Greetings from the moderation team! Here is the June Edition of the much awaited newsletter. As usual, it encapsulates the best of Brilliant over the past month. From the best posts to the most active members, it has it all.
Your performance at Brilliant can now get you a job in a leading company. Doesn’t sound credible? Then read this.
Did you ever feel that your solution isn’t the best way out? Or maybe wished that some mentor reviewed it? Brilliant has heard it all. You can submit a request to have your solution reviewed by Challenge Masters!
Over the past month the feed was flooded with a large number of problems across all topics and levels. This is not something new to the Brilliant community, but the strength of the flux is inspiring and motivating as always. Here are a few handpicked problems just in case you found the flow to be strong.
These are some out there in the brain gym which would keep you working for quite some time.
The Mystic Triangle , Seven Eight Nine , Don't try and Magnet falling in a copper tube.
After all that workout here some easier ones. Warning: Neither would they leave you without having them a second thought.
Aren't they the same thing?, Isn't it equal to 1?, Can you boil this water?, Triangle-ception and Do you know your basics - VIII.
The ever-expanding community yet again witnessed incorporation of some new individuals who actively put in efforts and enhanced the experience of the community with their problems, solutions, wikis and comments having actively contributed them over the past four weeks or so. They deserve a word of recognition and the moderation team sincerely appreciates the efforts of Abyoso Hapsoro, Vijay Simha, Ankit Nigam, Dhaman Trivedi, Colin Carmody and Arian Tashakkor and hopes that they continue this active interaction with the community.
Interestingly in this edition, each of the members who has made it into the WhoToFollow List is really great at one of the major topics out here. So no matter where your interests lie, you would find your idol in this list.
Nishant Rai : Made a great set of his physics problems
Andrei Govolanov: Spellbounding skills at combinatorics
Otto Bretscher : Has a profound knowledge about Algebra and Number Theory
PS: It seems we haven’t found our master logician yet and apparently the programmers had some time off recently.
Do hit the follow button on their profiles.
A collection of discussions which are worth a dekko.
Ever wanted to know how one of those popular members are like other than being a math/physics whiz? Brilliant has begun featuring some of its popular members, one each month, from this May. Catch up from the first note in the series which features Jake Lai.
It has been 10 odd days since the JEE-2015 and this discussion encapsulates the reactions and performances of our fellow members who took the important examination this time.
Ever tried doing simple things the difficult way? This is how you try estimating using Riemann Zeta Functions.
Thinking of taking JEE and don’t know from where to begin? Start here
Nihar just mixed up Vieta’s, polynomials and progressions. This is how the mixture tastes.
This concludes the June edition of the Newsletter. Hope you all liked it !
Easy Math Editor
This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
When posting on Brilliant:
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
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> This is a quote
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How the hell are these 14 year olds so good? I used to waste my time watching pokemon and beyblade when i was young..
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Same here bro! But I wouldn't call it
my time . I actually enjoyed them ^_^Log in to reply
Yeah , I am enjoying them too :P
Well, here I would love to add that you seem to be 17 years young as per your profile. You've got the infinite potential and you can create yourself so wonderful in the coming years that someone will start up commenting "how the hell is this 19 year young so Genius" .
Don't mind. It's just for the sake of Hope.
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This applies to @Azhaghu Roopesh M too! :P
I do both brilliant and watching random stuff on YouTube when I neglect my homework
I do enjoy Pokemon and Beyblade, Chakar de Takkar!
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Exactly, I want to be 14 again.
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Same here, good fret-free old days...
Moderation cares for you. Don't miss the chance to go through it.
I think in New and Active Members , name of @Ikkyu San must also be included , since he is posting really very nice problems.
Thanks for including me in the list! ⌣¨
Keep up the great work mods !
I just wanted to mention a name that got missed out :
@Kishlaya Jaiswal
I think he's a genuine candidate for the post of
Master Tactician
.It's really really strange that his name hasn't been featured as of now , in any of the Who to follow lists . Just wanted to say , he is definitely worth a mention .
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Many thanks for mentioning me @Azhaghu Roopesh M . You are truly an awesome friend.
But honestly, I don't mind it. I think, if I've got something to share with you all, then I'll do it for sure, no matter if I get mentioned for it somewhere or not.
I apologize if I have heard anyone's sentiments.
Is 'Brilliantian' an official demonym? Because I really think an official demonym is needed.
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@Calvin Lin sir
Thanks for mentioning my work on polynomials too!
The "have a challenge master read" feature does seem to have a small problem. I think the only time you see it is when just before you post an answer for the first time. But very often it takes a lot of fiddling around before the posted answer is complete, and by that time, that option is gone.
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Go ahead and request for it, and then you can add a note at the top saying "Hey, I'm not done with this yet. Don't review this as yet".
As a related example, sometimes I add "This is not a complete solution" at the top of my hint-solutions.
Thank you so much for including my name in the Who To Follow list, I am honoured!!!
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I followed you!
Please try to improve the interface of the app also.