Hi Brilliant! Just like what Aditya Kumar and Anastasiya Romanova conducted earlier, this year we would also like to conduct an integration contest for juniors.
The aims of the Integration contest are to improve skills in the computation of integrals, to learn from each other as much as possible, and of course to have fun.
Eligibility:- People should fulfill either of the 2 following
17 years or below
Level 4 or below in Calculus
Eligible people here may participate in this contest.
The rules are as follows:
I will start by posting the first problem. If there is a user solves it, then they must post a new one.
You may only post a solution of the problem below the thread of problem and post your proposed problem in a new thread. Put them separately.
Only make substantial comment that will contribute to the discussion.
Make sure you know how to solve your own problem before posting it in case there is no one can answer it within 48 hours, then you must post the solution and you have a right to post another problem.
If the one who solves the last problem does not post his/her own problem after solving it within a day, then the one who has a right to post a problem is the last solver before him/her.
The scope of questions is only computation of integrals either definite or indefinite integrals.
It is NOT compulsory to post original problems. But make sure it has not been posted on brilliant.
Do not copy questions from last year's contest. If anyone found to do so he/she will be banned from taking further part in this contest
You are also NOT allowed to post a solution using a contour integration or residue method.
The final answer can ONLY contain the following special functions: gamma function, beta function, Riemann zeta function, digamma function,Harmonic numbers, trigonometric integral, Wallis' integral,
Please post your solution and your proposed problem in a single new thread.
Format your post is as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
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\sin \theta
Problem 18:
Prove that: ∫01(logx1+1−x1−21)1−xdx=−21+21ln(2π)−21γ.
The Problem has been solved by Ishan Singh
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Lemma 1 : r=1∑nHr=(n+1)Hn−n
Proof : r=1∑nHr=∫01r=1∑nx−1xr−1dx
Using Integration By Parts on the first integral A, we have,
Lemma 2 : ∫01lnxxn−1dx=ln(n+1)
Proof : ∫01lnxxn−1 dx=∫01∫0nxy dy dx
=∫0n∫01xy dx dy
=∫0ny+11 dy
Lemma 3 : ∫01(ln(x)1+1−x1)dx=γ
Proof : ∫01(1−x1+ln(x)1)dx=n→∞lim∫01(1−t1−tn−lnttn−1−1dt)
Using Lemma 2 and Lemma 3 , we have,
Using Lemma 1,
Using Stirling's Approximation, we have,
Simplifying using n→∞lim(Hn−lnn)=γ, we have,
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wow,that was probably why i gave up halfway through lol
i'm sorry i didn't attend the integration contest until now,there was a problem with my wifi and it got fixed
Next problem please.
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@Aditya Kumar May post another question if he wants.
Nice. I used Binet's formula.
Let us start with an easy Problem.
Problem 1
Find the value of the following ∫−∞∞e−x2dx∫−∞∞(x+1)2e−(x+1)2dx
This problem has been solved by Aditya Kumar.
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Solution to Problem 1: I1=∫−∞∞(x+1)2e−(x+1)2dx
Substitute: (x+1)2=t
Therefore, we get: I1=21∫−∞∞(t)21e−tdt
This is symmetric about x=0. Therefore, we can write it as: I1=∫0∞(t)21e−tdt
Similarly, I2=π
Hence, I2I1=21
Problem 2:
Prove that: ∫01x2+2(x2+1)arctan(x2+2) dx=965π2
This problem has been solved by Harsh Shrivastava.
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Solution to Problem 2
I=∫01x2+2(x2+1)arctan(x2+2) dx=965π2
Lets split I as A and B by using the property that arctan(x)=π/2−arctan(1/x)
Thus our integral becomes I=A−B,
where A=π/2∫01(1+x2)(2+x2)dx
and B=∫01(1+x2)(2+x2)arctan(x2+21)
Evaluating A,
Let's evaluate A, without the limits,
Which on substituting limits gives A = π2/12
Evaluating B,
Using 1/aarctan(1/a)=∫0ay2+a2dy,
Let a=x2+2.
We get B=∫01∫01(1+x2)(2+x2+y2)dxdy
Thus B=π2/32
Hence I=A−B=965π2
Problem 14:
If ∫0∞1+eαxx3dx=641
Find α given that , α is a positive constant and ζ(4)=90π4
Problem has been solved by Rajdeep Dhingra and Aareyan Manzoor at the same instant. Aareyan has been given credits due to his solution.
