Well, here it comes..JEE-Mains is now just 25 days away! I'm really nervous (especially for Chemistry).
Any suggestions to prepare well for it? (If there are people who have already written JEE, please help your junior!)
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All i can say is... This is the worst thing dat the educational system of our country has done. coz dere r many gd student(capable of under 300 in iit) who may not get da chance to rite the advanced ppr becoz of dose students who only aspire to study for boards. Wat do u think?
@Chandramouli Chowdhury
I don't think I have any right to intrude upon your discussion but I am compelled by the fact that I'm giving JEE Mains this year. I am sure to suffer from either side (both boards and Jee mains) because neither I have top notch performance in boards nor I'm gonna do exceptionally well in Jee(what more can you expect from a school where they don't complete the course in time, the teachers lack basic fundamentals and most badly, don't teach anything, just sip coffee and take a pay cheque every month. Plus I don;t have that innate talent to solve every problem). I think there are seriously more flaws than the normalisation procedure too.
So what I'd say to you guys is you are WAY WAY better than most (looking at your levels and profiles at least!). All the best to you all!
@Chandramouli Chowdhury
But I hope you'll agree 9th and 10th are not the same as 11th and 12th. I know almost the same contents come but not in the same manner.
I suggest having a glance at the NCERT textbooks, and the chemistry board paper (which I just wrote today). The level of questions is akin to that of JEE Mains. Since it is conducted by CBSE, they will definitely refer to their own prescribed textbooks, ie, NCERTs.
Hey, could you tell me your average current Mains score and rank at your institute? Rank may be indicative, but the score is a definitive measure, assuming that the level of the Mains paper is at par with ours...
My most recent score is 240/432 which scales to about 200/360. This is a test I wrote at home. My most recent Phase Test Mains score is also 201/360. My best score is 144/180, which scales to 288/360. My best rank is in the same, which is 47 out of about 3000 students or so, ie, FIITJEE students across India.
@Chandramouli Chowdhury
Are you taking the AITS exams? Actually the rank is based on number of students writing the exam. But only around 8000(i believe) people wrote open test. In the actual JEE mains around 1.6 million people will be writing. What would you think is:
a) a good score
b)a good rank in AITS?
@Siddharth Iyer
See i'm a student of fiitjee, in the top batch, so we hav to rite the aits. What our faculties say is - if u get consistent rank of 250 below(air) then u can expect a rank blow 1000 in actual iit(advance). Now after dat it depends how much more hard work u put so that ur rnk gets better. Regarding score don't worry abt it as the initial papers of aits r crazzzzzyyy. And anyway only its a relative score what matters. U r riting iit dis yr?
@Chandramouli Chowdhury
Yes I will be writing jee this year. Actually i am also a fiitjee student(in A01 in our program) but the reason why asked was because in AITS the results of all students are not displayed so i am not able to aim at a better rank though my score is consistently improving. But thanks for the advice and good luck to you too!!
@Rohan Rao
So you are also FIITJEEian? To tell the truth, I've completed only three of their tests- one a 3rd phase test and the other two were full tests I and IV. As far as I remember, I scored below 100 in each of them(the questions are indeed very difficult).
@Kou$htav Chakrabarty
But looking at your ranks I think you guys are very good since most coaching classes, especially FIITJEE, tend to keep their stuff at a slightly higher level than JEE.
One should follow 'Bhagwatgita' here. Cool yourself. Last minute cramming does not work. Concentrate on basics. Read questions carefully. Generally, there is a twist in the tail.
Even i am giving JEE Mains,as are 1.6 million other students! I think one should give as many practice papers as possible. If you are in any coaching class, tell them to conduct daily tests after the boards are over. And seeing that you are level 5 in almost all the subjects, Mains should not be a problem for you!
In an exam where you have to compete with 1.6m peers, imo time maintenance plays an important role.
Seeing your activity here on Brilliant, am sure you can perform exceptionally in JEE-Mains given required time.But the thing is optimization. Only way is to keep practicing model papers, Mock tests, previous papers. Solve all the questions which you think you can solve it for sure...like 100% sure. Priorotise them first. Practice. Practice. Practice. As for chemistry...NCERT text books. Sleep tight. Feel confident*. Cheers!
Btw which mode did you opt for? Online?
