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This week's level 5 math problem 'Math is beautiful' reminded me of something in routine maths that we don't usually take notice of.We,at most times ignore the beauty of equations and mathematics that we usually tackle.I pondered about the topic for almost a week and found this .Go through it and ponder about the topic.The whole way of your thinking mathematics would take a whole new turn.Come to love math and don't just be the grazing cow to do it routinely.
Easy Math Editor
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\sin \theta
Best Mathematical Identity: eiπ+1=0. It connects the 5 most important constants used in mathematics.
Is the generalized Stokes' Theorem really not in there?
What isn't beautiful about Ω∫dα=∂Ω∫α?
Despite its mathematical complexity, I think that the equation from the generalized Stokes' Theorem is clearly the most beautiful, and it applies to a wide variety of cases (the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and all the other integral identities from analysis essentially stem from that equation).
People find maths hard and hate it because they didn't realise how complicated life is. i love math because its filled with beauty and patterns. you won't believe me that the most fundamental constant e has a isosceles right triangle inside it ! e = 2.718281828 "459045" …
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"If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is." - John von Neumann
math is beautiful to those people who find the internal beauty of it..