For all the Class XII Students In India, today was a major day . Today, we had our JEE Mains paper that decides our admission in various different colleges!
However, the paper was way too tough especially as compared to their previous papers. The physics part was extremely lengthy and Maths was also difficult.
I checked my score with Resonance Answer sheet. I am getting 290 out of 360 considering the bonus they have given! Phy- 82 Chem-115 Maths-96
What do you think? How did your paper go?
This Note is for students who had given their exam today. Please share your views and expected score and ranking!
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Everyone thinks that his paper is tougher than previous years. People of 2013 would say theirs was tougher!
Chem was extremely easy. Physics was a bit better than previous year. Maths was almost of same level as last year. Overall they maintained same difficulty level.
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I just had a look at the paper (I am giving the online exam). It certainly seemed tough! I also read in the newspaper that there were a few errors. By the way, Jatin didn't you find the answer to that question on the bubble escaping from the bottom of the container wrong? I got a particular option by assuming that a bubble has two surfaces in water. However according to me a bubble should have only one surface in water.A long time ago on Brilliant (when we had weekly challenges) there was a question on bubbles in water. In that question I clearly remember that the surface tension was taken as R2T and not R4T.
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None of the options there is correct. Only inside surface is free , hence, we take it to be R2T. By the way, I used forces approach, and got R23T2ρwg. I am sad that even those who didn't get this would get marks! Best of luck for your exam :)
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you are correct..because we take 4T/R in the case of soap bubble which was not mentioned and yet CBSE didn't find it wrong.
So, did you give Mains exam too? How much are you expecting?
so all those who gave JEE-mains ----------did brilliant really helped you all in achieving you goal?
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no........ u better be away from's a waste of time. regarding the preparation of jee
Im getting around 209 marks out of 360, according to Resonance Answer Key. Physics : 73, Chemistry: 75, Maths: 61...Is it good or bad? I dont think it is very good.
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Erm....are you kidding us Anish? I doubt you got these less marks.
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Well, Im not much of a scholar Pranav. I expected about 225 or so (atleast), but it has turned out to be around 214.
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But I am very much shocked to see these marks from an intelligent guy like you. Me, the dumb guy, had 228 previous year, I suggest you to recheck. :)
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But believe me when I say that I wasn't shocked to see these marks. I was very much nervous before the paper. Also, the signing stuff (where you have to sign at all places, write your name, roll no. at all places), its so distracting.
Anyways, maybe I should have been more confident. I used to get about 250-260 marks in the AITS examinations, but apparently, JEE-Mains was tougher than these exams, so that might be the reason for the lesser marks.
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I believe you have good amount of skills and can get a good score in advanced. Keep calm!
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Expected Rank - Less than 10000, at least!
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Hey chill!! Take some time off and relax...Dont worry...That was just one off say. I am sure u will do well in Advanced..ALL THE BEST!!
Yeah I think it is really a good score in such a paper... it was really tough and lengthy.... I'll be giving on 9th Apr online lets see what happens!
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@Arijit Banerjee So how was your paper?
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Anish, I think 214 marks are really good. This is because the paper pattern and level and type of questions were significantly different from what was expected on the basis of previous year's paper and AITS of several coaching classes. When people in the cream of the lot like you suffer the jolt( at least this is what I feel by your words) it is pretty obvious that the average score is going to suffer and go down significantly and so would the cut off marks. So, getting roughly 20 to 30 marks less than your expectations is not a bad performance provided the paper. This question paper probably just gives a hint of level of impending Advanced question paper. Hope it is not the tip of the iceberg.
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I really do hope its not the tip of the iceberg. Btw, how much are you getting? Definitely around 250-260 right?
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Check with the FIITJEE one too...:D
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Can you provide me the link? I cant find it.
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How much are you getting?
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@Anish Puthuraya , @Aabhas Mathur : I am writing Mains online on 12th, since there is no offline centre here in Bangalore. I will tell you my score as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me know yours!
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@Rohan Rao How was your paper?
Vidyamandir Classes (where I study ) was first one to give solutions yesterday. You can check : Jee mains 2014 VMC solutions
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i will be giving jee next year any suggestion for preparing for the exam ????
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Ask experts(I mean your teachers).... that will be better
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@Kavya Rawat Well i'll suggest to do all past year papers possible and all your homework at your coaching!!!......and best of luck for preparation :)
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good , you"ll get nit trichy easily if you get above 90 percent in board exams if you r planning for iit just see if u r quallified or not ,209 mean u r qualified in main now just try to get maximum marks in jee advanced because those marks really matter
I'm in class 9 in India and I want to know how am i supposed to prepare for the IIT-JEE exams. Could someone please give me suggestions?
I am getting 238 TOTAL.......Maths-96, Phy-57,Chem-85
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How much time did u spend behind doing the maths paper?
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Normal like between 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes
chem was quite easy... i completed it in 35 min....and maths took 70 minutes was quite calculative that (AGP) question ....and most interesting one was to find the radius of the took time....physics was tough for me.........getting 205 out of 360...
Well Anish I just know you because of Brilliant. I am seriously shocked by knowing your marks after seeing your problem solving ability in brilliant. I expected you to get around 320 like jatin. I advice you not to spend more time in brilliant and keep your calm. Remember cracking JEE is not only good prob solving ability but also to keep ur calm and your mind and body in harmony during the exam. Speed is also important. well i got around 285 but i bet u my problem solving ability atleast in physics is not as good as yours.
