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2 \times 3
\sin \theta
For all those triangles to have equal areas, then all the chords must be parallel to the opposite side. From this, all the angles 1,2,3,4,5 must be as shown in the figure above. Now, given a vertex, say, A, which is the sum of angles 4,1,3, for this to be obtuse, then angle a must be <90. If this is so, then angles b and e cannot be <90. If one of the remaining angles b,c is <90, then the other cannot be. Thus, at most, only 2 vertices can be acute, which means at least 3 of the triangles must be obtuse.
I'm not sure if this is what is to be proven, but certainly no triangle can have more than one obtuse angle.
Well, fix it, Daniel. It was a fun problem, once I decided what the problem was. See my motto. Maybe later I'll put up a graphic of such a pentagon with just 3 obtuse angles.
@Daniel Liu
Here's the case where such a pentagon has 2 right angle vertices
Right Angles Pentagon
In working this one out, once one vertex was made a right angle, it works out that there is only one degree of freedom to adjust the angle of the other vertex to make it a right angle, so that making any more vertices a right angle was not possible. As per the proof given above.
The figure given here has a lot of interesting proportions.
Now by definition of m, n and z, notice that m∗sin(z)=m∗cos(x+y)=cos(x+y)sin(x)sin(2y)=n∗sin(2y). Therefore,
Therefore, [ABC]=[BCD]=[CDE]=[DEA]=[EAB]. Finally we need to show that this pentagon is "anatomically correct" - i.e. that the defined side lengths and angles create a correct pentagon. To do this, we simply need to show that m∗cos(x)+n∗sin(y)=21 (so that the horizontal components match up correctly).
That would work, given that the technical definition of an "obtuse angle" is between 90 and 180 degrees, and that the angle of a vertex in any closed polygon, convex or not, is measured on the inside.
Easy Math Editor
This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
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to ensure proper formatting.2 \times 3
\sin \theta
For all those triangles to have equal areas, then all the chords must be parallel to the opposite side. From this, all the angles 1,2,3,4,5 must be as shown in the figure above. Now, given a vertex, say, A, which is the sum of angles 4,1,3, for this to be obtuse, then angle a must be <90. If this is so, then angles b and e cannot be <90. If one of the remaining angles b,c is <90, then the other cannot be. Thus, at most, only 2 vertices can be acute, which means at least 3 of the triangles must be obtuse.
I'm not sure if this is what is to be proven, but certainly no triangle can have more than one obtuse angle.
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Sorry, typoed! I wanted to least amount of obtuse angles the pentagon could have.
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Well, fix it, Daniel. It was a fun problem, once I decided what the problem was. See my motto. Maybe later I'll put up a graphic of such a pentagon with just 3 obtuse angles.
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In working this one out, once one vertex was made a right angle, it works out that there is only one degree of freedom to adjust the angle of the other vertex to make it a right angle, so that making any more vertices a right angle was not possible. As per the proof given above.
The figure given here has a lot of interesting proportions.
If I may ask, how do you post pictures here?
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I picked this up while working on Brilliant. To post a picture, enter the following Latex coding
![...title...] (...http...address...)
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OK I got it! Thanks!!
I have found a way to construct such a pentagon which has NO obtuse angles:
This pentagon has 3 acute angles and 2 reflex angles, none of which are obtuse (an obtuse angle is an angle θ such that 90<θ<180).
In the diagram, let ∠BAE=∠ABC=x=30, ∠CDE=2y=arcsin(43), z=90+x+y, AB=1, AE=BC=m=cos2(x+y)sin(x)sin(2y), and CD=DE=n=cos(x+y)sin(x).
By symmetry we see that [ABC]=[EAB] and [DEA]=[BCD].
Now, we see that [EAB]=2m∗1∗sin(x) and, by definition of z and n, we have:
Thus [DEA]=[EAB].
Now by definition of m, n and z, notice that m∗sin(z)=m∗cos(x+y)=cos(x+y)sin(x)sin(2y)=n∗sin(2y). Therefore,
Therefore, [ABC]=[BCD]=[CDE]=[DEA]=[EAB]. Finally we need to show that this pentagon is "anatomically correct" - i.e. that the defined side lengths and angles create a correct pentagon. To do this, we simply need to show that m∗cos(x)+n∗sin(y)=21 (so that the horizontal components match up correctly).
Therefore, this pentagon satisfies the necessary conditions and has no obtuse angles. Therefore the least possible amount of obtuse angles is zero.
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Ah, I assumed that the pentagon was convex. Nice job finding a concave pentagon with no obtuse angles though.
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Well, the question didn't specify :P Thanks!
That would work, given that the technical definition of an "obtuse angle" is between 90 and 180 degrees, and that the angle of a vertex in any closed polygon, convex or not, is measured on the inside.