is an extremely useful typesetting language to learn, especially in a math environment like this. However, the quick instructions gives just aren't good enough to use for most situations.
This is why I've decided to create a beginner's guide. There is a table of contents for easy symbol or format finding. I hope you can refer to this guide later, when writing solutions, problems, or notes.
Note: You can also view Latex codes by hovering over the equation. Read Seeing actual for more details!
To quickly navigate to the part you want via the Table of Contents, press CTRL+F, and type in the section you want (including the tilde's ~ before and after the section).
Table of Contents
~Using LaTeX~
~Basic Operations~
~Sums, Products, Limits, and Integrals~
~Modular Arithmetic~
~Fitting Parentheses~
~Tables and Arrays~
~Using LaTeX~
To use LaTeX, put a backslash and a left parenthesis before the math you want to LaTeXify, and put a backslash and a right parenthesis after the math you want to LaTeXify. For example:
Shows up as
However, if you want your math to be more conspicuous and centered, you can use a backslash then a left bracket, then your math, then a backslash then a right bracket. For example:
Shows up as
This second option is the display text. A lot of other math operations will look better in this text. To force the first option to also use display text, you can add a \displaystyle at the beginning.
To write text in LaTeX use \text{your text here}. This gives
To use bolded text, use \textbf{your text here}. This gives
Italicized text is similar: \textit{your text here}. This gives
~Basic Operations~
"x+y" gives
"x-y" gives
"x=y" gives
"x\times y" gives
"x\cdot y" gives
"x\div y" gives
"x\pm y" gives
"x\mp y" gives
x^{y} gives
x_{y} gives
\sqrt{x} gives
\sqrt[y]{x} gives
\log_{a}b gives
\ln a gives (that's a lowercase "l" in the beginning, not an uppercase "i")
Note that many of you use "*" or "." for multiplying. This shows up as and which don't look good. Use or instead.
Also, the brackets in x^{y} or x_{y} may be omitted if the index is a single character. However, if it is more than one character like , then brackets are needed or else it will show up as .
Many people simply put a slash between the numerator and denominator to represent a fraction: . However, there are neater ways in LaTeX.
\frac{x}{y} is the standard way to write fractions:
\dfrac{x}{y} gives a bigger clearer version. However, this takes up more vertical space: the "d" stands for "display text".
\cfrac{x}{y} is a special type of fraction formatting. This is for continued fractions, hence the "c". typing \cfrac{x}{x+\cfrac{y}{y+\cfrac{z}{2}}} gives
~Sums, Products, Limits, and Integrals~
These four are in the same group because they format differently than other symbols.
"\sum" gives
"\prod" gives
"\lim" gives
"\int" gives
We can add the other elements of each thing by using _ and ^:
\sum_{i=0}^n gives
\prod_{i=0}^n gives
\lim_{x\rightarrow n} gives
\int_{a}^{b} gives
However, these don't look very good. However, once putting it on display text, either using the brackets or using \displaystyle as said in the beginning of the guide, we can make them look normal.
\displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^n gives
\displaystyle\prod_{i=0}^n gives
\displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow n} gives
\displaystyle\int_{a}^{b} gives
~Modular Arithmetic~
"\equiv" gives
\mod{a} gives
\pmod{a} gives
\bmod{a} is \mod{a} without the space before it: versus
"a\mid b" creates , which states that is divisible by .
Many of you simply put "sin" and "cos" and be done with it; however, adding a backslash before those two make it look much better.
\sin gives (as opposed to )
\cos gives (as opposed to )
\tan gives
\sec gives
\csc gives
\cot gives
\arcsin gives
\arccos gives
\arctan gives
Putting a ^{-1} after the trigonometric function designates it as the inverse. For example, \sin^{-1} gives .
\sinh gives
\cosh gives
\tanh gives
\binom{x}{y} gives
\dbinom{x}{y} gives
x^{\circ} gives the degree symbol
\angle gives
\Delta gives , for example
\triangle also does the job:
\odot gives , for example
AB\parallel CD gives
AB\perp CD gives
A\cong B gives
A\sim B gives
We've already learned to use . However, there is much more to calculus than integrals!
There is no command for the total derivative, so you have to use \text{d} to get around it.
For example, \dfrac{\text{d}}{\text{d}x} gives
Fortunately, there is a symbol for partial derivatives: \partial gives .
So, \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x} gives
Double or even triple integrals can be condensed into \iint and \iiint, respectively. This gives and (I am using display text).
Line integrals can be written as \oint: .
( and ) are standard for parentheses:
[ and ] are used for brackets:
{ and } are used for curly brackets:
\lfloor and \rfloor are used for the floor function:
\lceil and \rceil are used for the ceiling function:
\langle and \rangle are used for vectors:
The vertical line symbol | (not a capital "i" or a lowercase "l"!) is used for absolute value:
~Fitting Parentheses~
Suppose you want to write . When you try, it gives . How did I stretch the parentheses to fit?
