What's the remainder?

Find the remainder when 11 12 { 11 }^{ 12 } is divided by 13?

7 3 1 5

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6 solutions

Curtis Clement
Jan 9, 2015

Fermat's little theorem states that if p {p} is prime then: a p 1 a^{p-1} 1 m o d ( p ) \equiv1\mod(p) . This can applied directly to give a remainder of 1 \boxed{1}

Paola Ramírez
Jan 7, 2015

1 1 12 = 12 1 6 11^{12}=121^6

121 4 m o d 13 121 \equiv 4\mod 13 so 12 1 6 121^6 remainder is equal to 4 6 4^6

4 6 = 1 6 3 4^6=16^3 as 16 3 m o d 13 16\equiv 3\mod 13 , 1 6 3 16^3 remainder is equal to 3 3 3^3 remainder

Finally 27 13 = ( 13 ) ( 2 ) + 1 \frac{27}{13}=(13)(2)+1

Remainder 1 \boxed{1}


Abhishek Alva - 6 years, 5 months ago

Since 13 13 is a prime number, then φ ( 13 ) = 13 1 = 12 \varphi(13)=13-1=12 . Thus, 1 1 12 m o d 13 = 1 1 12 12 m o d 13 = 1 m o d 13 11^{12}\mod 13 = 11^{12-12}\mod 13 = \boxed{1}\mod 13

11^{ { 12 } }=(11^{ { 2 } })^{ { 6 } }\ (11^{ { 2 } })MOD13=4\ 4^{ { 6 } }MOD13=1

Hadia Qadir
Aug 18, 2015

11 congruent to -2(mod 13) 11^2 congruent to 4(mod 13) 11^6 congruent to 64(mod 13) 11^6 congruent to -1(mod 13) Therefore 11^12 congruent to 1(mod 13) Hence remainder: 1

11^12 mod 13 = ((13-2)^6)^2 mod 13 since (13-2)^6 mod 13 = 2^6 mod 3 = -1 mod 13. so, ((13-2)^6)^2 mod 13 = (-1)^2 mod 13 = 1 mod 13

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