I've been looking through all the maths information I can find for a formula: the formula for ellipse circumference. Unluckily I can't find one, so I decided to create one with all the stuff I read.
In this Desmos link I have been able to figure out much of it, but I just can't solve the integral. Could you help me?
BTW the note mentioned in this link does not exist yet :)
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\sin \theta
@Zakir Husain
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The integrals involved in the circumference of an ellipse are non-elementary integrals (for e.g. Elliptic Integral of second kind )
These can either be approximated through series expansions or may be calculated directly by the computers.
For more info. you can view this video
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thanks sir!
Hi sir I’ve got an integral here: ∫a2cos2θ+b2sin2θ dθ Could you integrate it with respect to θ?
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∫a2cos2θ+b2sin2θdθ =∣a∣∫cos2θ+a2b2sin2θdθ =∣a∣∫1−sin2θ+a2b2sin2θdθ =∣a∣∫1−(1−a2b2)sin2θdθ =∣a∣E(θ∣(1−a2b2)) where E(θ∣k) is elliptic integral of second kind