Think Smart

The sum of digits of a s e v e n seven digit number is 59 59

Find the probability that this number is divisible by 11 11 .

Mayank challenges Akul that he can't do that without invoking the principle of counting. Akul accepts the challenge and to Mayank's surprise, solves it without counting.

Can you figure out how Akul had solved.

If the answer is in the form a b \frac{a}{b} . Find a + b a + b where a a and b b don't have a common factor.

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2 solutions

Sanchit Aggarwal
Sep 10, 2015

I solved it by the simple and obvious, Principle of counting ;) :D

Let us first find all the 7 digit numbers, the sum of whose digits is 59.

After doing some reasoning, you'll be able to figure out that the least number of * '9's * possible for such a combination is 3 .

As 59=9+9+9+8+8+8+8 . ( Try removing one 9 and replacing it with any other digit. It's not possible. )

For this particular combination- total permutations= 7! / (3!*4!) = 35

similarly, 59=9+9+9+9+8+8+7 . total permutations= 7! / (2!*4!) = 105

59=9+9+9+9+9+8+6 . --> 7! / 5! = 42

59=9+9+9+9+9+7+7 --> 7! / (5!*2!) =21

and lastly, 59=9+9+9+9+9+9+5 --> 7

No other combination of digits is possible. So, the total number of numbers whose sum of digits is 59 is 35+105+42+21+7 = 210

Now we will find those numbers out of these which are divisible by 11.

consider a 7 digit number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It will be divisible by 11 only if the difference between the sum of odd place digits and sum of even place digits is divisible by 11 . (According to the divisibility rule taught at elementary level)

Here, there will be 4 odd place digits i.e. 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th digit whereas 3 even place digits.

Let the sum of odd place digits be A and that of even place digits be B . Now, A+B=59 (obvious)

and A-B (or B-A) =0, 11, 22, 33 etc. (Since difference has to be divisible by 11)

Also, values greater than 22 can be discarded for A-B ( Think it over. Can it ever be possible? ).

Now, we are left with A-B=0 or 11 or 22

But if A-B=0 or 22 , THEN using A+B=59 results in non integral values of A and B which is clearly not possible.

Thus A-B ( or B-A , as we do not as of yet, know which is greater ) can only be equal to 11 .

this gives, A=35 and B=24

But since A is the sum of 3 digits it cannot be greater than 9+9+9=27 (think it over). Thus , A=24 and B=35

Now, let us reason out the number of combinations possible for A=24

It is not very tough to see that -->

CASE 1: 24=8+8+8.

For this combination only one combination out of the total 5 ( given at the top ) for the sum to be 59 , is possible.

That is, 59=9+9+9+8+8+8+8

Hence, the number must be of the form _ 8 _ 8 _ 8 _ , where the remaining digits are to be filled with 9,9,9 & 8

Since, the 4th 8 can fill any of the FOUR blanks, total number of permutations= 4

CASE 2: 24=9+9+6

For this combination, the possible combination of 7 digits is, 59=9+9+9+9+9+8+6 ( Referring to the pre-determined 5 combinations )

The number must be of the form _ 9 _ 9 _ 6 _

OR _ 9 _ 6 _ 9 _

OR _ 6 _ 9 _ 9 _

Thus, the digit 6 can fill any one of the 3 blanks ,while the digit 8 can fill any one of the remaining 4 blanks . Each instance will be a different permutation . (We have not included the '9's in our calculation as they are all same and will fill the remaining 5 places, not affecting the no. of permutations.)

So, total permutations for this case= 4 * 3 = 12

CASE 3: 24= 9+8+7

The possible combination of 7 digits for this one is 59 = 9+9+9+8+8+7

Again, As we have proceeded for the above TWO , the number must be something like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with 8 & 7 occupying two of the 3 odd places , the rest FOUR occupied by 9,9,9,8

Thus, 8 & 7 can occupy any two of the three odd places while the remaining digit 8 can fill any one of the 4 places.

