Math lets you do a lot of things. But here are 5 things that Math does not allow you to do:
1) Math does not allow you to divide by zero.
Because the universe will implode.
2) Math does not allow you to prove every statement.
English: This statement cannot be proved.
3) Math does not allow you to create infinite chocolate
Because only oranges can be Banach-Tarski duplicated.
4) Math does not allow you to comb a hairy ball.
This rabbit is doomed to looking unkempt forever. It cannot be combed.
5) Math does not allow you to define a dull number.
Suppose not. Find the smallest. Then that number is interesting ...
Know of any good paradoxes? Add them to the Paradox page!
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\sin \theta
Math does not allow you to get a girlfriend :P
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That is so 2013. It only takes 88 dates
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I stand corrected...up to a certain extent.
I watched it for like 4 minutes... But I still don't get if
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Banach-Tarski Paradox
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So wait this implies if you have a solid sphere you can make infinitely more out of it? I've heard of that before but eh don't really get it. I get teh chocolates - took liek a month to figure out off of an analogous triangle problem. But not this Banach-Tarski slice n' dice.
Oh, and I dunno as far as dividing by zero goes; what about complex infinity?
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The main "paradox" is that volume is not preserved under rotation, unless the set is "measurable". As such, the idea is to cut the ball up into non-measurable parts, and then move them around to change the volume, and then piece them back together again.
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n radians from the luckless mathematician, n being every positive integer, simply hand his drink to the mathematician one radian next to him. Then all mathematicians have got a drink, and everybody's happy.
An even simpler example would be having an infinity of mathematicians sitting around in a round table at a restaurant bar. One of the mathematicians is missing his drink, all the others have a drink. So, it's proposed that every mathematician that isCan you please explain that logic notation?
Math do not allow you to find the actual value of pi (not22/7 but 1-1/3+1/5-......)
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The exact value of π is π itself :)
Math's does not allow us to understand universe
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It's doing a really good job of it so far. What else explains it better?
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The problem is that the more we understand about the universe, the more we know how little we understand.
Math does not help you decide when you are going to have an exam:
The last Friday my teacher announced that he will give us an exam on the following Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and that the exam will be a suprise. I argued that the exam cannot be held on Wednesday because at the end of Tuesday I will know that the exam will be held on Wednesday and therefore it will not be a surprise. By the same arguing the exam cannot be held on Tuesday because at the end of Monday I will know that the exam will be held on Tuesday and therefore it will not be a surprise. So the exam must be held on Monday. I argued that it cannot be on Monday because it will not be a surprise. The exam was on Tuesday and it was a surprise!
Maths does not reach the infinite or uncountable.