Anxious or Relaxed !!!
In each of the following choose from a scale of 1 to 5 which of these statements you most agree with or is most applicable to yourself. Choose just one of the numbers 1 to 5 in each of the 25 statements :
Choose 5 for most agree=most applicable, down to 1 for least agree=least applicable.
1. I often have to work to tight deadlines.
2 Loud noise aggravates me.
3. When I get little aches and pains, I often worry that it could be something more serious.
4. Sometimes I cannot get to sleep as I have too much on my mind.
5. I find it difficult to switch off completely and totally relax.
6. I sometimes get angry with myself if I make a mistake or do not do something to the standard I have set myself.
7. I often find myself dashing around at more than my normal speed.
8. I feel ruled by time.
9. I am a fast talker.
10. I easily become agitated in queues and traffic jams.
11. I am often critical of others.
.12 I do not suffer fools gladly.
13. I push myself hard.
14. I am much more of a serious person than a jovial one.
15. I tend to gesticulate a lot.
16. Punctuality is important to me.
17. There has on several different occasions in my lifebeen just one particular thing which has dominated my thoughts for days on end.
18. It is important to me that I play to win.
19. I have on several occasions gone red in the face with harassment.
20. I am a worrier.
21. I am not optimistic about the future.
22. I worry that I am not more financially secure.
23. I am impatient.
24. I want people to see me as one of life’s winners.
25. I often wake up in the morning with something worrying on my mind.
Assessment :-
Total score 90-125
Your score indicates that you are of a somewhat overly anxious nature who finds it very difficult to relax completely, and you are constantly on your toes for any unforeseen event that may occur. You also have the tendency to build many things up in your own mind out of all proportion. As this is in your nature and possibly the way by which you deal with things and cope with pressure, it is nevertheless important to try and adopt a more relaxed attitude to life, since anxiety does lead to stress and stress is the cause of many serious health problems.
It is necessary sometimes for overly anxious people to make a concerted effort to relax more, and one way of doing this may be by cultivating new interests and by taking one step back and reflecting on their life and its positive aspects.
In times of extreme anxiety, it may be necessary to try and temporarily switch off completely from your daily routine and try to relax and chill out completely for a few days by doing something you really enjoy, whether it be lazing around the garden, listening to music, having a few rounds of golf or spending quality time with friends and family. This may well enable you to get things into perspective and help you cultivate a more relaxed attitude to life.
It is also important to all of us, but especially overly anxious people, that we are able to recognise any early warning signs that we are pushing ourselves too far. Then we can try to do something about it before it is too late.
Total score 65-89
You are in the fortunate position that although, like all people, you find yourself stressed out to a certain degree from time to time, this tends to be the exception rather than the rule. Anxiety for you is no more of a problem than it is for the average person.Generally you appear to be a well-balanced person who is able to face up to problems as they arise and does not spend too much time worrying about things that may never happen. You also appear to have sufficient resolve to face up to any stressful situations that may occur in the future.
You are able to recognise any early warning signs that you may be pushing yourself too hard and, on these occasions, are able to do something about this by switching off somewhat and slowing down a little.
Total score less than 65
Whilst you do worry on occasions, as do all of us, you appear to have a laid-back, relaxed attitude to life, with the result that high anxiety is less of a problem for you than it is for the average person.This attitude can have a calming influence, not just on yourself but also on those around you. One word of caution to having an almost totally relaxed attitude to life is believing that problems will never occur.
We all have to face up to numerous problems in our lifetime. Often, if we are able to anticipate such problems, we are able to minimise or even avoid them. Consequently, on occasions, a degree of forward planning is desirable.You should therefore have the ability to plan ahead and also build in a leeway for the unexpected.
It is also worth bearing in mind that a certain amount of tension is positive. People often respond to, and are encouraged by, challenges.
Guys! Comment here your scores of this analysis of yours. ThankYou!
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I'm so relaxed that I didn't even bother doing the test. :3
Can anyone top that? :3
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LOL great response!
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Nice 6ØØ problems!
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My score is coming 73 which keeps me in fortunate condition.Thanks Sir! for making such kind test which would be of a immense help in developing our personality.
Great Compilation and Analysis Sir!
The Total of mine is 71. Little Relaxed, little Anxious.
I didn't know brilliant has this type of things too. I liked it as i am a biologist. Post more like this one. By the way i got 70.
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I'm glad that you liked it. :)
My score was 82
I got 64
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Sof second level results are out Vaibhav Prasad .
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U tell me your ranks and marks
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imo sr : 13 nso sr: 36
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62 for Me!!
my score : 79
My score is 49 sir .
I give myself a 5 for : 1,7,8,13,16 and 21 and as per the rules , 1 for each of the rest .
I got 61
@Calvin Lin how do i post something in the new formatted website ???
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I think you should wait for sometime, the site is probably under construction right now.
I got 58 :-)
Got 85!
Scored 76
78 :D
73 (and my lucky numbers!!!)
68 is my score
94 :( I think I got the highest
Yeah, that's mostly right :) .... in a general sense anyway ;p
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Why are you telling lie. There are 25 questions for your kind information. How can you score 21????????????????
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Point to be noted my lord;)
My, aren't you the lucky one...
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This score isn't possible to score. Minimum would be 25.
61 and I am happy with that :-)
86 its good enough :-)
scored 47
I've got 80
scored 103 ! ! !
65-89... mostly true
the description is close enough .. thanks
my score... 73
My score is 76. Not so good but not bad too.
I was shocked for first six i rated myself 242424 i thought awe and suddenly it breaked..
I scored 102...
interesting propblem
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This ain't no problem!!