If the quadratic equation has equal roots where a, b and c denote the lengths of the sides opposite to vertices A, B and C of a triangle ABC respectively, then find the sum of integers in the range of
I am stuck on this problem from quite some time and finally decided to post this here.
Since the roots are equal, I get . I thought of replacing B with and plug that in Wolfram Alpha but I get no nice solutions. I honestly don't know how to proceed in this problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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to ensure proper formatting.2 \times 3
\sin \theta
Let the circumradius of the triangle be R, so from the sine rule: sinAa=sinBb=sinCc=2R Then, note that sinCsinA+sinAsinC=c2Ra2R+a2Rc2R=ca+ac=aca2+c2
The roots of the given equation will be equal iff b2−4ac=0 From the cosine rule, we obtain b2=c2+a2−2accos(B) Hence, c2+a2−2accos(B)−4ac=0 ⟹c2+a2=ac(4+2cos(B)) ⟹acc2+a2=4+2cos(B) From the inequalities (note that the inequalities are strict) −1<cos(B)<1, we obtain: 4<acc2+a2<6
Is the actual answer 12 ? I did nothing special, just denote given expression by E. and as we get from the condition of equal roots , replace your sin^2x, by (1-cos^2x) then write the expression for cosx for a triangle. you will obtain an eqn. like, [(E/2)-2]^2= 1-4ac which in turn gives the simple inequality, (E-2)(E-6)<0
since a and c both>0 i.e 2<E<6.(the lower limit is also obvious from A.M-G.M inequality, anyway,) Therefore the sum of the integers lying between this range is =(3+4+5)=12.(ans) SORRY FOR IM NOT SO GOOD IN USING LATEX. can you suggest me a better way to learn latex codes? the links in brilliant are not enough for learning.
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Yes, the answer is 12 but how do you obtain ((E/2)−2)2=1−4ac ?
You can try this.