Prove .....

Consider the following results.

991=9999^{1} = 99

992=980199^{2} = 9801

993=97029999^{3} = 970299

994=9605960199^{4} = 96059601

995=950990049999^{5} = 9509900499

Prove that 99n99^{n} ends in 99 for odd n.


Note by Abdulrahman El Shafei
6 years, 7 months ago

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99(1)(mod100)99n(1)n(mod100).99\equiv(-1)\pmod{100} \Rightarrow 99^{n}\equiv(-1)^{n}\pmod{100}.But,whenever nn is an odd integer,(1)n=(1)99n(1)(99)(mod100), (-1)^{n}=(-1) \Rightarrow 99^{n}\equiv(-1)\equiv(99)\pmod{100} for all odd n.n.

Adarsh Kumar - 6 years, 7 months ago

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Seriously. And Obviously -_- This was easy. Welll Done Adarsh Kumar

Mehul Arora - 6 years, 1 month ago

This is similar to prove that

(1001)n99mod100(100-1)^n\equiv 99 \mod 100

For nn is an odd number.

Noticed that every term of the expansion is divisible by 100100 except for the last term, 1-1. Hence we get

(1001)n1mod100(100-1)^n\equiv -1 \mod 100

(1001)n99mod100(100-1)^n\equiv 99 \mod 100

Christopher Boo - 6 years, 7 months ago

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While for nn is an even number, a similar approach can prove that 99n99^n ends in 0101.

Christopher Boo - 6 years, 7 months ago

For this , let us consider two cases when nn is odd and when it is even ,

When nn is even :

9999 could be expressed as 1001100-1. So, we could write it as (1001)n(100-1)^{n}. As in this case we have assumed nn to be even us let us write n=2kn=2k . So we have (1001)2k(100-1)^{2k} . Now , little bit expanding it , we have , 10000+1200)k10000+1-200)^{k} . Now taking p=10000+1p=10000+1 and q=200q=-200 , we have (p+q)n(p+q)^{n} . Now let us prove one more result , for any (100+1)x(100+1)^{x} , the last two digits would be 0101 . By expanding by binomial theory , (100+1)x=100x+a1100x1×1+....ay100×1x1+1x(100+1)^{x} = 100^{x}+a_{1}100^{x-1} \times 1 + . . . . a_{y}100 \times 1^{x-1} + 1^{x} So, expanding it will have x+1x+1 terms. It is clear that the first xx terms would have 0000 in their last as they are multiples of some powers of 100100. But the last term will be 1. So , returning to our expansion we, would have , pn+a1pn1q1+.....aypqn1+qnp^{n} +a_{1}p^{n- 1} q^ {1} + . . . . . a_{y} p q^{n-1} + q ^{n} Now in this we have except pnp^{n} all other terms would be a multiple of 100100 as qq is a motile of it . As we have earlier proove that the last term of pnp^{n} would be 1 . And , as all other terms end in 0000 , therefore 3rd two digits of the whole computation would be 0101 . So we have thus profed that any power that is even would yield a result of 01 at the end when applied to 1001100-1. Case 2 could be proved in a similar way and after proving it we would have proved the result so instead doing that long proof for case 2 also we could say that any odd number can be expressed n=2k+1n=2k+1 so just multiplying one more 9999 to any even power we would obtain the odd power. And multiplying the end two digits which are 0101 for any even power of 99 as we have proved , by 99 would give us 99 at the end. Hence , proved.


Utkarsh Dwivedi - 6 years, 7 months ago

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