
A weight of mass M is hanging from a string. The string has length \ell ; its mass m is uniformly distributed.

A small disturbance of the hanging mass M causes a transverse pulse wave to travel up the string. The time it takes for this pulse to reach the top of the string can be written as t = c g , t = c\sqrt{\frac{\ell}{g}}, where c is a dimensionless number. What is the correct expression for c ?

m M \sqrt{\frac{m}{M}} 2 m ( M + m M ) \frac{2}{\sqrt m}\left(\sqrt{M+m}-\sqrt M\right) 2 π M m 2\pi\sqrt{\frac{M}{m}} 2 M + m m 2\sqrt{\frac{M+m}m}

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1 solution

Arjen Vreugdenhil
Feb 10, 2016

The speed of the wave increases as it travels up the string, because higher parts of the string carry more weight and therefore have more tension. We integrate d t dt over the length of the string, starting with x = 0 x = 0 at the bottom.

Note that the wave speed in a string is v = F / μ v = \sqrt{F/\mu} , where μ = m / \mu = m/\ell and F F is the weight hanging below this point of the string. I find it convenient to define a "length" L = M μ = M m . L = \frac M \mu = \frac M m \ell. (This can be interpreted as the length of string that would have the same mass as the hanging mass.)

t = 0 d x v = 0 d x μ F = 0 d x μ ( M + μ x ) g = 1 g 0 d x 1 L + x = 2 g L + x 0 = 2 g ( L + L ) = 2 g ( ( M + m ) m M m ) = 2 M + m M m g . t = \int_0^\ell \frac{dx}v = \int_0^\ell dx \sqrt{\frac \mu F} \\ = \int_0^\ell dx \sqrt{\frac \mu {(M + \mu x)g}} \\ = \frac1{\sqrt g} \int_0^\ell dx\sqrt{\frac 1{L + x}} \\ = \frac 2{\sqrt g} \left.\sqrt{L + x}\right|_0^\ell \\ = \frac 2{\sqrt g}\left(\sqrt{L + \ell} - \sqrt L\right) \\ = \frac 2{\sqrt g}\left(\sqrt{\frac{(M + m)\ell} m} - \sqrt {\frac{M\ell} m}\right) \\ = \color{#D61F06}{2\frac{\sqrt{M+m}-\sqrt{M}} {\sqrt m}} \sqrt{\frac{\ell}{g}}.

Note that the answer c = m / M c = \sqrt{m/M} would be correct if the tension in the string were a constant F = M g F = Mg .

@Anurag Bisht here the tension continually varies so velocity also continually varies so there is no other way except using calculus.As Arjen sir mentioned one could have used LCE had it been a force analysis problem.

Ayon Ghosh - 3 years, 8 months ago

Yes.that 's a good problem.did it the same way !

Ayon Ghosh - 3 years, 9 months ago

@Ayon Ghosh Is there any not calculus way?

Anurag Bisht - 3 years, 8 months ago

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I doubt it. The tension force varies with the position along the string in a non-linear way-- and in such cases you typically need calculus methods. Conservation laws are not helpful here, either.

Arjen Vreugdenhil - 3 years, 8 months ago

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