Zipping round and round

The Large Hadron Collider at CERN has a radius of R = 4.5 k m R=4.5~km and uses B = 8 T B=8~T magnets to bend the particles around the accelerator. Estimate the energy of protons going around the accelerator in J ?

The energy of a relativistic particle is calculated by E = p 2 c 2 + m 2 c 4 E=\sqrt{p^2c^2+m^2c^4} , with p p is the particle's momentum, m m is the particle's mass and c c is the speed of light.

You may want to check this Minute Physics clip for a little background on relativistic momentum.

The proton's speed is extremely close to the speed of light.

Note: we're actually going to come out a touch high for the energy per proton, but it's still a pretty good estimate considering how simply we've modeled the LHC.

Details and assumptions

  • The proton charge is e = e = 1.6 × 1 0 19 C -e=|e|=1.6 \times 10^{-19}~C and the speed of light is c = 3 × 1 0 8 m / s c=3 \times 10^{8} ~m/s . The proton's mass is not necessary in this problem.

The answer is 0.00000173.

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3 solutions

Ivan Stošić
May 20, 2014

From the classical theory we know that the orbit of a particle circling around in a magnetic field satisfies

R = m v q B R = \frac{m v}{q B}

Special theory of relativity gives a simple correction to this result:

R = γ m v q B R = \frac{\gamma m v}{q B}

Where γ = 1 1 v 2 c 2 \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}} .

The relativistic energy can be calculated as E = γ m c 2 E = \gamma m c^2 . By taking v c v \approx c we can substitute γ m v = γ m c = q B R \gamma m v = \gamma m c = q B R and thus E = q B R c E = q B R c .

Sunil Jadhav
May 20, 2014

p=mV=qBr p=57.6E-16 p2c2=2.9E-12 m2c4=0.00000002E-12 E=sqrt[(2.9-0.00000002)E-12] E=1.7E-6J

David Mattingly Staff
May 13, 2014

The relation between the radius of the LHC and the momentum of the proton is given by ( ω \omega is the angular velocity and v v is the velocity of the proton):

F = d p d t e v B = p ω v ω = R = p e B \vec{F}=\frac{d\vec{p}}{dt} \Rightarrow |e|vB = p\omega \Rightarrow \frac{v}{\omega} = R = \frac{p}{|e|B}

Since the speed of the particle is very close to the speed of light, from the equation of relativistic momentum, one gets p > > m p c p >> m_pc and:

E = p 2 c 2 + m p 2 c 4 p c = e B R c = 1.73 1 0 6 J E=\sqrt{p^2c^2+m_p^2c^4} \approx pc = |e|BRc=1.73*10^{-6}~ J .

We don't really need to know the exact value of proton's mass, since at high speed, the behavior of proton is the same as that of a massless particle!!!

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