To stretch the parentheses, use \left before the left parenthesis and \right before the right one, like this: \left( and \right). When put back into the expression, this yields as desired.
This isn't just for parentheses; you can use them on brackets: changes into
You can also use this technique on things that use only one parenthesis/bracket/etc. However, just putting \left or \right will yield an error. This is because \left and \right come in pairs. In orer to sidestep this, you can put a period after the one that you do not need (i.e \left. or \right.). This way it will not produce an error, and it will stretch the parenthesis to size. For example, this: \left. \dfrac{x^3+2x}{3x^2}\right|_0^3 gives this:
~Tables and Arrays~~
To make tables and arrays, use \ begin{array}{[modifiers]} ... \ end{array}. (A space is put before "begin" and before "end" to prevent the LaTeX from prematurely rendering. Even though there are no brackets around to make it render, it does so anyways, I don't know why.)
In the modifiers section, you put either l for left, c for center, or r for right, per column. For example, to make an array with 3 columns, all formatted to align along the right edge, you put "rrr" inside the modifier. It would look like this: \ begin{array}{rrr} ... \ end{array}.
To add a vertical line between two columns, put the vertical line symbol | between two modifiers: for example, if you wanted a horizontal line between the first two columns in the previous example, then you would put \ begin{array}{r|rr} ... \ end{array}.
For actual inputting in the array, there are two rules: put a "&" sign to notify to switch to the next column, and put a "\ \" divider (again a space is added in between to prevent it from rendering) to notify to switch to the next row. When building the table, always fill in row by row: in the first row, fill in all the corresponding columns, and then switch to the next row; then continue in this manner. For example, if I wanted to make a square with the numbers , I would put: \ begin{array}{lcr}1 & 2 & 3 \ \ 4 & 5 & 6 \ \ 7& 8 & 9 \ end{array}. This produces: .
To insert horizontal lines between any two rows, put \hline after the divider that separates the two rows. For example, if I wanted to add horizontal lines and vertical lines in the previous example to look like a tic tac toe board, this would be my code: \ begin{array}{l|c|r}1 & 2 & 3 \ \ \hline 4 & 5 & 6 \ \ \hline 7& 8 & 9 \ end{array} and it will produce:
To negate any symbol, put \not before the symbol. For example, "\not =" gives
Look here for a big list of symbols.
If you don't know how to do something or see something missing in this guide, please do comment below so I can add it! Together, we can make a great LaTeX guide!
Easy Math Editor
This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
When posting on Brilliant:
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
[example link](
> This is a quote
to ensure proper formatting.2 \times 3
\sin \theta
If there is anything that doesn't make sense or is organized bad, please tell me so I can fix it.
I know that regular notes get hopelessly lost in the Feed even just after a few days. However, I wish that somehow this can survive, because I have noticed a lot of people in need in learning some basic LaTeX. Maybe someone can do something about this?
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Just a note here: For limits, I like using "\lim \limits_{a \to b} a" which yields a→blima
Daniel Liu we can also use "n\choose{r}" to display (rn)
This is a fantastic idea. I think that we should either make a guide accessible like the algebra dictionary, or brilliant should have a link to this (and other support notes like it) in the formatting guide.
Notice that brilliant does have some well chosen examples. I think that it's just a good idea to expound upon them as you are.
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That would be great!
This is a useful idea. I think that we should make a guide accessible like the algebra dictionary.
Can you write the symbol for infinity in Latex if so how ?
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\infty @Abdur Rehman Zahid
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I want to suggest a correction for the Parentheses section.
\{ and \} are used for the curly brackets: {a+b}
Note that not giving the slash makes the parentheses disappear when the LATEX output is rendered.
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{a and c}
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LATEX. You just wrote it in plain text. My comment illustrated how braces aren't rendered in LATEX output if you don't escape it using a backslash.
I'm not sure how your reply is relevant to my comment. You haven't usedIf you're typing in plain text, then there's no need to escape it since plain text is rendered as it is in output.
Please add the latex for matrices and determinants.Thankyou
Why not make this a wiki??
@Daniel Liu, how do you put a fraction as the numerator of another fraction?
Yes, if you could put all the produced results first and then the HOW-TOs, that'd be great. It'd be like a LaTeX dictionary. The way it is now is hard to skim through with an eye to find the thing you want in the nexus of information.
A great guide, by the way.
Awesome note for all learners ! LATEX is truly useful and the following wikipedia page is also helpful for this purpose.
What I want to add in this note is the LATEX colors , I try to use them in problems and Solutions
For that , you have to type
\color{code of the color}{your text}
For example, " \color{Green}{Maths} " will appear as Maths
" \color{Blue}{Maths} " will appear as Maths...
Codes of the colors you can find on the wikipedia page.
Also the use of " \Huge" , it is used for getting big fonts, like
" \Huge{Maths}" will appear as Maths
@Daniel Liu , try getting this in the note too .....