In Mathematics, the problems of JEE-mains match the level-2(most of them), or level-3(very few) here at brilliant. For Jee - Advanced, the problems match Level-3(very few), Level-4(Majority of them), or Level - 5 ( few). I should mention that there is no number theory or geometry(though there is coordinate geo) in their syllabi. Most of the syllabus in math is calculus and algebra. We learn number theory and geometry only till class 10th.
yes; a lot of them r helpful. If u could put the qs of heat and modern physics in a different section it'll be awesum, Coz in iit jee almost same no. of qs come from each area of physics and heat nd m.p are quite important for da exam
Yes sir, for students like me where the school or my seniors aren't really role models, Brilliant has 'brilliantly' filled the void. What I like most about Brilliant is nobody glares at you for not being 'toppers' and I can solve and learn on my own with the help of good peers here.
Totally. If we could solve a problem(lvl 4 or 5) in the least time possible, it is much much more than enough, basically for any entrance exam. And, sir, if i may add, you are being modest in asking 'any of the questions' :P. All the questions here add a Ton load to our mathematical toolkit. They try to test the basic conceptual understanding of the candidate which Brilliant provides the best of all.
@Varshith Reddy
HI Varshith,
I just saw you are a level 5 in Computer Science. Most Indians are not good at it.Please tell me where should I learn Computer Science from as I shall really need it after completing my school.
@Varshith Reddy
Both languages has its ins and outs for beginners. While Python can be picked up pretty easily and quickly but C or C++ requires you to understand 'some' theoretical aspects too.
A short example :
In Python, to print you name, all you'd do is:
Whereas in C++, you'd do:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "MY NAME GOES HERE";
@Kou$htav Chakrabarty
Maybe beacause C allows you to undestand the basic working nature of the computer(like pointing to an address..), everyones taught C in their college first(idk about others but almost all colleges in my state teach C first in their Engineering).
When working with pointers, bitwise operators u actually think like the machine.It looks like python was built over C. Nevertheless Pythons too also a good langauge to start with.
@Pankaj Joshi
Just out of curiosity, when did you start and how much time did it take you to learn programming upto a basic level. Also is there a requirement of knowing other programs which are taught in lower classes (I have already forgotten them) like Logo , Q Basic etc. before starting python.
What i feel is; in jeem ur skill in a subject is not rewarded; rather your capability of memorizing is more rewarded. Anyway qs r not dat difficult; if u've practiced enough papers u can finish da paper within 2.5hrs. Guess wat we're finishing our board exams on 26th march; so we only have 10days for jeem. Since its only a qualifying exam nd dere r a lot of seats; i dont think selection in dat will be a problem, as the main target of most ppl will be to get a gd rnk in advanced. All da best :)
@Chandramouli Chowdhury
Personally, I just want these Boards to get over so that I can stop learning stuff by heart and properly apply interesting concepts in JEE level problems!
@Rohan Rao
Exactly!!! And especially now it becomes important coz we've to clr some 20% cut off or sumthing. And in our clg faculties r asking us to get rnd 96%. So there's a lot of extra pressure.
Just keep yourself motivated during these last days and also during the exam. Motivation plays an important role for those who clear such exams. Many good students aren't able to perform well because they loose motivation in this peak time as the exam comes closer. In JEE what you have done for whole year (11th/12th or drop year) that counts. There is no need to take huge burden in such peak time. Give some time to your hobbies like chatting or talking ( keep study talks aside ), some game or sport, hanging around, listen music, watch any inspirational movie. That will have a positive effect on your mindset and it will help you to manage yourself. And worrying, thinking a lot about JEE and its relation with our future, talking to demotivated people will only reduce your performance in the exam. So keep yourself motivated. I wish you all the best.
I think we shouldn't be nervous. Being nervous is in no way going to boost our performance. I think we should just do our best and God will do the rest. I too am not great at chemistry but will work hard for it in the days to come (after boards). Best of luck!!!
Thank you! I was thinking of just doing chemistry and mathematics till the day comes..(since I think im comfortable with Physics)..Is that a good idea? or should I revise all the three?
I would suggest that you shouldn't listen to to many opinions that will confuse you more but stay focussed on all three subjects equally. Concentrate on weak topics in easy subject.
