Pokémon Damage Formula

\( Damage = \dfrac{\left \lfloor{ \left[ \frac{2 \times Level_{1} + 10}{250} \times BasePwr \times \frac{ \left\{ \left( 2 \times BaseAtk + IV_{1} + \frac{EV_{1}}{4} \right) \times \frac{Level_{1}}{100} + 5 \right\} \times Nature_{1} \times AtkStatChange}{ \left\{ \left( 2 \times BaseDef + IV_{2} + \frac{EV_{2}}{4} \right) \times \frac{Level_{2}}{100} + 5 \right\} \times Nature_{2} \times DefStatChange} +2 \right] \times STAB \times Mod \times \frac{RanInt(85,100)}{100} }\right \rfloor}{\left( 2 \times BaseHP + IV^{\prime}_2 + \frac{EV^{\prime}_2}{4} \right) \times \frac{Level_{2}}{100} + 10 + Level_{2}} \times 100\% \)

Where Where

P1=AttackingPokeˊmon;P2=DefendingPokeˊmon P1\,=\,Attacking\,Pok\acute{e}mon;\,P2\,=\,Defending\,Pok\acute{e}mon

Level1=LevelofP1;Level2=LevelofP2, Level_{1}\,= \,Level\,of\,P1;\,Level_{2}\,=\,Level\,of\,P2,

BasePwr=Powerofselectedmove, BasePwr\,=\,Power\,of\,selected\,move,

BaseAtk,BaseDef=BaseAttackofP1andBaseDefenseofP2respectively, BaseAtk,\,BaseDef\,=\,Base\,Attack\,of\,P1\,and\,Base\,Defense\,\,of\,P2\,respectively,

IV1,EV1=AttackIVsandEVsofP1respectively, IV_{1},\,EV_{1}\,=\,Attack\,IVs\,and\,EVs\,of\,P1\,respectively,

IV2,EV2=DefenseIVsandEVsofP2respectively, IV_{2},\,EV_{2}\,=\,Defense\,IVs\,and\,EVs\,\,of\,P2\,respectively,

BaseHP,IV2,EV2=BaseHP,HPIVsandHPEVsofP2respectively, BaseHP,\,IV^{\prime}_{2},\,EV^{\prime}_{2}\,=\,Base HP,\,HP\,IVs\,and\,HP\,EVs\,of\,P2\,respectively,

RanInt(x,y)={randomlychoosenaxay,aZ}, RanInt(x, y) = \left\{ randomly\,choosen \, a \: | \: x \leq a \leq y, a \in Z \right\},

STAB={1.5ifattacktypematcheswithPokeˊmontype1ifattacktypedoesnotmatchwithPokeˊmontype, STAB\,= \left\{ \begin{array}{lrr} 1.5 & if & attack\,type\,matches\,with\,Pok\acute{e}mon\,type \\ 1 & if & attack\,type\,does\,not\,match\,with\,Pok\acute{e}mon\,type\end{array} \right. ,

AtkStatChangeistheAttackstatmodifierofP1andDefStatChangeistheDefensestatmodifierofP2, AtkStatChange\,is\,the\,Attack\,stat\,modifier\,\,of\,P1\,and\,DefStatChange\,is\,the\,Defense\,stat\,modifier\,\,of\,P2 ,

Mod=typecompatibilitywhichcanbededucedfromthetypechart. Mod\,=\,type\,compatibility\,which\,can\,be\,deduced\,from\,the\,type\,chart .

Letamatrix Let\,a\,matrix N5×5=[HardyLonelyAdamantNaughtyBraveBoldDocileImpishLaxRelaxedModestMildBashfulRashQuietCalmGentleCarefulQuirkySassyTimidHastyJollyNaiveSerious] N_{5\times5}\,=\, \left[ \begin{array}{lllll} Hardy & Lonely & Adamant & Naughty & Brave \\ Bold & Docile & Impish & Lax & Relaxed \\ Modest & Mild & Bashful & Rash & Quiet \\ Calm & Gentle & Careful & Quirky & Sassy \\ Timid & Hasty & Jolly & Naive & Serious \end{array} \right]

Then, Then,

Nature1={1.1if{attackisphysicalandi1=1,j11attackisspecialandi1=2,j121.0if{attackisphysicalandi11,j11i1=j1attackisspecialandi12,j120.9if{attackisphysicalandi11,j1=1attackisspecialandi12,j1=2 Nature_{1} = \left\{ \begin{array}{lcr} 1.1 & if & \left\{ \begin{array}{lrr} attack\,is\,physical & and & i_{1}=1,\, j_{1}\neq1 \\ attack\,is\,special & and & i_{1}=2,\,j_{1}\neq2 \end{array} \right. \\ 1.0 & if & \left\{ \begin{array}{lrr} attack\,is\,physical & and & i_{1}\neq1,\, j_{1}\neq1 \\ \, & \, & i_{1} = j_{1} \\ attack\,is\,special & and & i_{1}\neq2,\,j_{1}\neq2 \end{array} \right. \\ 0.9 & if & \left\{ \begin{array}{lrr} attack\,is\,physical & and & i_{1}\neq1,\, j_{1}=1 \\ attack\,is\,special & and & i_{1}\neq2,\,j_{1}=2 \end{array} \right. \end{array} \right.