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How To Swear In Mathematics,−1
Wow really cool! :)
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How did you changed the font??
Wait how did you do the CASTELLAR font? Code?
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\(\mathbb{\Huge{\color{midnightblue}{How \text{ }To \text{ } Swear\text{ } In\text{ } Mathematics, \sqrt{-1}}}}\)
Copy paste the complete line above. You will get this -
How To Swear In Mathematics,−1
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AdityaRaut Wow! This is cool!!@Aditya Raut
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Nice !
For posting solutions , I prefer the following pages :
2.LaTex/Advanced Mathematics
Hope that helps ! :3
Another suggestion:
for surface integral (∮).Log in to reply
Hmm... I said \oint was for line integral in the Calculus section. Surface integral, line integral, same thing.
Thank you for this guide; I'm just learning how to use LaTex and this is all extremely helpful.
One question: is there a way to push lines slightly to the right (like the Tab feature in word processors) without pushing them all the way to the middle? For example, in the lines
I would really like to have the equivalence symbol in the second and third lines line up with the one in the first line. Is there a way to do that?
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@zico quintina - I know the perfect command that does wonders like this -
Centered and Aligned Equation
I used the LATEX command that lets us create an equation array, and this helps us align the = or ≡ symbols. The picture below is the LATEX command that I used.
Whenever you want to break the line as in go to the next line, give \ and don't forget to add & behind the thing you want to align, as in the above code, I have typed & right behind all three \equiv as I wanted to align them. Hope you understood!
If you have other LATEX doubts, ask the community by posting it on my LATEX Discussion Note, which you will find in my feed(after looking around a little). I shall answer the doubt quickly, or ask few other BRILLIANT users that I know of to tell you the solution, and either way, your question will be answered quickly. @zico quintina
I just realized that your comment is Freaking 2 years and 7 months old @zico quintina
This site is a good way to get off the ground quickly with all the different symbols:
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@Josh Silverman How to add letters in it?
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Sorry I don't understand the question, what do you want to add?
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E=mc2 you'd just type in
Oh I get it. Yes, for instance if you want to doLog in to reply
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Yeah. :D
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Hey, what course are you in? And we're batchmates, I reckon.
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Sorry, I don't understand your use of the word "batchmates". XD
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Take note lang ha, 'di tayo parehas ng high school. Wala lang sinabi ko lang haha XD
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This is amazing! Just one thing: The link redirects to this page.
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Hmm... The link isn't to this post though. Probably a glitch. I explicitly posted the link.
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I suppose that works too. This is a really great post.
Excellent! I suggest adding matrices.
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I added tables and arrays, that will probably suffice for making matrices too.
There is a typo the line just above "Tables and Arrays". In Fitting Parentheses
display is an error. \left. \dfrac{x^3+2x}{3x^2}\right|_0^3 should give ∣03
A note on integrals in LATEX: [[ \mbox{\iiint} ]] gives ∭ It can also be written as [[\mbox{\int \! \! \! \! \int \! \! \! \! \int}]], giving ∫∫∫ While this is unncessary in Brilliant, it is used in actual LATEX editors when the "esint" package (which contains \iiint) is not available.
Here, the symbol [[ ]] removes a certain space between two characters.
Whats wrong with this?
\color{#3D99F6}\text{S = x^2 - 8\lfloor x \rfloor + 10}
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\color{Blue} {S = x^2 - 8\lfloor x \rfloor + 10}
to get S=x2−8⌊x⌋+10Log in to reply
What's wrong in this:\displaystyle \frac{\pi}{2} = \frac{1]{2} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(n!)^2 2^{n+1}}{(2n+1)!} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{n!}{(2n=1)!! = 1 + \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1 \times 2}{3 \times 5} + \frac{1 \times 2 \times 3}{3 \times 5 \times 7} + \cdots = 1 + \frac{1}{3}(1 + \frac{2}{5}(1 + \frac{3}{7}(1 + \frac{4}{9}(1 + \cdots))))
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displaystyle \frac{\pi}{2} = \frac{1}{2}..., change ] to }
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oh! Thank you!
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n=0∑∞(2n−1)n!!!=24+π and not 2π
By the wayLog in to reply
You forgot to tell about matrices and piecewise functions, but still good job. ∮SE⋅ds=ϵ∘Qenclosed
Just one thing that's quite common: a∣b for divisibility use \mid to create the line. Other than this, the post is great! Thanks for it! :)
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Thanks! Added to Modular Arithmetic.
Thanks Daniel.
May I ask how can I create tables in LaTeX?
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I have written the guide to tables and arrays. At first I thought that I shouldn't write it because this was a basic latex guide, but since you asked for it, I put it on. See if you can understand what I wrote, and if you can't you can tell me why and I will change it.
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Yup! I understood! Thanks a lot!!! :)
This is really helpful, thanks a lot Daniel!!
