Proposition: Every integer has an interesting property that can be described in 19 words or less.
Proof by contradiction: Suppose that there exists numbers which do not have an interesting property. Let be the smallest of these numbers by the Well-Ordering Principle. Then,
"S is the smallest integer that cannot be described in 14 words or less."
which is a contradiction.
The point of this note is to list out an interesting property for each positive integer. Reply to the largest number N, and state why N+1 is interesting in 14 words or less.
1. Start with "N is ...".
2. Make sure you use 14 words or less.
3. Do not reply out of sequence.
4. Do not reply to your own comment. (Applicable to 9 onwards)
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\sin \theta
1 is the only positive integer that is neither prime nor composite.
2 is the only even prime number
3 is the only prime that is 1 less than a perfect square
19 is the world's record of number of beer steins carried by a barmaid
19 is the date of my birthday, and I'm out of town now, carry on!
primitive abundant number and least 2-digit magic number.
20 is the smallest23 has the distinction of being only one of two integers (other is 239) that cannot be expressed as the sum of fewer than 9 cubes of integers. See Waring's Problem -> (14 words or more)
In base 10, 27 is the first composite number not evenly divisible by any of its digits.
27 contains the decimal digits 2 and 7, and is the result of adding together the integers from 2 to 7 (2+3+4+5+6+7=27).
In the Collatz conjecture, a starting value of 27 requires 112 steps to reach 1, many more than any lower number.
33 is the largest positive integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of different triangular numbers.
33 is the smallest integer such that it and the next two integers all have the same number of divisors.
35 is the highest number one can count to on one's fingers using base 6.
Waring's Problem.
37 - Every positive integer is the sum of at most 37 fifth powers. SeeLargest even number which cannot be written as sum of two odd composite numbers.
*43 = 41 + 2
*43 = 11 + 13 + 19
*43 = 2 + 11 + 13 + 17
*43 = 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 17.
2127659574468085106382978723404255319148936179999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999=47 .
47 is the largest number of cubes that cannot tile a cube.
N such that kN,1≤k≤9 has no repeating decimals.
63 is the smallest positive integer15+24+33+42+51.
65 is equal to0 through 9 exactly once.
69 is an integer such that its square and cube concatenated contains each of712=7!+1).
71 is conjectured to be the largest number whose square is a factorial plus one, ((195+435+465+475+675=725).
72: Smallest number whose fifth power is the sum of five smaller fifth powersn such that each of n−1,n and n+1 are expressible as sums of two squares.
73 is the smallest positive integer752's last 2 digits is 75.
76 is an automorphic number becausen for which \sum _{ x=1 }^{ n }{ { x }^{ 2 } } =\sum _{ y=1 }^{ m }{ y } for some m.
85 is the largest286 is conjectured to be the highest power of 2 without a 0 in its decimal expansion.
88 is conjectured to be the only number whose square has no "isolated" digits. (Sophie Germain prime to start a Cunningham chain of the first kind of six terms.
89 is the smallest91=63+(−5)3=43+33
91 is the smallest positive integer expressible as a sum of two cubes in two different ways if negative roots are allowed (alternatively the sum of two cubes and the difference of two cubes):91 is the smallest positive integer expressible as a sum of six distinct squares: 91=12+22+32+42+52+62
91 is the smallest pseudoprime satisfying the congruence 3n≡3(modn).
+91 is the international direct dial phone call code for India.
Gilbreath permutations on 11 elements, and therefore there are 93 different real periodic points of order 11 on the Mandelbrot set.
There are 93 different cyclicϕ.
98 is not in the range of5!
120 is