Nature2={1.1if{attackisphysicalandi2=3,j23attackisspecialandi2=4,j241.0if{attackisphysicalandi23,j23i2=j2attackisspecialandi24,j240.9if{attackisphysicalandi23,j2=3attackisspecialandi24,j2=4 Nature_{2} = \left\{ \begin{array}{lcr} 1.1 & if & \left\{ \begin{array}{lrr} attack\,is\,physical & and & i_{2}=3,\, j_{2}\neq3 \\ attack\,is\,special & and & i_{2}=4,\,j_{2}\neq4 \end{array} \right. \\ 1.0 & if & \left\{ \begin{array}{lrr} attack\,is\,physical & and & i_{2}\neq3,\, j_{2}\neq3 \\ \, & \, & i_{2} = j_{2} \\ attack\,is\,special & and & i_{2}\neq4,\,j_{2}\neq4 \end{array} \right. \\ 0.9 & if & \left\{ \begin{array}{lrr} attack\,is\,physical & and & i_{2}\neq3,\, j_{2}=3 \\ attack\,is\,special & and & i_{2}\neq4,\,j_{2}=4 \end{array} \right. \end{array} \right.

Where(i1,j1)and(i2,j2)arethepositionsofthenaturesofP1andP2inN5×5respectively. Where \left( i_{1},j_{1}\right) and \left( i_{2},j_{2}\right)\,are\,the\,positions\,\,of\,the\,natures\,of\,P1\,and\,P2\,in\,N_{5\times5}\,respectively.

(e.g.thepositionofImpishnatureinN5×5is(2,3)) \left( e.g.\, the\,position\,of\,Impish\,nature\,in\,N_{5\times5}\,is\, (2,3) \right) \\

ForPokeˊmonShowdown(i.e.Level=100andallIVs=31thesimplifiedformulais For\,Pok\acute{e}mon\,Showdown\,(i.e.\,Level=100\,and\,all\,IVs\,=31\,the\,simplified\,formula\,is

Damage=[BasePwr×{2×BaseAtk+36+EV14}×Nature1×AtkStatChange{2×BaseDef+36+EV24}×Nature2×DefStatChange+2]×STAB×Mod×RanInt(85,100)100(2×BaseHP+141+EV24)×84%Damage = \frac{\left \lfloor{ \left[ BasePwr \times \frac{ \left\{ 2 \times BaseAtk + 36 + \frac{EV_{1}}{4} \right\} \times Nature_{1} \times AtkStatChange}{ \left\{ 2 \times BaseDef + 36 + \frac{EV_{2}}{4} \right\} \times Nature_{2} \times DefStatChange} +2 \right] \times STAB \times Mod \times \frac{RanInt(85,100)}{100} }\right \rfloor}{\left( 2 \times BaseHP + 141 + \frac{EV^{\prime}_2}{4} \right) } \times 84\%

ThetypechartwhichwillgivethevalueofMod: The\,type\,chart\,which\,will\,give\,the\,value\,of\,Mod:

Note by Muzaffar Ahmed
5 years, 5 months ago

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I salute you I salute you

Abdur Rehman Zahid - 5 years, 5 months ago

That is a: HELL!!!\Huge{\color{#D61F06}{\text{HELL!!!}}} of a lot of LaTeX to write.

Abdur Rehman Zahid - 5 years, 5 months ago

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Yeah lol I know.

Also yeah it took 4 hours straight to write that

Muzaffar Ahmed - 5 years, 5 months ago

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I salute you for your determination\Huge{\color{#3D99F6}{\text{I salute you for your determination}}}

Abdur Rehman Zahid - 5 years, 5 months ago

i play too!! did you try this. great battle simulator.

Aareyan Manzoor - 5 years, 5 months ago

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Yeah I play on PS, everyday. :)

Muzaffar Ahmed - 5 years, 5 months ago

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same here.

Aareyan Manzoor - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Aareyan Manzoor Up for a match right now?

Muzaffar Ahmed - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Muzaffar Ahmed sure, i might not able to chat though... i got locked for spamming... knock me under the name dragonite drake. lets play AG.

Aareyan Manzoor - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Aareyan Manzoor I was at 1590 before the ladder reset.. I left AG after that.. Do you play OU though?

Muzaffar Ahmed - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Muzaffar Ahmed sometimes, i main in AG. my rating was 1801 before reset.

Aareyan Manzoor - 5 years, 5 months ago

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@Aareyan Manzoor i use to use 2 ferros at that time.

Aareyan Manzoor - 5 years, 5 months ago

@Muzaffar Ahmed u can see me at 90 on ladder with 1658... calls for rematch

Aareyan Manzoor - 5 years, 5 months ago

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