We all know that Pythagorian Triplet must be a whole number and must be . Below is a list of some Pythagorian Triplet ( is the smallest leg and is the largest leg or the hypotenuse)...
3 | 4 | 5 |
9 | 40 | 41 |
6 | 8 | 10 |
15 | 36 | 39 |
But did you know that you can predict Pythagorian Triplet using only the smallest leg? But before that, we must identify what is SIMPLE TRIPLET and PRODUCT TRIPLET. What are those? Simple triplet is a Pythagorean Triplet whose values are not multiplied with any number while Product Triplet is a Pythagorean Triplet whose values are products of values of a simple triplet and a number.
From the above example, the Simple Triplets there are 3, 4, 5 and 9, 40, and 41 while the Product Triplet are 6, 8, 10 and 15, 36, 39. Why? You cannot lower the terms if Simple Triplet (like 3, 4, 5) is in ratio (3:4:5) while in Product Triplet, you can. You can lower 6:8:10 into 3:4:5 and 15:36:39 into 5:12:13.
Another way of identifying SimpleTriplet and Product Triplet is subtracting the larger leg from the hypotenuse (). If , then it is a Simple Triplet. If , then it is a Product Triplet. (Note: the value of of a Product Triplet is the number to be divided from the triplet to get the Simple Triplet)
Example: From first triplet (3, 4, 5) , then it is a Simple Triplet
From fourth example (15, 36, 39) , then it is a Product Triplet
In which Simple Triplet it was based? (Note: is of Product Triplet while is of the Simple Triplet. Same as and )
For the value of
For the value of
For the value of
It was based from the Simple Triplet and
Now, how could you identify using only the smallest leg ()given? By using the formula and or simply , you can now get the Simple Triplet.
For example: If , what is and ?
Using the formula for ,
and formula for
The values for and are and , respectively.
Other example:
Using the formula for ,
and formula for
Let's check using Pythagorian Theorem:
Limitations for these formulas:
It can be applicable if the value of is odd.
It can be applicable if the value of is a whole number.
(Honestly, I just discovered these formulas without reading. I hope it works)
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Consider a=65. By your formulae, b=2112, c=2113. If you check the numbers, it turns out that yes, they work. So the formulae are useful, at least for coming up with triples. But what if I told you there is a significantly smaller simple triple for a=65? b=72, c=97. So you can't actually predict a pythagorean triple given only the smallest leg, you can just find one simple solution in particular.
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To clarify, there are not only additional product triplets that can be found, but often additional simple triplets as well, that do not obey the formulae.
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I understand now.... Thank you!!!
You can predict, but not all triples...
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That is precisely the point; you can find a pythagorean triple with those formulae, but if I told you to guess the triple I'm thinking of given the smallest side length, you won't necessarily guess my triple.
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