Are geometry diagrams made with latex? How?
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No. Geometric Diagrams are made with a typesetting language called Asymptote Vector Graphics Language.
Something I never got around to asking here is, how do you get the light grey line to denote section breaks? When I add a section break, I put \text{............................................................................................................} between the display delimiters, but I never figured out how to automate that with the grey lines.
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by putting three or more underscores in a row. like this: _
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Can you explain a little bit more about the above LATEX use
and what about squaring the mod of a vector I mean
if I try to square it then it becomes either ∣v∣2→ or ∣v∣→2
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for ∣v∣2---
will give :How to write Pi in latex?
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Use \pi
Thanks man. Been looking for something like this.
One question how did you make "LATEX" look like that .
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One more thing, for summation and production, it's required to put curly brackets { } between n if you have more than 1 characters on n. Otherwise it'll show as i=0∑2014i instead of i=0∑2014i. (Note that other brackets don't work.)
When NOT using "\text " while in Latex,
for " space " we can use "~".
Say:-In Latex.....>\ ( (I~am~~~coming~~~~) \ ) gives:-
(I#am###coming####)...... "#" stands for space here.
I find this note very, very nice! :D
I have a question: How should I write the definition of absolute value using LaTeX?
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The best is simply the symbol | on your keyboard. For division there's a better one, though - /mid.
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But how about the brace { used for piecewise defined functions? The definition of absolute value uses that :)
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f(x) = \begin{cases} 1 \\ 2 \end{cases} gives f(x)={12
Put what you want between \begin{cases} and \end{cases} and separate new lines with \\.
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What's the code for =>, not ≥
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If you mean an arrow, there are quite a few codes for it: \implies or \Rightarrow or \rightarrow or \Longrightarrow or \to or \longrightarrow or \mapsto or \longmapsto.
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thank you, the first one was the one I was looking for
Also, what's the latex for putting a black square around the answer when you're writing solutions.
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\boxed { }
@Daniel Liu There are lots of symbols on the AoPS page you linked to, but there is some LATEX stuff you should definitely add, like systems of equations (we use \begin{cases} .. \\ ... \\ ..\end{cases} for this) and \boxed { }. These don't exist on the AoPS page.
I also like to use \stackrel { } to get some text shown above symbols.
E.g. \stackrel{\text{AM-GM}}\ge gives ≥AM−GM. This is optional, though.
[@Daniel Liu ], How do I denote vectors by latex?
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@Abhimanyu Swami Here's your query ...type this
\stackrel{rightarrow} v
and you get thisv→ and you might also want.. ∣v∣→.
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v2→ .......This is what I get with \stackrel {\rightarrow} { v^2}
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you'll get this time .Arya
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\stackrel {\rightarrow} { v^2} :- v2→
Normal Vectors
for vUnit Vectors
for ı^ȷ^k^\imath' and
\jmathgets rid of the the dot over
j`.awesome post
your text here
For i = 1 , 2 ,⋯, n , let ai and bi be non-negative real numbers. Then (a1+a2+⋯+an) (b1+b2+⋯+bn) ≥ (a1b1+a2b2+⋯+anbn)2
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\sec^2 \delta
for sec2δThanks...
your text here
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Aditya Chauhan your text here You have to put the \(\) around the Latex
What is wrong with this latex????
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34n−3 I think it is OK see my Latex code.
Enclose it in
Can you please help me??? How to write infinity in latex form.PLEASE HELP ME
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The LATEX code for ∞ is
.Log in to reply
Thank you for your help
Can you please tell me how to add hyperlink,
I am trying it from many days and still not able to do so.
Please help!!
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gives you Brilliant. Since this is a Markdown feature and not a LATEX feature, don't enclose it in slash brackets as you do with math code.Basically, the syntax is
.Here's a screenshot of output corresponding to Markdown code for ease of understanding:
with the hyperlink directing you to the specified url.
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For eg. ⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜⎛c+e+fda+b⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟⎞
Here,brackets are not able to cover up the whole expression..
Thanks,now it's working.
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before opening bracket and\right
before closing bracket to make the brackets auto-resize themselves to cover up the entire expression.The basic syntax for the type of brackets you need is \text{\left(}\cdots\text{\right)} as opposed to the normal bracketing (…).
How about --->
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\rightarrow gives →.
If you want a longer one, affix "long". Thus, \longrightarrow gives ⟶.
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Thank you kuya Jaydee :) See you in automathic
@Ali Hamaiz Here is the note I was talking to you about.
What about lesser than equal to?
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will give you ≤Log in to reply
Can you please mention 'belongs to' sign\symbol?
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This will help. Type
to get ∈.Log in to reply
Thanks, it worked :)
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If someone can help me out , please!!!
How can we add a picture and how can we link one page to another ??
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[text here](link)
to add link.
to add image. (You can as well ignore thecaption
, put it blank[]
)Log in to reply
Like I was trying this
What is wrong?