I think you are great at physics. However I think that we should revise all three subjects. The most important thing at this time is to practice many papers. I thing time management is a big factor, particularly in Jee-Mains.
I think since you are comfortable with Physics, you may not study it more though you can read the topics like Semiconductors, Communication which are not a part of Advanced. Similarly you can read Mains topics in Chemistry also. However don't waste too much time on your weakness, study other topics also.
solve more and more problems, and try to give a glimpse on your weaknesses. About chemistry, JEE mains questions are not tough, just focus on speed and accuracy,it will be all done for the Mains. Best of luck!!
Although I would be giving IITJEE next year..I would suggest that you go through the NCERT textbooks once again(especially chemistry{its my problem too}) and SCORE WELL IN YOUR BOARDS. I feel that you have a firm grasp over Physics and that shouldn't be much of an issue. As far as Chemistry is concerned just revise and re-revise . Don't forget that the paper is comparatively easier than what you guys do here and all you need to do is to keep yourself Motivated,keep a cool head and do not lose confidence in your abilities .
Finally BEST OF LUCK!!.......btw...I would like some suggestions from you ...
After all,,,.Juniors learn from their Seniors......
Here is one suggestion...I assume that you have a lot of time in your hand for the preparation, right? Try and convince your mind and heart that you have almost no time left (don't go too far...Do not convince it so much that you panic)...It will bring out the best in you!
@Aman Ahmad
for easy problems try Hc Verma and for harder ones try-'Problems In General Physics' by IE Irodov.........although DC Pandey is good enough
@Shikhar Jaiswal
can u give me list of two to three books in each subject physics chemistry and mathematics for jee advanced! which is enough! i want to prevent myself from confusions!
Just be a bit careful with RC Mukherjee...some parts of the theory and a few of its' problems may confuse you......but stick to your concepts and you can do well..
I have one doubt, and it is not related to JEE Mains but to the admissions. I know it may sound stupid, but can a person take computer science after 12th Std if he has not studied CS in his high school?
Hi Anish, Just revise what you have learnt upto now, and well wishes from my side........Your rating suggests you'll crack iit.
I wanted to ask you something.....as you know, I also have to give IIT after 3 years. Do I need to prepare from now? Also please tell me the resources from which you have studied.
The earlier you start, the better...When I was your age, I didn't even know what IIT was.! You have a huge advantage..So, you can start studying side-by-side with your school stuff. Do not put too much time into IIT, focus now on your school, because if you fail here, you wont even get a chance to write IIT. (Well, thats a bit of an exaggeration because Im sure you will do just fine!!)
And as for the second question, well, I have been studying in a coaching institute, so, I didn't need many resources. Though I would suggest you to read H.C.Verma and Halliday Resnik for PHYSICS, and M.L.Khanna and A.Dasgupta for MATHS
Ok, I'd like to slightly deviate from the topic and ask you guys what degree/program you want to pursue after 12th? I want to.. (it may sound really comical to some of you since I'm not that good at maths)... I want to do CSE.
Depends on what perspective you look at it. If want to study physics just for clearing the exams then all you need to do is, cram up formulas and understanding concepts to a little extent is sufficient. If you want to make it your career, especially if you want to study and research in topics concerning theoretical physics (ex. condensed matter physics, cosmology, particle physics, nuclear physics, etc.) then you NEED to STUDY HARD. Especially spend time in understanding concepts, and practice problems from the best books possible. If you need any guidance regarding research in theoretical physics, mail me on [email protected] or message me on facebook.
Yes, they are national exams. Everybody is too concerned regarding this exam because admission to top institutes is done through this exam and admission rate is too low (may be less than 5% but that's just my guess) for these top institutes and only handful of students gets admitted and those who don't get admitted have to take admission in not so good institutes which nobody wants to go for.
Look, IITJEE is the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam. It gives you the admission to the best engineering colleges in India. And for the feel of it , 1.6 million people give it(in the mains stage) and finally (in the Advance stage - the one which gets you into IIT) only 10000 people get through.!!
Hello Everyone...
I am from VIjayawada, Andhra Pradesh...
I am a bit worried about my performance in JEE Advanced tests... (I am in Narayana Coaching Centre...)
I am in the topmost section of our coaching centre...
I am scoring very well in JEE Mains ( My estimated rank is 22 among 4000 odd people)
This week I scored 260/360 in JEE Mains.