Getting a damned 196[IItian Pace answer key] in exam. I am pissed. I got the paper 20 mins late, I solved my chem in 20 mins, math in 40 mins. It really got in my nerves and lost my calm. Maybe better in JEE Advanced. But what would be your board scores. I am expecting my rank to be in 8K-10K range. Last year 180+90% maharashtra board was around 6K. This year definitely it was a bit more tougher. I am really screwed this year it seems. After all the great performance and good work my luck sold me out. Really depressed. I have also counted the 2 bonuses as suggested by pace.
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Im pissed as well. So, you're not alone. I expect my rank to be around 5000
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I paid for someone elses mistake. They gave us late and took at 12.30 Same happened at a nearby centre as well. Abhi lets see what happens in JEE Advanced.
I really got pissed too when I realized that though they had given the paper late they were intending to collect on time. I also got about 15 min less and as a result of which I was unable to attempt the questions which I could have easily attempted given the time. Nonetheless, hope they do not do something like this in Advanced where 15 min will matter a lot.
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At least you guys got around 300 man. My from 250-280 I slid down. I get very nervous if even a little disturbance aka deviation occurs. Cost me my paper. After the paper I thought I wont even get JEE advance. My only advantage I had a good board exam, so should get a decent rank. If by a big blunder I miss IIT I will get in some IIIT[not HYD, any other ones].
Do u think giving the online exam would be better...?? Probably we wouldnt lose time like this...
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Tanya here are some simple advantages of online exam. 1. Lots of extra sheets. 2. Exam at a date later than offline. 3. No issues of giving the paper on time and stuff. Time starts when you click start on the exam. Disadvantage. Although JEE board touts a lot of stuff about Online exam you may get a crappy computer and a far away centre. For me for pen paper I got a centre 2 mins from my home. Local CBSE school.
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Thanks for the link.....i got 1000-2000 expected after adding expected board scores!!! will have to work hard for advanced.
I got a rank of 5K-7K. Okay I am quite just satisfied.
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How much did you write the expected Board %? Also, which board are you in?
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Yeah its true...
I am getting a total of 221 marks,and i think that's pretty awful,considering what all you people have scored.
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Dude, your score is not that bad, besides there is another big exam coming up which you will definitely score better in.
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Yeah I know,but scoring around 250-300 marks can definitely boost confidence levels for the next exam as well!
Hey I too, gave my JEE Main paper on Sunday and honestly, I didn't find it to be too tough, though I am only getting 133 out of 360, but that is because I only attempted less than 20 questions in each subject and well got only 3 questions wrong in each one of them. However , thank you all for sharing your thoughts about this years paper and if smartpeople like you'll find it tough, then I am confident that my score will be enough to propel me to JEE Advanced, where hopefully I will be abl;e to hold my own against you'll guys.
Anyway, can anyone tell me how did you'll evaluate the problem based on the magnetic force where the induction varied with the exponenetial constant
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Bro dont worry this time even 133 seems decent. I am not saying great but at least not down right atrocious. We will give our best in JEE Advanced. At least I know I would get a great job wherever I go because I am good in computers. I was depressed for a few days but came over it. How did you manage to score 133 though, even you got the paper late?
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No, actually I got really flustered just looking at some questions without even trying to calm down and understand, had I done that I would have definitely got around 180, Anyway hope my state ranking is good enough, besides I am expecting a rank less than 70,000 even with this score. So its not that bad
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So I'll wait and see which colleges my state rank will give me. Fiungers crossed theyt are good ones
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Guys...Can u give suggestions as to how to revise previous topics??? I have one year left and the topics are being covered at a really fast pace...such that I am unable to devote time to revise previous topics...So how do u it???
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Well from the starting( atleast now in 12th) you should mark the revision questions suggested( or your choice) which should consist of questions of a particular type or explaining a particular concept and then revise those questions.
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Sure... Will do that... Any suggestion on how to revise organic chem...???
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As far as theory of organic chemistry is concerned, I would suggest to stick to your professor's notes and booklets. If you really want theory textbook, a lot of people go for Morrison-Boyd (for organic chemistry , in general) and for examination purposes, it is better if you practice questions of a large variety..
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δ+ center in a compound which I believe is effortless to reason. But what takes effort is to realize the feasibility of such an attack. The approach is thus to develop a sense of judgement as to which compound will attack or get attacked and where etc. through the study of four basic kinds of mechanisms. As far as JKCH Sir is concerned, he is really a good teacher and explains the finest nuances regarding reactions and mechanisms which would be beneficial for you in the examination. Unfortunately, Brilliant does not have a well developed and popular Chemistry section as of now. Nonetheless, you can use it as a platform to have your questions answered by the Chemistry lovers out there which are quite a lot of them. Well for boards I'm expecting around 95% or so.
The way to approach Reaction Mechanism is to understand as to why certain reagents behave in certain specific manner with certain class of substrates. For example, a nucleophile will attackLog in to reply
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i am new to brilliant and i study in class 11 ...i ll be giving jee mains and advanced next year......i solved the mains paper at home (in 3.5 hrs) and got 190 marks after checking from resonance answers....plz help me and give me suggestion how can i prepare for next year......plz tell which books to follow
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Are you 13 year old?
Lol i got 195 last year..n 252 this year..though the paper was tough..
When is jee advanced?
Getting a total of 256 marks - good for start. I think with it's will be better.
I get jee main 24 marks