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Log in to reply
It got converted to a link here , but not where I intended to!!!!!
See the caption under the set name by clicking on the link below . It is not getting linked??/ Why?
My problems
Who to write infinity??
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will give you ∞, infinity symbol.Log in to reply
thank you
Who to write infinity??
code for less than and greater than plzz
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for ≤\ge
for ≥Log in to reply
i dont need quality
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for <>
for >What is the issue with this?
I wanted to color only 1022 but this did not happen
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...\color{blue} {102^2}\color{black}...
to unflag it. I don't know the reason though... 1002+1012+1022+⋯+9982+9992+10002Log in to reply
I got the error...See this
code:....100^2+101^2+ { \color{blue}{100^3} } +104^2+....
100^2+101^2+{ \color{blue}{100^3} } +104^2+....
See the extra pair of { } around "" \color{blue}{100^3} "" which I have shown in red, but { } are in normal color( here, in black).
Like when we conclude two things from a statement , we use \begin{cases} and \end{cases}.
What do we use when we conclude one thing from two things??Like the opposite kind of braces I want as in \begin{cases} ....
I think you should make a column for the arrows...
How to write Right arrow symbol on LaTex?
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for →\Rightarrow
for ⇒Log in to reply
Thanks. I just want the second one ⇒
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: ⟹We can also use \mathrm{d} for the total derivative command you are talking about.
Like dxd.ex=ex
With my mac \left, \right does not work. Big work as under.
big ( your text big ). Same for left and right.
Four sizes: big,....bigg,......Big,......Bigg.
One way of quickly figuring out what the code for a special character is, is this tool.
Hey how to do this?
Like writing the catalyst of reaction above the arrowhead like in this
Is there a 'strikethrough' feature in LaTeX? I'm trying to show a a product of fractions with several factors in numerators and denominators cancelling each other out. So far all I've found is the \not feature, but this works very poorly; e.g. when I try \not{147}, I get 147, with only the 1 crossed out.
I would like to be able to cross out entire numbers; ideally, I'd also like to show either the strikethrough or the number (preferably not both) in a variety of colors.
Do you know whether this can be done? Thanks!
Please answer this
How do you write bold AND italicized text.
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Do you mean this?
You can type it like ∗∗∗text∗∗∗,but don't use LaTeX.
How do we input the Riemann Zeta function
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ζ(x) \zeta(x)
Log in to reply
Oh! Thank you very much!
Can someone help me with this : π=433+24∫041x−x2dx=433+24(121−5×251−28×271−72×291⋯) i do not understand why the 41 is down when it is supposed to be up in the integral
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\displaystyle \pi = \frac{3}{4} \sqrt{3} + 24 \int_{0}^{\frac{1}{4}} \sqrt{x-x^2} \text{dx} = \frac{3 \sqrt{3}}{4} + 24 \left(\frac{1}{12} - \frac{1}{5 \times 2^5} - \frac{1}{28 \times 2^7} - \frac{1}{72 \times 2^9} \cdots \right
Insert the ^
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Oh! I missed ^ Thank you!
Did you see my note: π is a beautiful number?
Here's freeware you can use to make your Latex life easier:
Daum Equation Editor
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why is the continued fraction not working:
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π, a beautiful number
Thank you but it is already in my note:How do I fit the floor/ceiling function around fractions?