Today I wrote JEE Advanced Paper 1 and 2 ( 2013 Model) my total score was 105 marks...
Last Weeks JEE Mains was 272/360
and Last weeks jee advanced was 88/360...
Does anyone know Why????
Please help me ut friends... I am getting a bit worried
Easy Math Editor
This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
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> This is a quote
to ensure proper formatting.2 \times 3
\sin \theta
We should be more worried if same normalization procedure is followed in JEE Main 2014 as in 2013.
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these are my classmates':
98% in Board. 159 in Jee-Mains --> 3310 rank
88.9% in " , 267 in Jee " ---> 12160
and what do we have to say to this?
just LOL
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All i can say is... This is the worst thing dat the educational system of our country has done. coz dere r many gd student(capable of under 300 in iit) who may not get da chance to rite the advanced ppr becoz of dose students who only aspire to study for boards. Wat do u think?
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EDIT: So what I'd say to you guys is you are WAY WAY better than most (looking at your levels and profiles at least!). All the best to you all!
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BEST OF LUCK to all you guys giving JEE this year!
I suggest having a glance at the NCERT textbooks, and the chemistry board paper (which I just wrote today). The level of questions is akin to that of JEE Mains. Since it is conducted by CBSE, they will definitely refer to their own prescribed textbooks, ie, NCERTs.
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I will be sure to read those! Thanks for the suggestions!
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Hey, could you tell me your average current Mains score and rank at your institute? Rank may be indicative, but the score is a definitive measure, assuming that the level of the Mains paper is at par with ours...
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BEST Marks : 244/360
BEST Rank : 54 among 1662 students
These BEST marks and Rank are not of the same examination
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My most recent score is 240/432 which scales to about 200/360. This is a test I wrote at home. My most recent Phase Test Mains score is also 201/360. My best score is 144/180, which scales to 288/360. My best rank is in the same, which is 47 out of about 3000 students or so, ie, FIITJEE students across India.
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By the way, the image you posted is really funny :)
One should follow 'Bhagwatgita' here. Cool yourself. Last minute cramming does not work. Concentrate on basics. Read questions carefully. Generally, there is a twist in the tail.
Even i am giving JEE Mains,as are 1.6 million other students! I think one should give as many practice papers as possible. If you are in any coaching class, tell them to conduct daily tests after the boards are over. And seeing that you are level 5 in almost all the subjects, Mains should not be a problem for you!
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In an exam where you have to compete with 1.6m peers, imo time maintenance plays an important role. Seeing your activity here on Brilliant, am sure you can perform exceptionally in JEE-Mains given required time.But the thing is optimization. Only way is to keep practicing model papers, Mock tests, previous papers. Solve all the questions which you think you can solve it for sure...like 100% sure. Priorotise them first. Practice. Practice. Practice. As for chemistry...NCERT text books. Sleep tight. Feel confident*. Cheers! Btw which mode did you opt for? Online?
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Out of curiosity, do you feel that any of the questions here on Brilliant are helpful with preparation for JEE?
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Hi, sir. The problems here are surely helpful.
In Mathematics, the problems of JEE-mains match the level-2(most of them), or level-3(very few) here at brilliant. For Jee - Advanced, the problems match Level-3(very few), Level-4(Majority of them), or Level - 5 ( few). I should mention that there is no number theory or geometry(though there is coordinate geo) in their syllabi. Most of the syllabus in math is calculus and algebra. We learn number theory and geometry only till class 10th.
You can check the Jee mains 2013 Mathematics paper .
yes; a lot of them r helpful. If u could put the qs of heat and modern physics in a different section it'll be awesum, Coz in iit jee almost same no. of qs come from each area of physics and heat nd m.p are quite important for da exam
Yes sir, for students like me where the school or my seniors aren't really role models, Brilliant has 'brilliantly' filled the void. What I like most about Brilliant is nobody glares at you for not being 'toppers' and I can solve and learn on my own with the help of good peers here.
Definitely sir,the problems here are very helpful....especially those in the Mechanics and Algebra section
Totally. If we could solve a problem(lvl 4 or 5) in the least time possible, it is much much more than enough, basically for any entrance exam. And, sir, if i may add, you are being modest in asking 'any of the questions' :P. All the questions here add a Ton load to our mathematical toolkit. They try to test the basic conceptual understanding of the candidate which Brilliant provides the best of all.