So, total number of permutations= (3!*2!) * 4 = 24

Since, NO other case is possible , we add the total number of permutations which are divisible by 11 . --> 4+12+24 = 40

Finally, the probability that the 7 digit number whose sum of digits is divisible by 11 will be

(Permutations divisible by 11) / (Total number of permutations) = 40 210 = 4 21 = \frac {40}{210} = \frac {4}{21} Hence, answer = 4 + 21 = 25 = 4 + 21 = \boxed{25}

Well instead of doing something this long, you could've used the Integral equations method for the sum of odd place variables to be 29 29 , 24 24 , 19 19 , 15 15 , 11 11 , 7 7 , 3 3 and then find out the total probability from ( 64 58 ) { 64 \choose 58}

Kunal Verma - 5 years, 8 months ago
Nicola Mignoni
Aug 11, 2019

Let it be n = d 1 d 2 . . . d 7 n=d_1 d_2...d_7 the digits representation of the number. We know that

i = 1 7 d i = 59 , d 1 1 , d i 9 , i [ 2 , 9 ] \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{7} d_i=59, \ d_1 \geq 1, \ d_i \leq 9, i \in [2,9] .

In order to be divisible by 11 11 , we need that

d 1 + d 3 + d 5 + d 7 ( d 2 + d 4 + d 6 ) 0 m o d 11 \displaystyle d_1+d_3+d_5+d_7-(d_2+d_4+d_6) \equiv 0 \mod{11} .

Let's call a = d 1 + d 3 + d 5 + d 7 a=d_1+d_3+d_5+d_7 and b = d 2 + d 4 + d 6 b=d_2+d_4+d_6 . So, we have that

{ a + b = 59 a b = 11 k , k N \begin{cases} a+b=59 \\ a-b=11k, \ k \in \mathbb{N} \end{cases}

{ a = 59 + 11 k 2 b = 59 11 k 2 \begin{cases} \displaystyle a=\frac{59+11k}{2} \\[7pt] \displaystyle b=\frac{59-11k}{2} \end{cases}

Since 1 a 36 1 \leq a \leq 36 and 0 b 27 0 \leq b \leq 27 , than

{ 5 k 1 1 k 5 k = 1 { a = 35 b = 24 \begin{cases} -5 \leq k \leq 1 \\ 1 \leq k \leq 5 \end{cases} \ \Longrightarrow \ k=1 \ \Longrightarrow \ \begin{cases} a=35 \\ b=24 \end{cases} .

The number of 7 7 -digits numbers such that their sum is 59 59 is equal to the number of solutions S T |S_T| of

S T = i = 1 7 d i = 59 , d i 9 , i [ 1 , 7 ] \displaystyle S_T=\sum_{i=1}^{7} d_i=59, \ d_i \leq 9, \ i \in [1,7] ,

while the ones that also satisfy n 0 m o d 11 n \equiv 0 \mod{11} are S 1 S 2 |S_1||S_2| , where S k |S_k| , k = [ 1 , 2 ] k=[1,2] are the number of solution of

S 1 = i = 0 3 d 2 i + 1 = 35 and S 2 = i = 1 3 d 2 i = 24 \displaystyle S_1=\sum_{i=0}^{3} d_{2i+1} = 35 \ \text{and} \ S_2=\sum_{i=1}^{3} d_{2i} = 24 .

In order to find S h |S_h| , h = { T , 1 , 2 } h=\{T,1,2\} we use a classical star and bars argument:

S T = i = 1 7 d i = 59 , d i 9 y i = 9 d i 0 i = 1 7 y i = 9 7 59 = 4 \displaystyle S_T=\sum_{i=1}^{7} d_i=59, \ d_i \leq 9 \\ y_i=9-d_i \geq 0 \\ \sum_{i=1}^{7} y_i=9 \cdot 7 - 59=4


S T = ( 4 + 7 1 7 1 ) = ( 10 7 ) = 210 \displaystyle |S_T|=\binom{4+7-1}{7-1}=\binom{10}{7}=210

With the same process we get S 1 = ( 1 + 4 1 4 1 ) = ( 4 3 ) = 4 \displaystyle |S_1|=\binom{1+4-1}{4-1}=\binom{4}{3}=4 and S 2 = ( 3 + 3 1 3 1 ) = ( 5 2 ) = 10 \displaystyle |S_2|=\binom{3+3-1}{3-1}=\binom{5}{2}=10 . Eventually, our probability is

P ( n 0 m o d 11 i = 1 7 d i = 59 ) = S 1 S 2 S T = 4 21 4 + 21 = 25 \displaystyle \mathbb{P}\bigg(n \equiv 0 \mod{11} \bigg| \sum_{i=1}^{7} d_i=59\bigg)=\frac{|S_1||S_2|}{|S_T|}=\frac{4}{21} \\ 4+21=\boxed{25}

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