Hey everyone – we want Brilliant to be around for a long time, and to continue building a great product for you. Part of how we plan to do that is by offering a subscription version of Brilliant – called Brilliant Squared – with some special features to make it more awesome for members who subscribe.
Our vision for Brilliant Squared is to offer a structured path to improvement in particular topic areas, and a more powerful interface for saving and measuring progress. Our first two Brilliant Squared features that we are releasing today are more Practice maps, and a built-in scratchpad and calculator on every problem. We are continuing to work on more maps and features for Brilliant Squared members, and expect it to evolve a lot over the next weeks and months.
Brilliant Squared is still in its early stages, so we are offering introductory pricing for members who join Brilliant Squared before June 2014. We hope you enjoy it, and tell us your feedback.
We want most of Brilliant to remain free. As a free user, you’ll still have access to the community's awesome problems and notes, just like you always have.
Thanks to everyone for helping us build a company that we hope will grow and last to serve this generation, and many future generations.
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This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
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This Brilliant2 is a great idea folks! We all know the hard-work the staff does. Subscribing to Brilliant2 is the least thing we can do to thank them. Of course, Brilliant has to find a way to earn.
Brilliant2 is the best way. I would have been disappointed if any other way would have been there.
How about, exchanging some points for free subscription (e.g. 10000 points for a month)? :P
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Agreed, I think it's time points got functionality again.
totally agree with you...
yea man! That would be really great...Nice suggestion.
Perhaps not a free, but a discounted one?
What were the use of points in the first place? When I started I didn't see any point.
That would be great :D
Definitely. It would encourage people to use the site more often, which should be Brilliant's goal rather than to make money.
I wish you could also include skill maps for mechanics and electtrcity and magnetism
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Hi Mardokay – We are hard at work both adding more skills to existing practice maps and adding practice maps in more topics.
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Thanks I look forward to it
Can other users help (voluntarily)? :P Like writing notes or something. x'D
Is there a free trial or something? Just to experience the service once, and then decide whether to subscribe or not.
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Hi Shabarish – not at the moment, but we will consider adding something like that in the future. In the meanwhile, you can see more details on how the scratchpad works here. The maps in other topics work just like the Algebra map.
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May I know if the algebra map is what the practice algebra thing is?
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I donot think so but that would be good
Yeah, if we could all have like a free trial day or something
I think it would be a great idea.
Can we get a look at the maps themselves, without getting to solve the questions in them. That would let me (and others decide) whether to buy or not.
For example, what are the specific topics and sub-topics covered in Advanced Algebra? Conics, Vectors, Series, Mathematical Induction, Binomial Theorem are some that come to mind. But knowing the specific topics would really help.
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Hi Star,
Advanced Algebra sections are: Complex Numbers, Complex Conjugates, Completing the Square, Partial Fractions, Polar Coordinates, Algebraic Identities, Parametric Equations, Algebraic Manipulation, De Moivre's Theorem, Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions, and Vieta's Formula.
In some cases, these sections cover more advanced versions of the material than are covered in the Algebra map. We are also working on the following sections for Advanced Algebra: Factorization, Algebraic Manipulation, Systems of Equations, Olympiad Polynomials, Olympiad Exponentials and Logarithms, Olympiad Absolute Value, Olympiad Functions, Olympiad Complex Numbers, Olympiad System of Equations, Olympiad Inequalities, Olympiad Polynomials, Diophantine Equations, Mathematical Induction.
Calculus sections are: Functions, Function Operations, Sequences and Series, Limits of Sequences, Limits of Functions, Algebraic Differentiation, Transcendental Differentiation, Differentiation Rules, Higher Derivatives, and Extrema.
We are also working on adding the rest of a typical Calculus curriculum, which has too many sections to list here.
Combinatorics sections are: Rule of Sum, Set Notation, Rule of Product, Systems of Equations, Venn Diagrams, Permutation Without Repetition, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, Combinations Without Repetition, Recurrence Relations, Probability, Set Notation, Counting by Complement, Venn Diagrams, Binomial Coefficients.
We are also working on the following sections to add: Bijection / Injection / Surjection, Counting Without Restriction, and more advanced versions of many of the sections already mentioned.
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Thanks. Seems quite detailed. Adding more sections will certainly make it more attractive.
One more question: The next logical step in calculus will be to add Integration. Are you also planning to add Multi-Variable Calculus / Differential Equations thereafter?
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Mathematical Induction and Diophantine Equations seem lost at the end.
Should't they be available before the Olympiad series starts - considering that that particular series would be quite tough if you do justice to it. You can always add an Olmypiad version of it for more difficult problems
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Some sections in Pre-Calculus Maths seem missing (neither in available nor under development):
Conics: Circle, Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola Trigonometry: The Works: Basic Definitions, Basic and Advanced Identities, Solution of Triangles, Graphs, Angular Movement Functions: Transformations, Scaling, Inverses, Horizontal Line Test, Vertical Line Test Pre-Calculus Linear Algebra: Vectors and applications to geometry, matrices, determinants, area of triangle via determinant Geometry: The works Binomial Theorem Series and Progressions: Arithco-geometric series, harmonic series, exponential series, logarthmic series Complex Numbers: Argand Diagrams
I am aware that there are thousands of more topics in maths - just trying to reconcile your maps to a comprehensive maths syllabus pre-calculus.