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here and learnt it on my own. Most people recommend reading 'C' though.
Hey Pankaj. I downloaded a book on PythonLog in to reply
A short example :
In Python, to print you name, all you'd do is:
Whereas in C++, you'd do:
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yes ,really actually level 3 probelms have the same difficulty as jee main and 4 and 5 have the difficulty of jee advanced
Thanks for the suggestions! I appreciate it. And, I opted for Paper based exam
What i feel is; in jeem ur skill in a subject is not rewarded; rather your capability of memorizing is more rewarded. Anyway qs r not dat difficult; if u've practiced enough papers u can finish da paper within 2.5hrs. Guess wat we're finishing our board exams on 26th march; so we only have 10days for jeem. Since its only a qualifying exam nd dere r a lot of seats; i dont think selection in dat will be a problem, as the main target of most ppl will be to get a gd rnk in advanced. All da best :)
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I think you mean february
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He means March.
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Hey guys!!!! I am one year your junior and here's wishing BEST OF LUCK to ALL OF YOU!!!!!
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Thanks :)
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Thanks!!! I think I am going to really need it!!
Thanks and best of luck for your preparation!!
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Hey!!! Best of Luck to all those appearing for JEE. Do your best. I am still in the eleventh and shall need your advice in the twelfth standard.
Just keep yourself motivated during these last days and also during the exam. Motivation plays an important role for those who clear such exams. Many good students aren't able to perform well because they loose motivation in this peak time as the exam comes closer. In JEE what you have done for whole year (11th/12th or drop year) that counts. There is no need to take huge burden in such peak time. Give some time to your hobbies like chatting or talking ( keep study talks aside ), some game or sport, hanging around, listen music, watch any inspirational movie. That will have a positive effect on your mindset and it will help you to manage yourself. And worrying, thinking a lot about JEE and its relation with our future, talking to demotivated people will only reduce your performance in the exam. So keep yourself motivated. I wish you all the best.
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Thank you!
I think we shouldn't be nervous. Being nervous is in no way going to boost our performance. I think we should just do our best and God will do the rest. I too am not great at chemistry but will work hard for it in the days to come (after boards). Best of luck!!!
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Thank you! I was thinking of just doing chemistry and mathematics till the day comes..(since I think im comfortable with Physics)..Is that a good idea? or should I revise all the three?
All the best to you as well
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all 3 try to score as much as in phy and math ....chem is my problem toooo............
I would suggest that you shouldn't listen to to many opinions that will confuse you more but stay focussed on all three subjects equally. Concentrate on weak topics in easy subject.
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I think you are great at physics. However I think that we should revise all three subjects. The most important thing at this time is to practice many papers. I thing time management is a big factor, particularly in Jee-Mains.
I think since you are comfortable with Physics, you may not study it more though you can read the topics like Semiconductors, Communication which are not a part of Advanced. Similarly you can read Mains topics in Chemistry also. However don't waste too much time on your weakness, study other topics also.
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All the best bro!
just one thing, finish your boards and give your 100%,......i would surely like some suggestions from you tooo...
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The same suggestions everyone gave to me...Best of Luck!
solve more and more problems, and try to give a glimpse on your weaknesses. About chemistry, JEE mains questions are not tough, just focus on speed and accuracy,it will be all done for the Mains. Best of luck!!
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Thank you! Best of luck to you too!
Although I would be giving IITJEE next year..I would suggest that you go through the NCERT textbooks once again(especially chemistry{its my problem too}) and SCORE WELL IN YOUR BOARDS. I feel that you have a firm grasp over Physics and that shouldn't be much of an issue. As far as Chemistry is concerned just revise and re-revise . Don't forget that the paper is comparatively easier than what you guys do here and all you need to do is to keep yourself Motivated,keep a cool head and do not lose confidence in your abilities .
Finally BEST OF LUCK!!.......btw...I would like some suggestions from you ... After all,,,.Juniors learn from their Seniors......
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Here is one suggestion...I assume that you have a lot of time in your hand for the preparation, right? Try and convince your mind and heart that you have almost no time left (don't go too far...Do not convince it so much that you panic)...It will bring out the best in you!
