A Munchausen Number is a number that is equal to the sum of its digits each raised to a power equal to that digit. It is also called perfect digit-to-digit invariant (PDDI) because of its feature.1 is a Munchausen number. If we consider 0^0 as 0 there is a Munchausen number 438579088. But as 0 is undefined we can't consider this number. There is another Munchausen number besides 1. What is that?
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3435 learned it from Numberphile.
exactly wolfram mathworld says there are four munchausen number....they are 0,1,3435,and 438579088.......If the definition (0^(0))=0 is adopted.....
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00 is undefined, remember? Discussion
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but wolfram says if and only if (iff) it(i.e. 0^(0) ) is defined only then the number could be adopted as munchausen number...... i have gone through the discussion ,you mentioned,before many times ....thanxx....but see here....find the statement that i gave is in the last line.....hope you understand my source.....
yes but I previously mentioned we can't take it as 0^0 is undefined
can anyone give me an exact proof with logical reasoning how 0^0 is undefined?
3435 damn sure