divisible by 5, but not divisible by 25.

Hence, in it's prime factorisation, 5 will have the power of 1. Therefore, the number of its divisors will have a factor of (1 + 1) = 2.

This means, that any natural number ending in 15 has an even number of divisors, so none of them can have exactly 15 (odd number) divisors.

Stephen Mellor
Jan 9, 2018

Only square numbers have an odd number of factors, so for a number to have 15 15 positive divisors, it must be the square of an integer. As shown below, the last digit of the square root of a number which satisfies must also end in 5 5 .

Last digit of n n Last digit of n 2 n^2
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 6
5 5
6 6
7 9
8 4
9 1

Now the last k k digits of a number r r are the only digits that affect the last k k digits of r 2 r^2 . Therefore, to end in 15 15 , we need to consider the last 2 2 digits of the square root.

Let a number n n have the last digits ' a 5 a5 '. When we write this in decimal form, and square it we get, ( 10 a + 5 ) 2 = 100 a 2 + 100 a + 25 (10a + 5)^2 = 100a^2 + 100a + 25

The first two terms of this result are multiples of 100 100 , so won't affect the last two digits of n 2 n^2 . Therefore, we are left with the constant term of 25 25 which means that the square of all integers which end in 5 5 , ends in 25 25 . Hence, there are no positive integer with 15 15 positive divisors which ends in 15 15 .

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