I know you guys do need the money to keep the site operational but I feel that either each practice map should cost $3.14 individually as a one time payment or that it should cost $3.14 a month without being forced to pay for 12 months. Anyone who buys that package will get through the practice maps probably in the first month so it makes sense to just make it a one time payment for each individual package. It doesn't seem like a product that needs to be renewed over and over. Realistically I think you guys will make more profit by having a lot of people buying a practice map package at $3.14/month one-time than you would from having very few people buy all 3 packages for 12 months for $37.68.
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I think the pricing is quite reasonable - at least compared to competitor sites for children (www.ixl.com comes to mind) that charge $100 a year.
Also note that pricing is different for different countries - a really nice touch since the dollar pricing is for countries that earn in dollars.
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I do think its reasonable I just don't find the commitment of 12 months appealing. Its quite a long time and I really can't predict how active I will be on the website so all I think should be done is to change it from a yearly to monthly commitment. I think I'll also wait for multivariable calculus and differential equations to come out. I really like that they decided to include the subscription feature because before this they were building the website with not much profit. I really don't know if it would be effective financially but I really think the number of consumers will increase greatly if it is changed from yearly to monthly commitments.
Have you seen the scratchpad?
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Yes I saw it. It looks interesting but I don't really have a need for it, I use scrap paper for all of my questions. I am sure lots of other members on the website will want to use it though. I know there are quite a few members who work only on their computer and mobile devices so it should make it easier for them to work electronically. It should be appealing as well since it is only a monthly commitment.
I would like to retract my previous comment. Before I thought it cost $3.14 for 12 months for the practice sets and $6.28 for one month for the scratch pad. I didn't realize that they both came in either package you chose. I think I thought this because of how the prices were aligned on the page before. It definitely is more than reasonable.
@Suyeon Khim @Silas Hundt
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@Cole Coupland Sorry about the confusion, great to see you are a B^2 member!
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I love this idea! The costs are reasonable for me :D
If you are thinking of starting a Practice Maps on Chemistry, it would be my honour if you include my problems on basic physical chemistry here.
Good Luck and All the best for this site that helps many of us and the next generations!
@Suyeon Khim Can I Use Brazilian Card ?
How I'll Know If This Is Good ?
Thanks , All the Best !
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You should be able to, yes!
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This Seems A Good Feature ! I'll Talk With My Mother About This ! :D
I think that would be Best , We Print the Billet Banking and Go In A Banks Pay! My Mother Don't Like of Put Passwords on the Internet!
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@Suyeon Khim Would Good Adding a Method to Pay by printing a bank slip! My mother does not like Put Passwords on the Internet and I Want Make This Upgrade !
Thanks , All the Best ! Good Job !
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This Feature Seems Be Very Good ! :D
All the Best ! Good Job !!
I think it would be nice if it was possible to pay with PayPal. Also, since 3.14 $ is about 2.28 €, I don't think it's fair that european users have to pay 3.14 €.
@Suyeon Khim
I like the fact that the pricing is customised as per country.
Lots of sites price their services in dollars (at a price point suitable for US customers) and it becomes too expensive for everybody else.
I have some feedback on the way in which the practice maps are structured. I find that there is a mishmash of topics - although the topics themselves seem to be relevant.
For example: Calculus: The map starts with a skill on "identity functions". This, along with other basic skills should be taught in Algebra / Advanced Algebra.
The Combinatorics map has a large number of skills on equations and sets. While these skills may perhaps be as foundational skills, they do not belong in that map. They belong in a map on Algebra (or perhaps Miscellaneous).
Some re-organisation of skills would be highly appreciated.
Why my visa card is being declined, whenever i try to pay?
Why aren't the skill maps for Advanced Algebra, Combinatorics, and Calculus free, while the Algebra skill map is?
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Algebra was the first map we ever built, and it applies to a large number of people, since most students start learning Algebra in middle school and continue to apply the skills in other subjects. We wanted it to be free to give people an idea of what a Practice map is like.
Other maps are not free because it costs us money to make them, so the only way that we can continue to make more is if members subscribe.
If you buy the 12 month package with the practice sections, do you get the future sections as you guys publish them?
@Suyeon Khim
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@Suyeon Khim I would like to join Brilliant Squared. As I tried making the payment, an error message "This Card was declined" showed up. All the card details were entered correctly. Please help. Thanks!!
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Hi Pranshu, did you use Visa or MasterCard? Unfortunately, those are the only two types of cards we currently accept. We are working to add more payment options but it will take some time to complete.
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Yes, it is a MasterCard debit card.
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same with me.
Your idea great but you know how many people about thia app.?
@Suyeon Khim @Calvin Lin Please, can you add PayPal as a payment method?
Can anyone please tell me why all the chapters are locked. I was practicing a couple of days back but why it is locked now pls someone tell
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Hi Satya, free quizzes are available for a limited time. If you enjoy Brilliant and find the quizzes valuable, you can upgrade your account to Brilliant^2 to continue accessing unlimited quizzes.
I really liked Brilliant and was willing to subscribe as the price is quite accessible. But I don't use credit cards, and pay most of things over the internet through paypal, so I'm really sad to have to give up on Brilliant.
what is the cost in rupees???
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Check it out on Brilliant Squared.
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actually the cost is written as " ₹2,250 " My query is that , what is that square box?? is it rupees or dollars or in any other currency...
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Just like to say, the sketchpad was my idea. :D Thanks for employing it @Suyeon Khim.