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\left\lfloor \frac {1000}p \right\rfloor⌊p1000⌋
\displaystyle \pi = 4 \sum{k=0}^\infty \frac{(-1)^k}{2k+1} = 3 \sum{k=0}^\infty (-1)^k \left[\frac{1}{6k+1} + \frac{1}{6k+5} \right] = 4 \sum{k=0}^\infty (-1)^k \left[\frac{1}{10k+1} - \frac{1}{10k+3} + \frac{1}{10k+5} - \frac{1}{10k+7} + \frac{1}{10k+9}\right] = \sum{k=0}^\infty (-1)^k \left[\frac{3}{14k+1} - \frac{3}{14k+3} + \frac{3}{14k+5} - \frac{3}{14k+7} + \frac{3}{14k+9} - \frac{3}{14k+11} + \frac{3}{14k+13}\right]
How do I make the equal signs aligned
\begin{aligned} \pi & = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{16^k} \left[\frac{4}{8k+1} - \frac{2}{8k+4} - \frac{1}{8k+5} - \frac{1}{8k+6}\right] \\ &= \frac{1}{2} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{16^k} \left[\frac{8}{8k+2} + \frac{4}{8k+3} + \frac{4}{8k+4} - \frac{1}{8k+7} \right] \\ &= \frac{1}{16} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{256^k} \left[\frac{64}{16k+1} - \frac{32}{16k+4} - \frac{16}{16k+5} - \frac{16}{16k+6} + \frac{4}{16k+9} - \frac{2}{16k+12} - \frac{1}{16k+13} - \frac{1}{16k+14} \right] \\ &= \frac{1}{32} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{256^k} \left[\frac{128}{1k+2} + \frac{64}{16k+3}+\frac{64}{16k+4}-\frac{16}{16k+7} + \frac{8}{16k+10}+\frac{4}{16k+11}+\frac{4}{16k+12}-\frac{1}{16k+15}\right] \\ &= \frac{1}{32} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k} \left[\frac{256}{24k+2}+\frac{192}{24k+3}-\frac{256}{24k+4}-\frac{96}{24k+6}-\frac{96}{24k+8}+\frac{16}{24k+10}-\frac{4}{24k+12}-\frac{3}{24k+15}-\frac{6}{24k+16}-\frac{2}{24k+18}-\frac{1}{24k+20}\right] \\ &= \frac{1}{64} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k} \left[\frac{256}{24k+1}+\frac{256}{24k+2}-\frac{384}{24k+3}-\frac{256}{24k+4}-\frac{64}{24k+5}+\frac{96}{24k+8}+\frac{64}{24k+9}+\frac{16}{24k+10}+\frac{8}{24k+12}-\frac{4}{24k+13}+\frac{6}{24k+15}+\frac{6}{24k+16}+\frac{1}{24k+17}+\frac{1}{24k+18}-\frac{1}{24k+20}-\frac{1}{24k+20}\right] \\ &= \frac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k}\left[\frac{256}{24k+2}+\frac{64}{24k+3}+\frac{128}{24k+5}+\frac{352}{24k+6}+\frac{64}{24k+7}+\frac{288}{24k+8}+\frac{128}{24k+9}+\frac{80}{24k+10}+\frac{20}{24k+12}-\frac{16}{24k+14}-\frac{1}{24k+15}+\frac{6}{24k+16}-\frac{2}{23k+17}-\frac{1}{24k+19}+\frac{1}{24k+20}-\frac{2}{24k+21}\right] \\ &= \frac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k} \left[\frac{256}{24k+1} + \frac{320}{24k+3} + \frac{256}{24k+4} - \frac{192}{24k+5}-\frac{224}{24k+6}-\frac{64}{24k+7}-\frac{192}{24k+8}-\frac{64}{24k+9}-\frac{64}{24k+10}-\frac{28}{24k+12}-\frac{4}{24k+13}-\frac{5}{24k+15}+\frac{3}{24k+17}+\frac{1}{24k+18}+\frac{1}{24k+19}+\frac{1}{24k+21}-\frac{1}{24k+22}\right] \\ & = \frac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k} \left[\frac{512}{24k+1}-\frac{256}{24k+2}+\frac{64}{24k+3}-\frac{512}{24k+4}-\frac{32}{24k+6}+\frac{64}{24k+7}+\frac{96}{24k+8}+\frac{64}{24k+9}+\frac{48}{24k+10}-\frac{12}{24k+12}-\frac{8}{24k+13}-\frac{16}{24k+14}-\frac{1}{24k+15}-\frac{6}{24k+16}-\frac{2}{24k+18}-\frac{1}{24k+19}-\frac{1}{24k+20}-\frac{1}{24k+21}\right] \\ &=\frac{1}{4096} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{65536^k} \left[\frac{16384}{32k+1}-\frac{8192}{32k+4}-\frac{4096}{32k+5}-\frac{4096}{32k+6}+\frac{1024}{32k+9}-\frac{512}{32k+12}-\frac{256}{32k+13}-\frac{256}{32k+14}+\frac{64}{32k+17}-\frac{32}{32k+20}-\frac{16}{32k+21}-\frac{16}{32k+22}+\frac{4}{32k+25}-\frac{2}{32k+28}-\frac{1}{32k+29}-\frac{32k+30}\right] \end{aligned}
Error is in the last characters but I could not find it
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WTF is this!?!?!?! Finding an error in this will take aeons! @Mohammad Farhat
Did you put LaTeX wrapping? @Mohammad Farhat
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@Yajat Shamji - When is BRILLIAthon problem 1 coming?