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I=∫0∞x3n=1∑∞(−e−αx)ndx I=n=1∑∞(−1)n∫0∞x3e−αnxdx=n=1∑∞(−1)n(αn)46 I=α46(1−2−3)ζ(4)=641 the result follows.
Is the answer α=π⎝⎜⎛1556⎠⎟⎞41 ?
Problem 6:
Find a closed form of the indefinite integral ∫Hxdx
Where Hx denotes harmonic number
This problem has been solved by Aditya Kumar.
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Solution to Problem 6:
I'll use the definition: Hx=ψ(x+1)+γ
We know that ψ(x)=dxd(x!). Hence, using this, we get: ∫Hxdx=ln(x!)+γx+c
Problem 10
Let S=sin2(x)+32sin4(x)+52sin6(x)+⋯ Upto Infinity
Prove that ∫0π/2S dx=4π2−2π
The Problem has been solved by Ishan Singh.
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I have come up with several ways to prove it. Here is one of the more interesting methods.
Lemma: f(a)=1+a1+r=1∑∞[(2r+a+1)1k=1∏r(2k2k−1)]=2a+1πΓ2(2a+2)Γ(a+1);a>−1
Proof: I have proved it here
I=∫0π/2S dx=r=1∑∞∫01(2r−1)2sin2rdx
Changing the index of summation and using Γ(x+1)=xΓ(x), we have,
Using my solution here, we have,
What was your intended solution?
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More or less the same.
@Ishan Singh @Rajdeep Dhingra Do any of you know another method to solve this question?
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Ishan wrote that he has come up with several ways so I guess has many. @Ishan Singh
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Note to the Participants:
Please refrain from posting solution through images. It makes this note slow to load.
Up-vote good solutions and problems. I have see that people are not up-voting at all. This is a wrong sign in the contest. Up-voting encourages the users to improve.
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Very True.I will change the note after it crosses 50 questions.
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Maybe you should do it now, my browser has hanged twice loading this note!
Change it after 20. 50 is too much.
Problem 17
Prove that if c<1, ∫0π/2arcsin(ccos(x)) dx=12c+32c3+52c5+⋯ (Upto Infinity)
The Problem has been solved by Aditya Kumar
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Solution to Problem 17:
Maclaurin series of arcsin(x) is: arcsin(x)=n=0∑∞π(2n+1)n!Γ(n+21)x2n+1
Here x=ccos(x)
Therefore, by beta function we get:
Hence, on simplifying, we get: ∫0π/2arcsin(ccos(x)) dx=12c+32c3+52c5+⋯ (Upto Infinity)
Problem 9
Prove ∫0π/2xln(tan(x))dx=87ζ(3)
The Problem has been solved by Rajdeep Dhingra.
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Solution to Problem 9
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The second page is not at all clear. Please LaTeX your solution.
Problem 23
Prove that for an integer n≥2
hint:let x=un1
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Let I=∫01{nx1}dx
Substitute x=tn1
Does the Curly brackets mean fractional part ?
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It is pointless to continue the contest. It hasn't garnered attention like the previous original integration contests.
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@Hummus a will post.
No Problem. Still it is open. Please post the next question if you want or if don't want to post, thenProblem 3:
Prove that ∫01x(1−x2)(ln(1+x)−ln(1−x))dx=2π2
This problem has been solved by Rajdeep Dhingra.
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Solution to Problem 3
Let us start with the integral I(a)=∫01x1−x2ln(1+ax) dx. Differentiate with respect to a. I′(a)=∫01(1+ax)1−x21 dx This can easily be solved by substituting 1+ax=t1.We now get I′(a)=1−a2arccos(a) Now we find I(a). I(a)=∫1−a2arccos(a) da=−21arccos2(x)+C Now we put a = 1. We get I(1)=C Now we put a = -1. We get I(−1)=−2π2+C We get I(1)−I(−1)=2π2
Problem 8
Prove that ∫02πecos(θ)cos(sin(θ)) dθ=2π
Not Original
The Problem has been solved by Aareyan Manzoor.
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solution to problem 8
Considering the function f(t)=∫02πetcos(θ)cos(tsin(θ))dθ, we see that tf′(t)===t∫02πetcosθ[cosθcos(tsinθ)−sinθsin(tsinθ)]dθ∫02π∂θ∂[etcosθsin(tsinθ)]dθ[etcosθsin(tsinθ)]02π=0f′(t)=0→f(t)=C Since f(0)=2π, the desired integral is f(1)=2π.
