Wading Herons

Find the 4th smallest heronian triangle(triangle with integer sides) with sides n n , n n and n + 1 n+1 for a positive integer n. The perimeter of the triangle is "p" and the area is "a" for positive integers p and n.

a + p a+p is a positive integer x.

Find x m o d ( 11 13 17 ) x \mod(11*13*17) .

Details and Assumptions

The first such triangle has area 12 and perimeter 16.

Hint : The answer is the sum of 2 perfect squares.

The answer is 389.

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2 solutions

Michael Mendrin
Sep 23, 2014

The sides of all isosceles Heronian triangles, for any integers x , y x,y can be expressed as

A = B = x 2 + y 2 A=B={ x }^{ 2 }+{ y }^{ 2 }
C = 2 ( x 2 y 2 ) C=2({ x }^{ 2 }-{ y }^{ 2 })

Hence, if A = B = n A=B=n and C = n + 1 C=n+1 , we end up with the Pell Equation

x 2 3 y 2 = 1 { x }^{ 2 }-3{ y }^{ 2 }=1

The first integer solution { x , y } \left\{ x,y \right\} . is { 2 , 1 } \left\{ 2,1 \right\} . The y y of the next can be found by this recursion formula

y i + 1 = 2 y i + x i { y }_{ i+1 }=2{ y }_{ i }+{ x }_{ i }

so that we have the sequence of solutions

{ 2 , 1 } , { 7 , 4 } , { 26 , 15 } , { 97 , 56 } , { 362 , 209 } , { 1351 , 780 } , { 5041 , 2911 } , . . . \left\{ 2,1 \right\} ,\left\{ 7,4 \right\} ,\left\{ 26,15 \right\} ,\left\{ 97,56 \right\} ,\left\{ 362,209 \right\} ,\left\{ 1351,780 \right\} ,\left\{ 5041,2911 \right\} ,...

The 4 4 th smallest Heronian triangle meeting the conditions would be based on { 97 , 56 } \left\{ 97,56 \right\}

n = 97 2 + 56 2 = 12545 n={ 97 }^{ 2 }+{ 56 }^{ 2 }=12545
n + 1 = 2 ( 97 2 56 2 ) = 12546 n+1=2 ( { 97 }^{ 2 }-{ 56 }^{ 2 } ) =12546

so that the area works out to 68149872 68149872 and the rest is calculation work

Awesome solution !

Ashu Dablo - 6 years, 8 months ago
Raghav Gupta
Jun 28, 2015

The hint really helped me..nice question

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