Prove the equation above.
Notation : Hn=k=1∑nk(−1)k−1 denotes the Alternating Harmonic Number.
ζ(s)=k=1∑∞ks1 denotes the Riemann Zeta Function.
η(s)=k=1∑∞ks(−1)k−1 denotes the Dirchlet Eta Function.
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Since Hn=k=1∑nk(−1)k−1=∫011+x1−(−x)ndx ,
Summing both sides we obtain n=1∑∞nqHn=∫011+xζ(q)dx−∫011+xLiq(−x)dx=ζ(q)ln2−I∫011+xLiq(−x)dx
Now applying IBP we have, I=∫011+xLiq(−x)dx=[Liq(−x)ln(1+x)]01+∫01xLiq−1(−x)ln(1+x)dx
Since Liq(−1)=−η(q),η(1)=ln2 and applying IBP again,
Similarly applying IBP p times , we will get
Therefore , n=1∑∞nqHn=ζ(q)ln2+k=1∑qη(q−k+1)η(k)+η(q+1) for odd q
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Note that when you apply IBP, every time the sign of the integral changes. So your formula will regenerate the integral only if q is odd. In other words, your formula is correct, when q is odd. For instance, I have solved the regular Euler Sum here, in a similar way before.
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So I may assume that the result as quoted by you of this summation is for the even q ?
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q, even or odd.
No, it is for all(−1)k inside the summation
There is another mistake in your formula, from what you have done, there should be aLog in to reply
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+∫01xLiq−2(−x)Li2(−x)dx and not −∫01xLiq−2(−x)Li2(−x)dx (even if we take (-x)).
As I said, there is a sign error in the second red line, it should beLog in to reply
(−1)k in your summation. Summation reffers only to the integral representation of the alternate harmonic number. But that's fine. I said there is a (−x) in that formulae
Thanks for that , tou said there should be aLog in to reply
(−1)k in the sum. Compare with original Euler Sum in my answer here.
I meant in the eta summation, there should be aAlso, there seems to be a sign error in the second red line, it should be + integral 0 to 1 ((Li)(q-2) (x) Li(2) (x))/x dx