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That's an excellent suggestion...I really appreciate it...THANKS!
i went through DC pandey and came to conclusion dat its enough for jee,am i ryt? My class 11 is starting this april
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Chemistry:RC Mukherjee (for Physical Chemistry);Solomon Fryhle(for Organic Chemistry)
Maths:ML Khanna
Just be a bit careful with RC Mukherjee...some parts of the theory and a few of its' problems may confuse you......but stick to your concepts and you can do well..
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I have one doubt, and it is not related to JEE Mains but to the admissions. I know it may sound stupid, but can a person take computer science after 12th Std if he has not studied CS in his high school?
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Yes, you can.
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But, wont I feel disadvantaged because of my lack of basics? meaning, wont I lag behind in class?
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Good books I'd recommend(both for beginners and pros) (scroll down)
be clear with your basics read 10hours/day practice formulas and equations
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10 hours ????????????
I'll be giving JEE next year i'm in 11th but I wonder how doesit feel when you know that 25 days are left and you will be facing the question paper !
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It feels as if you have not even started studying and you do not know anything...
You cross the bridge when you reach it. It is a journey that continues.
Hi Anish, Just revise what you have learnt upto now, and well wishes from my side........Your rating suggests you'll crack iit.
I wanted to ask you something.....as you know, I also have to give IIT after 3 years. Do I need to prepare from now? Also please tell me the resources from which you have studied.
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The earlier you start, the better...When I was your age, I didn't even know what IIT was.! You have a huge advantage..So, you can start studying side-by-side with your school stuff. Do not put too much time into IIT, focus now on your school, because if you fail here, you wont even get a chance to write IIT. (Well, thats a bit of an exaggeration because Im sure you will do just fine!!)
And as for the second question, well, I have been studying in a coaching institute, so, I didn't need many resources. Though I would suggest you to read H.C.Verma and Halliday Resnik for PHYSICS, and M.L.Khanna and A.Dasgupta for MATHS
Ok, I'd like to slightly deviate from the topic and ask you guys what degree/program you want to pursue after 12th? I want to.. (it may sound really comical to some of you since I'm not that good at maths)... I want to do CSE.
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Engineering Physics in iit bombay. If not bombay then delhi or kanpur...
Hey folks! I am currently in class 9.Can i start preparing for jee from now itself?
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What advice will you give to improve physics?
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Depends on what perspective you look at it. If want to study physics just for clearing the exams then all you need to do is, cram up formulas and understanding concepts to a little extent is sufficient. If you want to make it your career, especially if you want to study and research in topics concerning theoretical physics (ex. condensed matter physics, cosmology, particle physics, nuclear physics, etc.) then you NEED to STUDY HARD. Especially spend time in understanding concepts, and practice problems from the best books possible. If you need any guidance regarding research in theoretical physics, mail me on [email protected] or message me on facebook.
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Thanks for your help, though i am also in IIT Kanpur now :)
Sorry I know this can't be done but why don't Brilliant.org starts a university
What are those?National Exams?They shouldn't be difficult compared to what you guys do here....
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Yes, they are national exams. Everybody is too concerned regarding this exam because admission to top institutes is done through this exam and admission rate is too low (may be less than 5% but that's just my guess) for these top institutes and only handful of students gets admitted and those who don't get admitted have to take admission in not so good institutes which nobody wants to go for.
Look, IITJEE is the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam. It gives you the admission to the best engineering colleges in India. And for the feel of it , 1.6 million people give it(in the mains stage) and finally (in the Advance stage - the one which gets you into IIT) only 10000 people get through.!!
Sorry to ask, but what is the JEE Mains
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It is an engineering entrance examination in India.
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Is it hard because all of you look frustrated.
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Hello Everyone... I am from VIjayawada, Andhra Pradesh... I am a bit worried about my performance in JEE Advanced tests... (I am in Narayana Coaching Centre...) I am in the topmost section of our coaching centre... I am scoring very well in JEE Mains ( My estimated rank is 22 among 4000 odd people) This week I scored 260/360 in JEE Mains. Today I wrote JEE Advanced Paper 1 and 2 ( 2013 Model) my total score was 105 marks... Last Weeks JEE Mains was 272/360 and Last weeks jee advanced was 88/360... Does anyone know Why???? Please help me ut friends... I am getting a bit worried