Torpedoes Sinking A Ship

Suppose that each torpedo has a 1/3 probability of sinking a ship, 1/3 probability of damaging it and 1/3 of missing it altogether. Moreover, 2 damaging shots will also sink the ship. The probability that firing four torpedoes will sink the ship can be expressed as a b \frac{a}{b} , where a a and b b are coprime, positive integers. Calculate a + b a+b .

Note: All that we care about is that the ship is sunk at the end of the 4 shots. The first shot could already have sunk the ship.

161 85 87 157

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5 solutions

Dennis Gulko
Feb 19, 2014

This problem can be viewd as writing words of length 4 4 consisting only of the letters s , d , m s,d,m (for sink, damage and miss), and we want only the words with either at least one s s or at least two d d . Let's count them:

There are 3 4 3^4 words in total, 1 1 of which contains only m m and 4 4 of which contain exactly 1 1 d d and 3 3 m m 's. So there are 3 4 1 4 = 81 5 = 76 3^4-1-4=81-5=76 'good' words out of 81 81 .

Hence the probability to sink the ship is 76 81 \frac{76}{81} , and a = 76 a=76 , b = 81 b=81 . So a + b = 157 a+b=\boxed{157}

but the order of hits is not important right?? whether the first, second, third or fourth torpedo damaged the ship is the same case... it should be 79/81!!

Anirudh Ka - 7 years, 3 months ago

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This a board level sum (ISC) . Don't think so much

Arijit Banerjee - 7 years, 3 months ago

The order of hits is highly important here!! you cannot fire the sinking torpedo at the start which means that you are sinking in one shot not in four

Sushant Pachipulusu - 7 years, 3 months ago

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Yes, Sushant; but that's exactly the point. A string like smmm and ssss are exactly the same for your own interest. This means that a sink "followed by" three messes is good, and a sink "followed by" three sinks is also good, since both of them imply that the ship has sunk; even though you will not do it yourself in a real situation since it is pointless. What we are interested in is when the sequence of events is not good for us, and Dennis' analysis is a very elegant way of thinking towards the core of the problem.

Omar Othman - 7 years, 3 months ago
Alexander Jiang
Feb 22, 2014

The problem seems difficult because there are lots of ways to sink the ship; we can sink it on the first shot, we can damage it on the first shot, miss the second shot, and damage it again on the third shot, etc. So it should be much easier to solve for the probability of not sinking the ship (formally known as the complement). In other words, the probability that we do not sink the ship should equal 1 minus the probability that we do sink the ship.

Note that to avoid sinking the ship, we cannot ever fire a lethal shot, and we can only fire 0 or 1 damaging shots in the four shots that we get. We can easily use casework here for a clean solution:

Case 1: We fire no lethal shots and 0 damaging shots. The probability of case 1 is equivalent to missing 4 times, so the probability is: P ( m i s s 4 t i m e s ) = ( 1 3 ) 4 = 1 81 P(miss 4 times) = (\frac{1}{3})^{4} = \frac{1}{81}

Case 2: We fire no lethal shots and exactly 1 damaging shots. The probability of case 2 is the sum of the probabilities of the possible ways to damage with 1 shot and miss the other 3. There are four ways to do so: we can damage on either the first, second, third, or fourth shot. The probability of each of those four cases is 1/81, and since all four meet the criteria for case 2, the probability is P ( m i s s 3 , d a m a g e 1 ) = 4 ( 1 81 ) = 4 81 P(miss 3, damage 1) = 4(\frac{1}{81}) = \frac{4}{81}

Thus we can add the probabilities of case 1 and case 2 to find the probability that we do not sink the ship in four shots: P ( d o n t s i n k ) = 1 81 + 4 81 = 5 81 P(don't sink) = \frac{1}{81} + \frac{4}{81} = \frac{5}{81}

Now we can solve for the probability that we do sink the ship: P ( d o n t s i n k ) = 1 P ( s i n k ) P(don't sink) = 1 - P(sink) P ( s i n k ) = 1 P ( d o n t s i n k ) = 1 5 81 = 76 81 P(sink) = 1 - P(don't sink) = 1 - \frac{5}{81} = \frac{76}{81}

So our final answer is 76 + 81 = 157 .

same nice way

math man - 6 years, 11 months ago
Chris Hambacher
Feb 19, 2014

Lets use the complement. It can't either take one damaging hit, or not get hit for it not to be sunk. There is 4*(1/3)^4 probability to only get hit once, or 4/81. There is (1/3)^4 probability to not get hit, or 1/81. Add those to get 5/81. 1 - 5/81 = 76/81, so a = 76, b = 81. 76 + 81 = 157.

Priyansh Saxena
Feb 27, 2014

All miss: ( 1 / 3 ) 4 (1/3)^{4} .
Then one damages and others all miss: 4 × ( 1 / 3 ) 4 4\times (1/3)^{4}
Required probability = 1 1- above 2 cases.

Nidhin Basheer
Feb 24, 2015

The ship will sink in case of a double blow. A single tornado can either give a double blow( sinking the ship) or a single blow( damaging the ship) or no blow at all( missing the ship). And since all the cases have equal probability, the generating function will be ( 1 + x + x 2 ) 4 ( 1+x + x^{2} )^{4}

And we have to find the sum of coefficients of all the terms with power greater than or equal to 2 ( ie no: of cases with two or more blows) =76.

And total number of cases is 3 4 = 81. 3^{4}=81.

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