In each of the following, choose from a scale of \(1 \ to \ 5\) which of these statements you most agree with or is most applicable to yourself. Choose just one of the numbers \(1 \ \to 5\) in each of the 25 statements :
Choose 5 for most agree=most applicable option, down to 1 for least
agree=least applicable:
1.I find it very difficult to concentrate on just one subject or project for a long period without breaking off to do other things.
2.I am more of a visionary, rather than someonewho is down to earth and businesslike.
3. I often have the urge to try out a new hobby,such as painting or playing a musical instrument.
4. I am not afraid to voice unpopular opinions.
5. I like to retire into my own thoughts uninterrupted for a thinking session.
6. I would describe myself as more disordered than methodical.
7.The greatest teacher of all is experience.
8. I am more sensitive than the average person when it comes to environmental issues.
9. I have more of an interest or curiosity in modern art than a dismissing it as rubbish attitude.
10. I often have the urge to take things apart to see how they work.
11. I have a very overactive mind, to the extent that I sometimes find it difficult to get to sleep at night.
12.I enjoy being unconventional.
13. I am more of an intuitive person than an intellectual.
14. When attending a talk or lecture, I often find myself drifting off and thinking of other things.
15.I sometimes get very frustrated with myself if I cannot do something as well as I would like to.
16. I prefer solitude and scenery to lively social gatherings.
17. I often find myself irritated by petty rules and regulations.
18. I have a very lively imagination.
19. I am often very impatient to learn new things.
20. I more than occasionally have dreams that I am unable to explain.
21. I am very independent minded.
22. Anytime I get a flash of inspiration or a new idea, my mind cannot rest until I have tried to put it into practice.
23. I enjoy spending time on my own.
24. I revel in being different to others.
25. When hanging onto the phone, with a pencil in my hand and a piece of paper in front of me, the probability is that I will start to doodle.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might discover and create.
~Albert Einstein
Imagination is the process of recombining memories of past experiences and images into novel constructions. Thus, imagination is both creative and constructive, it can be either wishful or realistic, involve future plans, or be merely a mental review of the past. Imagination, perception and memory are essentially similar mental
processes and can each be defined as follows:
Imagination : The conscious mental process of invoking ideas or images of objects and events.
Perception : The conscious integration of sensory impressions of external objects and events, including how we perceive others and how others perceive us. It also envelopes how we perceive the world as a whole ^ the big picture ^ and how we perceive different scenarios and situations that appear within the big picture.
Memory (the ninth intelligence) : The mental evocation of past experiences.
One important aspect of perception is the ability to see more than one point of view. If, for example, you look at the two drawings below, at first glance what you see appears to be quite unambiguous:
However, if you continue to stare at each figure in turn, and keep your attention on it focused, then the orientation suddenly shifts and you find yourself looking at a quite different figure from what you first imagined.
These two figures, therefore, illustrate the importance of perception. Two different viewpoints appear ^ yet they are both correct. If anything, this teaches us that we should endeavour to see both viewpoints, and both sides of an argument.
Now look at the figure below.What do you see?
Most people will say that the figure is the letter E. If, however, they look closely they will see that there is no letter E, just three sets of lines. It is because our mind is conditioned to what it believes it wants to see, i.e. the image of the most common letter of the alphabet, which it has seen many thousands of times, that it completes the object for you and makes you come to the conclusion that you perceive something that in reality does not exist.
Now read the following paragraph:
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, The olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Again, our mind has taken over. It knows from past experience what it wants to see, and as a result the task of reading what, at first, appears be a load of mumbo-jumbo is surprisingly easy.
Check Logical Reasoning : Part I and Logical Reasoning : Part II.
Comment your Total Score here.
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@Sandeep Bhardwaj Sir, Can you post a score analysis? Like Is is good or bad to have a high Score?
Total score = 95
{I have my own theories regarding Perception, Imagination, Dreams,Memory, Reality. Psychology and Philosophy are among my favorites. I have no formal education regarding them. But I believe I do have a natural talent for them.}
Total Score:- 78 :)
Score : 97
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IS it Good or bad to have a High Score?
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Well in this case I think high score means being different . @Sandeep Bhardwaj sir can tell us whether its good or bad.@Mehul Arora Cause different people are either lawbreaker or Revolutionary men.
Whoa that's awesome!
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What's awesome ? And Harsh Post ur Score.
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I have a score of 108.
I do not believe that a score can exactly determine or describe something like this. Everyone is different in their own way, my imagination is different from yours, but that doesn't mean that either of us is better than the other. The difference comes in the way we use our capabilities in real life situations. Don't let your score demotivate you or make you overconfident, it's just an indicator to inspire you to be the best you can be!
For the E picture, what does it say when some see Squiggly lines first then see the letter E?
score 93