I've seen two problems today from this user that were really obvious questions that had wrong answers. But the weird thing, I think, is that they have been given ratings by the staff! And it's not a problem that happens to be wrong that has been given an answer. This question is simply to find which is just And because it's been given a rating by the staff, (I didn't realize this) I was guessing to see what the proposed answer was, but my Number Theory rating dropped from to points! I spent a long time trying to get that rating, and it just dropped significantly on a really flawed problem. If this was April Fool's Day, I'd understand, but it's not for another month and a half.
Will someone please explain what the heck is going on? I would love an explanation.
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\sin \theta
Hi everybody,
We are sorry about this mess. We are working on cleaning it up. I will personally try to restore each of your ratings. Please email me ([email protected]) if you feel that your ratings were unfairly reduced.
What happened: last night, we quietly released a feature that allowed users to attach a topic and (tentative, private at first) rating to problems. This was a common feature request, especially for new topics that don't have official Brilliant problems (like Chemistry!).
As the problem is attempted by enough people, and our system is confident in the rating, the system allows the rating to become "public".
Unfortunately, there was a loophole: a user can set the seed rating high, and then if only highly rated people attempt the problem, the system mistakenly becomes confident in a high rating for a trivial problem.
What we did about it:
The Staff needs to look to this.
Post 1 as the answer. I know it is not allowed to post answers. But this question is absolutely rdiculous.
All the problems of this user are trolls....
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Can somebody block her account? I mean seriously!
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Hey Finn, I can tell you're really mad about this (as am I), but I just want to let you know that I have talked with Silas privately, and he assures me that they have plans to prevent things like this from happening again. I am sure that the admins are considering/have considered blocking the account, but at any rate, they are well aware of the problem. The best thing to do now is that if you see a problem from her on your dash, to ignore it, as it is a troll.
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Worse, they have ratings with 2008!! However, how can some users got the correct answer? At first I thought it is a riddle lol
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I guessed on the other one that the user contributed and got it right, but yeah, this is really weird, and to put it lightly, I am really annoyed that my rating went down 60 points because of a question asking what two squared is.
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Oh wow. I just checked the user's profile, and there are a bunch of problems that are stupid questions that have been given ratings.
So, how do you have an obvious question with given ratings by the staff? Here's a possible explanation.
1) Write a problem that is decent enough to get a rating.
2) Edit the problem and turn it into an obvious one that does not have the same answer as the one before.
And voila! You got yourself a troll question with a rating that increases over time!
I'm not sure if this was done in this way or not. But this is a possible explanation.
The user probably wanted to troll their friends but people have to realize that whatever they post is actually public. So they should be careful about that and make sure that they don't make other users' ratings by 40 points :(
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Well, I guess I was wrong [See Silas' comment]. However, there are more than one way to do something.
Its better to avoid such questions. I think it is easy to recognize a troll. You see an obvious problem with a mind-boggling rating, and voila! You have a troll.
Does the symbol means intersection of two statements? This symbol is also used in mathematical reasoning
Same happened with me too.
what the hell? same with me.
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Mee too. I didn't knew this and just read all his problems. I lost my ratings and dropped to 2548
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Lets all unfollow this troll.
I solved many questions of him that was useless and obvious.............. Some were right but some were surprisingly wrong like 2^2 and 8^0 ............
Do ^ means something else than Exponent?????????????
I am really annoyed at this. I lost about 70 rating points for two such questions.
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The answer is apparently 1, and the guy who posted the problem is a mega troll.
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She has, like, a ton of those type of stupid problems.
This user should be BANNED.