Problem 11
Prove that ∫0π/2(sin(x)x)2 dx=πlog(2)
The Problem has been solved Aareyan Manzoor.
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solution to problem 11 ∫uv′=uv−∫u′v I=∫0π/2x2csc2(x)dx u=x2→u′=2x,v′=csc2x→v=−cot(x) I=−x2cot(x)∣0π/2+2∫0π/2xcot(x)dx=2∫0π/2xcot(x)dx u=x→u′=1,v′=cot(x)→v=−ln(sin(x)) I=2xln(sin(x))∣0π/2+2∫0π/2ln(sin(x))dx=∫0π/2ln(sin2(x))dx B(a,1/2)=∫0π/22sin2a−1(x)dx B′(a,1/2)=∫0π/22ln(sin2(x))sin2a−1(x)dx B′(a,1/2)=B(a,1/2)(ψ(a)−ψ(a+1/2)) a=1/2 ∫0π/22ln(sin2(x))dx=B(1/2,1/2)(ψ(1/2)−ψ(1))=π(−γ−(−γ−2ln(2)))=2πln(2) I=∫0π/2ln(sin2(x))dx=πln(2)
Problem 21:
Prove That:
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How can i write mathematical text?I solved this but i dont know how to write math text here. All i know is latex.
Problem 22 :
Prove That
This problem has been solved by Aditya Kumar.
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Solution to Problem 22:
Use the formula 2sin(A)cos(B)=sin(A+B)−sin(A−B)
Therefore, we get: I=21{∫0∞xsin(x)+∫0∞xsin(x1)dx}
It is easy to see that both the integrals are same. Hence, I=∫0∞xsin(x)=2π
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@Rajdeep Dhingra post the next problem. I can't come up with one of this level.
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@Samuel Jones@Harsh Shrivastava@Aareyan Manzoor
I don't have anymore problems. Any one can post the Next Question.Problem 25
Let k be a positive real number
then prove
Hint:let t=yxk
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Solution to Problem 25:
By IBP, we get: I=(k+1xk+1∫xk∞t2{t}dt)01+k+1k∫01xkdx
Hence on simplifying, we get: ∫01∫01{yxk}dxdy=(k+1)22k+1−k+1γ
Problem 27
with n∈N
Hint:let x+y=t
Problem 4
Prove ∫0∞(1+x)(2+x)(3+x)x dx=2π(−22−1+3)
This problem has been solved by Harsh Shrivastava.
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Problem 5:
This problem was first solved by Aaryen Manzoor using a disallowed method and then solved by Aditya Kumar using a legal method. Credit is still given to Aaryen.
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solution to problem 5
replace x with -x to have ∫0−1xln(1−x)dx n≥1∑nxn=ln(1−x) dividing by x and integrating from 0 to a ∫0axln(1−x)dx=n≥1∑n2an We have ∫0−1xln(1−x)dx=n≥1∑n2(−1)n=n≥1∑n2(−1)n=n≥1∑n21−2n≥1∑(2n)21=21n≥1∑n21=12π2
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Yeah there is a hell easy method.
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Alternate solution to Problem 5:Using MacLaurin expansion of ln(1+x):ln(1+x)=r=1∑∞(−1)r+1rxr⟹xln(1+x)=r=1∑r=∞(−1)r+1rxr−1⟹I=∫01(r=1∑r=∞(−1)r+1rxr−1)dx⟹I=r=1∑∞(−1)r+1r21=12π2.
Solution to Problem 5:
Now, I'll use power series of x+11, I'll write the integral as:
Problem 20 prove ∫01xln(x2+x+1)dx=32ζ(2)
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Post the next problem.
well done, you are correct.
Problem 24:
Prove that
The Problem has been solved by Rajdeep Dhingra.
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Solution to Problem 24 :
Let I=∫−∞∞e−x2 dx We can write it as I=I2 I=∫−∞∞e−y2 dy∫−∞∞e−x2 dx I=∫−∞∞∫−∞∞e−x2+y2 dy dx Switching to Polar Coordinates of one integral. I=∫02π∫0∞e−r2r dr dθ The 'dr' one integral can be calculated by integration by parts. The other one is very easy. I=π
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Nice! Please post the next problem.
