Let f satisfy, x = f ( x ) e f ( x ) . Calculate ∫ 0 e f ( x ) d x
Let the integral = X . Find [ 1 0 0 X ]
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Nice approach
wow great...!! ThanKs for sharing your method
I calculated [100X] = rni(100X) = 172, I interpreted the floor function with the function round to nearest integer. The correct answer is:
[100X] = floor(100X) = 171
Here is my method:
x = f(x)exp[f(x)]; X = ∫f(x)dx|0;e
if we denote f(x) = y,
x = yexp(y); (1)
taking the ln at both members of (1),
lnx = y + lny; differenziating:
dx/x = (1 + 1/y)dy;
dx = x(1 + 1/y)dy = exp(y)(y+ 1); so:
f(x)dx = y(y + 1)exp(y)dy;
the limits of integration had to be changed from x to y; in (1):
x = 0, => y = 0; x = e, => y = 1
X = ∫(y^2 + y)exp(y)dy|0;1,
X = [ ∫y^2exp(y)dy + ∫yexp(y)dy]|0;1, integrating by parts:
X = [y^2exp(y) - ∫2yexp(y)dy + ∫yexp(y)dy]|0;1,
X = [y^2exp(y) - ∫yexp(y)dy)]|0;1,
X = {y^2exp(y) - [yexp(y) - ∫exp(y)dy]}|0;1,
X = {y^2exp(y) - [yexp(y) - exp(y)]}|0;1,
X = [y^2exp(y) - yexp(y) + exp(y)]|0;1,
X = exp(y)(y^2 - y + 1)|0;1
X = exp(1)(1) - exp(0)(1);
X = e - 1 = 1.718281828...
[100X] = floor(e - 1) = 171
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[ x ] does not mean rounding x , it's another notation used to denote floor function.
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Yes you're right, thanks. There are various types of "rounding" functions, I misunderstood with the function round to the nearest integer,
rni(x) = sgn(x)⌊|x| + 1/2⌋.
I will correct my comment, perhaps too long, I'm sorry for this. Congratulations, your method is brilliant! (y)
Perfect solution.
Let u = f ( x ) , d u = f ′ ( x ) d x = > d x = f ′ ( x ) d u
Now differentiate implicitly our condition: x = f ( x ) e f ( x ) = > 1 = f ′ ( x ) e f ( x ) + f ( x ) f ′ ( x ) e f ( x ) , f ′ ( x ) = ( 1 + f ( x ) ) e f ( x ) 1 .
Then : d x = f ′ ( x ) 1 d u = ( 1 + f ( x ) ) e f ( x ) d u = ( 1 + u ) e u d u .
Now we change the limits of integration : f ( 0 ) = 0 , f ( e ) = 1 (Obviously) . Hence:
∫ 0 e f ( x ) d x = ∫ 0 1 u ( 1 + u ) e u d u = ∫ 0 1 ( u 2 + u ) e u d u
The last integral can be solved easily by integrating by parts (twice) to get the value e − 1 from which we get our desired answer.
what's wrong in this solution: let y =f(x) we have, x=y*e^(y) integrating w.r.t x (x^2)/2 = e^(y)[y-1]; solving and putting e^(y) as :(x/y) we will get: y= 2/(2-x) Hence integral(y dx) equals -2ln(2-x) i.e. 2ln[2/(2-e)] hence the answer: -556
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The mistake is when you integrated w.r.t. x : The right side of the equation can't be integrated like what you have did, unless it is integrated w.r.t. y .
x and y are different variables.
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Got it !!! What a silly mistake ....anyways thanks.!
I am using parametric expression for y and x . Let y ( t ) = lo g ( t ) , then x ( t ) = t lo g ( t ) and d x = ( lo g ( t ) + 1 ) d t . Hence, we have X = ∫ 0 e y d x = ∫ 1 e lo g ( t ) ( lo g ( t ) + 1 ) d t X = t ( lo g 2 ( t ) + lo g ( t ) + 1 ) ∣ 1 e = e − 1
Then, we have [ 1 0 0 X ] = 1 7 1
substitute f(x) = z in 1st equation and you get the inverse function of f(x) as ze^z , now in the given integral substitute x= f^(-1) z and correspondingly change limits to 0 to 1 ( by inspection) and also put the derivative of inverse function multiplied by dz inplace of dx and use IBP to integrate
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Let y = f ( x ) and x = g ( y ) . Then f and g are the inverses of each other and g ( y ) = y e y (we consider the domain and range to be [ 0 , ∞ ) as the functions are bijective in this interval). Now observe the figure below which is the graph of g ( y ) = y e y so the reflection across the line y = x is the graph of it's inverse.
The marked rectangle has area e so ∫ 0 e f ( x ) d x + ∫ 0 1 g ( y ) d y = e ⟹ ∫ 0 e f ( x ) d x = e − ∫ 0 1 g ( y ) d y . Evaluating that ∫ 0 1 g ( y ) d y = ∫ 0 1 y e y d y = e y ( y − 1 ) ∣ 0 1 = 1 is a regular IBP exercise so left to the reader. Hence the value of our desired integral is e − 1 .
Note: f ≡ W where W is the Lambert W -function.