If someone painted the outside of a
cube made out of
unit cubes, how many of the unit cubes would have paint on exactly 3 sides?
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This problem was so easy that I suspected it was some trick question
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Yeah, I was sitting there trying to think of another answer. lol
Yes and I still don't get why 60% people got this wrong
It is always 8 cubes in such a problem with three sides painted.
If X be the length of initial large cube and x be the length of small number of cubes then,
No. of cubes with no paint = {(X/x) - 2)^3 No. of cubes with 1 face painted = 6 * {(X/x) - 2}^2 No. of cubes with 2 adjacent faces painted = 12 * {(X/x) - 2)
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Can you prove that, the no.of cubes with no paint={(X/x)-2}^3?
yeah, just a trick!
Ok. Now how many are unpainted?
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Number of cubes with any paint is 27. The formula is {(5/1) - 2}^3
27 are unpainted
if by unpainted you mean not painted on all three sides but painted none the less that would be total - 8 (obviously) meaning 15617. Now how about the number that are not painted at all? That would be 15475
I misunderstood this problem like this, when n n n cube has been painted on the 3 faces, how many unit cubes was painted? so my solution is 61..
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But there will be only 750 faces totally how can 15k odd faces be unpainted
hid one was easy !
The only cubes that are painted on three sides are the corner cubes. There are a to total of 8 corner cubes. So the answer is 8 .
It's easy peasy lemon sqeezy! We just have to count all the corner pieces and write the answer.
It's not csgo.....
Look at the corner =.=". That's all!
only the corner cubes are exposed from all three sides thus there are only 8 coner cubes which can be painted from three siudes
Its just 8 . since we get only corner piece with 3 face paint
Well,the number of cubes having paint on exactly 3 "faces" is certainly 8, However, number of cubes having paint on exactly 3 "sides" is 0.
The pnly place where are 3 sides showing are the corners which are 8 of them
Well.... if you look at the picture ... the only one with 3 sides is the cornors. So count the corners..
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For any n × n × n cube, where n is greater than 1, there is always 8 cubes with 3 faces painted, namely the corners.