Let △ A B C be an acute triangle with circumcircle ω . D , E , F are the feet of perpendiculars from A , B , C to B C , C A , A B respectively. Let ℓ A , ℓ b , ℓ C be the lines passing through A , B , C and parallel to B C , C A , A B respectively. Let P , Q , R be the second points of intersection (apart from A , B , C respectively) of ℓ A , ℓ B , ℓ C with ω respectively. It turns out that lines P D , Q E , R F concur at a point X within △ A B C . Then, X is the ............ of △ A B C .
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Alternatively, since A G : G X = 2 : 1 , the collinearity is equivalent to P A = 2 D X . To prove this simply draw the midpoint of A P denote it M . By symmetry X M ⊥ B C , hence A M X D is a rectangle and P A = 2 A M = 2 X D .
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Really nice! I wouldn't have thought of it that way.
Nice question.
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I agree geometry is a wonderful subject @Sharky Kesa
Thanks! :)
by the way, what is syemedian point
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The point where the symmedians (reflections of the medians over the internal angle bisectors) concur.
since AD is perpendicular to BC and AP || BC, so AD is perpendicular to AP. Hence PD coincides with the diameter of the circle. Similarly, QE and RF are also along the diameters. Hence they intersect at the centre of the circle i.e. centroid of the triangle ABC.
What circle are you talking about? Are you talking about the circumcircle of △ A P D ? I really can't follow your arguments, P D isn't the diameter of ω , as d ∈ ω . And also, the centroid isn't the center of ω .
Observe the diagram. Note that since it is to scale, it just takes some observation and spatial reasoning. We can eliminate some answers: It doesn't look like the circumcenter because it's not in the center of the circumcircle. It can't be the incenter because it doesn't look like one can draw three congruent perpendicular lines to the sides of the triangle. If one visually draws three lines from the vertices to the point, it seems like the opposite edge is bisected. Thus, it must be the centroid
The main challenge was to prove that they concur at the centroid. -_-
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WLOG we assume the configuration shown in the figure.
Let X , Y , Z be the midpoints of B C , C A , A B respectively, and let G be the centroid of △ A B C . Consider the homothety centered at G which maps A , B , C to X , Y , Z respectively (such a homothety exists because △ X Y Z ∼ △ A B C ). We shall show that this homothety maps P to D .
Note that ∠ P B C = 1 8 0 ∘ − ∠ P A C = ∠ A C B = ∠ A Y Z , where we have used the facts that A P ∥ B C and Y Z ∥ B C . Now, note that D lies on the circle with diameter A C , so Y A = Y C = Y D . From isoceles △ Y C D , ∠ D Y Z = ∠ A Y Z = ∠ P B C . Since A P ∥ B C , this homothety maps P to D . Hence, D , G , P are collinear.
Similarly, E , G , Q and F , G , R are also collinear. Therefore, lines D P , E Q , F R are concurrent at the c e n t r o i d of △ A B C .
This problem is inspired by ISL 2011 G4 .