Find the largest number of rooks that can be placed in a 3 0 0 0 × 3 0 0 0 chessboard in such a way that each rook is threatened by no more than one rook.
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My proof that 4 n is the largest number of rooks that can be placed in a 3 n × 3 n chessboard.
Divide the rooks into three types. And let there be a rooks that attack no other rook, b rooks that attack other rooks horizontally, and c rooks that attack other rooks vertically.
In any good arrangement the a rooks of the first type will cover a rows and a columns, b rooks of the second type occupy c columns and 2 c rows. Summing them, the number of occupied rows and columns is 2 a + 2 3 b + 2 3 c .
Note that there exists 6 n rows and columns. So 6 n ≥ 2 a + 2 3 b + 2 3 c ≥ 2 3 ( a + b + c )
This leads to a + b + c ≤ 4 n , as desired.
We can make this configuration of rooks just by putting 4 rooks in 3x3 grid and then putting 1000 of them on a diagonal of the square.
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A great problem! Here is my solution:
Every rook must be paired with another one, and only one, which attack each other. This is because if there is a rook unpaired (not attacking) then we are wasting a space for another rook.
Now notice that each of these pairs eliminates three 'lines' of squares; either two horizontal and one vertical or vice versa; in which no more rooks can be placed. So every two rooks corresponds to three lines.
There are 6 0 0 0 lines on the chessboard, hence the maximum should be 4 0 0 0 . However this is only a necessary condition so we must show that it can be done. If we try spiralling pairs of rooks (see image) then this gives 4 0 0 0 rooks as required, hence the answer is indeed 4 0 0 0 .