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\(\begin{array}{ll} \pi &= \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{16^k} \left[\frac{4}{8k+1} - \frac{2}{8k+4} - \frac{1}{8k+5} - \frac{1}{8k+6}\right] \\
&= \frac{1}{2} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{16^k} \left[\frac{8}{8k+2} + \frac{4}{8k+3} + \frac{4}{8k+4} - \frac{1}{8k+7} \right] \\
&= \frac{1}{16} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{256^k} \left[\frac{64}{16k+1} - \frac{32}{16k+4} - \frac{16}{16k+5} - \frac{16}{16k+6} + \frac{4}{16k+9} - \frac{2}{16k+12} - \frac{1}{16k+13} - \frac{1}{16k+14} \right] \\
&= \frac{1}{32} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{256^k} \left[\frac{128}{1k+2} + \frac{64}{16k+3}+\frac{64}{16k+4}-\frac{16}{16k+7} + \frac{8}{16k+10}+\frac{4}{16k+11}+\frac{4}{16k+12}-\frac{1}{16k+15}\right] \\
&= \frac{1}{32} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k} \left[\frac{256}{24k+2}+\frac{192}{24k+3}-\frac{256}{24k+4}-\frac{96}{24k+6}-\frac{96}{24k+8}+\frac{16}{24k+10}-\frac{4}{24k+12}-\frac{3}{24k+15}-\frac{6}{24k+16}-\frac{2}{24k+18}-\frac{1}{24k+20}\right] \\
&= \frac{1}{64} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k} \left[\frac{256}{24k+1}+\frac{256}{24k+2}-\frac{384}{24k+3}-\frac{256}{24k+4}-\frac{64}{24k+5}+\frac{96}{24k+8}+\frac{64}{24k+9}+\frac{16}{24k+10}+\frac{8}{24k+12}-\frac{4}{24k+13}+\frac{6}{24k+15}+\frac{6}{24k+16}+\frac{1}{24k+17}+\frac{1}{24k+18}-\frac{1}{24k+20}-\frac{1}{24k+20}\right] \\
&= \frac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k}\left[\frac{256}{24k+2}+\frac{64}{24k+3}+\frac{128}{24k+5}+\frac{352}{24k+6}+\frac{64}{24k+7}+\frac{288}{24k+8}+\frac{128}{24k+9}+\frac{80}{24k+10}+\frac{20}{24k+12}-\frac{16}{24k+14}-\frac{1}{24k+15}+\frac{6}{24k+16}-\frac{2}{23k+17}-\frac{1}{24k+19}+\frac{1}{24k+20}-\frac{2}{24k+21}\right] \\
&= \frac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k} \left[\frac{256}{24k+1} + \frac{320}{24k+3} + \frac{256}{24k+4} - \frac{192}{24k+5}-\frac{224}{24k+6}-\frac{64}{24k+7}-\frac{192}{24k+8}-\frac{64}{24k+9}-\frac{64}{24k+10}-\frac{28}{24k+12}-\frac{4}{24k+13}-\frac{5}{24k+15}+\frac{3}{24k+17}+\frac{1}{24k+18}+\frac{1}{24k+19}+\frac{1}{24k+21}-\frac{1}{24k+22}\right] \\
&=\frac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{4096^k} \left[\frac{512}{24k+1}-\frac{256}{24k+2}+\frac{64}{24k+3}-\frac{512}{24k+4}-\frac{32}{24k+6}+\frac{64}{24k+7}+\frac{96}{24k+8}+\frac{64}{24k+9}+\frac{48}{24k+10}-\frac{12}{24k+12}-\frac{8}{24k+13}-\frac{16}{24k+14}-\frac{1}{24k+15}-\frac{6}{24k+16}-\frac{2}{24k+18}-\frac{1}{24k+19}-\frac{1}{24k+20}-\frac{1}{24k+21}\right] \\
&=\frac{1}{4096} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{1}{65536^k} \left[\frac{16384}{32k+1}-\frac{8192}{32k+4}-\frac{4096}{32k+5}-\frac{4096}{32k+6}+\frac{1024}{32k+9}-\frac{512}{32k+12}-\frac{256}{32k+13}-\frac{256}{32k+14}+\frac{64}{32k+17}-\frac{32}{32k+20}-\frac{16}{32k+21}-\frac{16}{32k+22}+\frac{4}{32k+25}-\frac{2}{32k+28}-\frac{1}{32k+29}-\frac{1}{32k+30}\right] \end{array}\)
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So the problem was that your last contains a fraction without numerator. The second thing is that your code is too long, so I used a left aligned array. And the fractions are too small, so I will make a better one :)
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&= \cfrac{1}{2} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{16^k} \left[\cfrac{8}{8k+2} + \cfrac{4}{8k+3} + \cfrac{4}{8k+4} - \cfrac{1}{8k+7} \right] \\
&= \cfrac{1}{16} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{256^k} \left[\cfrac{64}{16k+1} - \cfrac{32}{16k+4} - \cfrac{16}{16k+5} - \cfrac{16}{16k+6} + \cfrac{4}{16k+9} - \cfrac{2}{16k+12} - \cfrac{1}{16k+13} - \cfrac{1}{16k+14} \right] \\