Problem 26:
Prove that:
∫0∞xcosx−e−x2 dx=−2γ
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Proof : ∫0∞xcosx−exdx=∫0∞∫0∞(e−yxcosx−e−x(y+1))dx dy
Proof : ∫01x1−e−xdx−∫1∞xe−xdx
=∫0∞∫01(1−e−x)e−yxdx dy−∫0∞∫1∞e−x(y+1)dx dy
Using the Lemma,
=γ (Using my solution here (see Problem 39))
=∫0∞xe−x−e−x2dx(Using Lemma)
=−γ+∫01x1−e−x2dx−∫1∞xe−x2dx(Using Proposition)
Substitute x2↦x
=−γ+2γ(Using Proposition)
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Nice one! There's a shorter method that uses rmt!
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RMT on both. You'll getLog in to reply
Post the next problem.
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Problem 7:
Prove that ∫01logΓ(x)cos(16πx)dx=321
This problem has been solved by Rajdeep Dhingra.
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Let us start with I=∫01log(Γ(x))cos(16πx) dx We can also write I=∫01log(Γ(1−x))cos(16π−16πx) dx=∫01log(Γ(1−x))cos(16πx) dx Adding both we get 2I=∫01log(Γ(1−x)Γ(x))cos(16πx) dx Using Euler Reflection Formula we get 2I=∫01log(π)cos(16πx) dx−∫01log(sin(πx))cos(16πx) dx Both are standard computations. 2I=0−(−161) I=321 Q.E.D
Problem 12
Problem has been solved by Harsh Shrivastava.
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Simple derivative of beta function.
Required integral is ∂m∂n∂B(m,n) at m=n=2
This evaluates toΓ(m+n)Γ(m)Γ(n)(((ψ(m)−ψ(m+n))(ψ(n)−ψ(m+n))−ψ′(m+n)).
On putting the values of m and n, the final answer evaluates to 0.0684.
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This is not a complete answer. Please show how you got 0.0684.
Problem 13:
Evaluate ∫0π/2ln(cosx)dx
The Problem has been solved by Rajdeep Dhingra and Vighnesh Shenoy. Vighnesh solved it late by 1second. Still credit is given to Vighnesh for the next Question.
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Solution to Problem 13
Let us start with I=∫0π/2log(cos(x)) dx Using properties we know that I=∫0π/2log(sin(x)) dx Adding both we get 2I=∫0π/2log(sin(x)cos(x)) dx Using little manipulation we get that 2I=∫0π/2log(sin(2x)) dx−∫0π/2log(2) dx Using lemma we get 2I=I−2πlog(2)⇒I=−2πlog(2)
Proof of Lemma Used
I1=∫0π/2log(sin(2x)) dx Substitute 2x = t. You will get I1=21∫0πlog(sin(t)) dtI1=21(∫0π/2log(sin(t)) dt+∫π/2πlog(sin(x)) dx) Now let us substitute x−2π=t in the 2nd integral. Then using properties and manipulating. we get I1=∫0π/2log(sin(x)) dx
Delete this question! This question is on brilliant. See this.
Problem 16:
Find the closed form of the following indefinite integral,
This problem has been solved by Rajdeep Dhingra.
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Solution to Problem 16
It is a long tedious one. I will just mention some main steps.
Apply integration by parts with 1st function as arctan(x) and 2nd one as x11dx.
Now you will get an integral ∫10x10(x2+1)1 dx.
Apply partial fractions you will get x101−x81+x61−x41+x21−x2+11 Rest all is trivial Integration.
Is the answer k=1∑510(2k−1)x2k−1(−1)k−10arctan(x)−10x10arctan(x) ?
Problem 19
Prove that ∫01xln2(1−x)dx=2ζ(3)
The Problem has been solved by Vighnesh Shenoy.
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Lemma :
Consider the integral,
Differentiate n times with respect to m,
Using the Taylor series for 1−x1
Using the Lemma,
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Post the next problem.
hey @Rajdeep Dhingra i'm 16 yrs in age but level 5 in calculus , can i participate ?
Problem 15:
Time for an indefinite integral:
This problem has been solved by Vighnesh Shenoy and Aditya Kumar at almost the same time. Credits has been given to Vighnesh.
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Solution to Problem 15:
Substitute: cosx=t
I=−(7t7−1+5t54−3t36+t4+t) + c I=−(7cos7x−1+5cos5x4−3cos3x6+cosx4+cosx)+c
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Oh no! I was about to start typing...
Lol I was typing. So I didn't see. Post the next problem.