I just took the intro quiz (including Michie's matchboxes). Very fun! But as an experienced machine learning developer I think the explanation of how the matchboxes worked could be animated so that a person just starting could see what was intended.
Best regards, Manu
Easy Math Editor
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Hey Manu, thanks for your feedback. This is high on our list of add-ons for this course and will be added in the next revision. Ideally, we'd like to even make it interactive, so the matchbox trains as you play against it. If you have any more thoughts as you do this course (or any others), feel free to follow up here, or email me directly at [email protected].
@Josh Silverman, I saw these links to an interactive version of MENACE below. Perhaps that author would be willing to share his code or work under contract for you. http://www.mscroggs.co.uk/blog/19 http://www.mscroggs.co.uk/menace
@Yajat Shamji I missed the feedback link on the right.
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You know, @Manu Chatterjee, you can click the bars on the R.H.S, and go down to feedback and support. There you can give feedback to staff as well.