In this note I continue my series on the intimate relationships in the natural world.
The feather-legged bug attracts ants by it's production of perfume and leg display.That ants even climb over it.But the perfume is produced on the underside of the body of the ant.The bug lifts it front to display it and as soon as the ant approaches to taste it the bug inserts it's long probosis into the ant leading to it's death.The bug then sucks nourishment from the victim.
The stick insect eggs look exactly like seeds.As a result they are carried by ants inside their nests being mistaken for seeds.In ant nest they reamin safe from predators for upto 3 years.After hatching the baby stick insect scampers out of the nest and climb onto a tree where it spends the rest of it's life well-camouflaged eating leaves.
The picture below shows a stick-insect.
In the Californian desert,the female blister beetle digs a hole in the ground to lay her eggs and then abandons the nest.After 6 weeks the eggs hatch and the survival of the young offsprings depend solely on teamwork.They climb on the stem of a grass and stay on it's tip like a tight squirming mass.the cluster secretes a pheromone(chemical with smells) which makes it smell like a female digger bee! and hence attracts a male bee.When a male approaches the squirming mass,in seconds it gets covered by the larvae,The larvae also jump on the female bee during courtship.In this way they reach the safety of the bee's nest and feed on the pollen brought by the bee and it's young larvae.They even eat the bee larvae.
The picture below shows the swarming mass of blister beetle larvae
This picture show a digger bee
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