&= \cfrac{1}{32} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{256^k} \left[\cfrac{128}{1k+2} + \cfrac{64}{16k+3}+\cfrac{64}{16k+4}-\cfrac{16}{16k+7} + \cfrac{8}{16k+10}+\cfrac{4}{16k+11}+\cfrac{4}{16k+12}-\cfrac{1}{16k+15}\right] \\
&= \cfrac{1}{32} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{4096^k} \left[\cfrac{256}{24k+2}+\cfrac{192}{24k+3}-\cfrac{256}{24k+4}-\cfrac{96}{24k+6}-\cfrac{96}{24k+8}+\cfrac{16}{24k+10}-\cfrac{4}{24k+12}-\cfrac{3}{24k+15}-\cfrac{6}{24k+16}-\cfrac{2}{24k+18}-\cfrac{1}{24k+20}\right] \\
&= \cfrac{1}{64} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{4096^k} \left[\cfrac{256}{24k+1}+\cfrac{256}{24k+2}-\cfrac{384}{24k+3}-\cfrac{256}{24k+4}-\cfrac{64}{24k+5}+\cfrac{96}{24k+8}+\cfrac{64}{24k+9}+\cfrac{16}{24k+10}+\cfrac{8}{24k+12}-\cfrac{4}{24k+13}+\cfrac{6}{24k+15}+\cfrac{6}{24k+16}+\cfrac{1}{24k+17}+\cfrac{1}{24k+18}-\cfrac{1}{24k+20}-\cfrac{1}{24k+20}\right] \\
&= \cfrac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{4096^k}\left[\cfrac{256}{24k+2}+\cfrac{64}{24k+3}+\cfrac{128}{24k+5}+\cfrac{352}{24k+6}+\cfrac{64}{24k+7}+\cfrac{288}{24k+8}+\cfrac{128}{24k+9}+\cfrac{80}{24k+10}+\cfrac{20}{24k+12}-\cfrac{16}{24k+14}-\cfrac{1}{24k+15}+\cfrac{6}{24k+16}-\cfrac{2}{23k+17}-\cfrac{1}{24k+19}+\cfrac{1}{24k+20}-\cfrac{2}{24k+21}\right] \\
&= \cfrac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{4096^k} \left[\cfrac{256}{24k+1} + \cfrac{320}{24k+3} + \cfrac{256}{24k+4} - \cfrac{192}{24k+5}-\cfrac{224}{24k+6}-\cfrac{64}{24k+7}-\cfrac{192}{24k+8}-\cfrac{64}{24k+9}-\cfrac{64}{24k+10}-\cfrac{28}{24k+12}-\cfrac{4}{24k+13}-\cfrac{5}{24k+15}+\cfrac{3}{24k+17}+\cfrac{1}{24k+18}+\cfrac{1}{24k+19}+\cfrac{1}{24k+21}-\cfrac{1}{24k+22}\right] \\
&=\cfrac{1}{96} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{4096^k} \left[\cfrac{512}{24k+1}-\cfrac{256}{24k+2}+\cfrac{64}{24k+3}-\cfrac{512}{24k+4}-\cfrac{32}{24k+6}+\cfrac{64}{24k+7}+\cfrac{96}{24k+8}+\cfrac{64}{24k+9}+\cfrac{48}{24k+10}-\cfrac{12}{24k+12}-\cfrac{8}{24k+13}-\cfrac{16}{24k+14}-\cfrac{1}{24k+15}-\cfrac{6}{24k+16}-\cfrac{2}{24k+18}-\cfrac{1}{24k+19}-\cfrac{1}{24k+20}-\cfrac{1}{24k+21}\right] \\
&=\cfrac{1}{4096} \sum_{k=0}^\infty \cfrac{1}{65536^k} \left[\cfrac{16384}{32k+1}-\cfrac{8192}{32k+4}-\cfrac{4096}{32k+5}-\cfrac{4096}{32k+6}+\cfrac{1024}{32k+9}-\cfrac{512}{32k+12}-\cfrac{256}{32k+13}-\cfrac{256}{32k+14}+\cfrac{64}{32k+17}-\cfrac{32}{32k+20}-\cfrac{16}{32k+21}-\cfrac{16}{32k+22}+\cfrac{4}{32k+25}-\cfrac{2}{32k+28}-\cfrac{1}{32k+29}-\cfrac{1}{32k+30}\right] \end{array}\)
I feel that this list needs a logic category; for instance, things like and, or, & not.
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Like ∈ and ∋?
I forgot how to align brackets. Can someone help me?
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What exactly do you mean? Like piecewise functions?
Hey Daniel, it is a great guide but I was curious to know how do you put a line over a number abcd to show that a, b, c and d are digits.
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\overline{abcd} shows abcd
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Thanks a lot 😀👍
Using two vertical lines (\parallel) is also common for concatenation: a∥b
Hi! How will I align series of equivalent equations by their equal signs? Thank you.
How can I use packages such as dsfont for writing \mathds{R}?
@Daniel Liu - I'm inspired by your guide, so I'm making my own, hope you don't mind :)
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I'm inspired by your guide, so I'm making my own, hope you don't mind :) LOL
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how do we type greater,lesser,greater or equal to and lesser or equal to symbol by LaTeX?
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\(<\) appear as <
\(\ge\) appear as ≥
\(\le\) appear as ≤
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\(\geq\): ≥
\(\leq\): ≤
\(\<\): <
\(>\): >
Wow LaTeX is so hard... "x+y=5" that is the only thing I can remember..