A right triangle ABC, have A the hypotenuse, B the greater cateto and C the lower cateto, measuring 8cms.
The angle A is the great angle. The angle C have 30 degrees.
Find the hypotenuse measure.
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my answer is 16, but there is no 16 in the choices, only 16.
AB=8CM sin(30)\1=8\AC AC=(8x1)\sin(30) AC=16CM
I don't know what a cateto is, but I made a guess & I wasn't wrong!
This problem is the exact statement of 3 0 ∘ − 6 0 ∘ − 9 0 ∘ theorem which states that if in a triangle, the angles are 3 0 ∘ , 6 0 ∘ , & 9 0 ∘ , then the hypotenuse is twice the shortest side.
⇒ The answer is 2 × 8 = 1 6 .
I modified the problem. I forget to say what is the great angle, the great angle is the A in opposite side of the hypotenuse.
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