I'd like to ask a few questions to everyone who recently took JEE Mains, or is planning to take the JEE Mains in a future year. I've made each question into a separate comment below. Please reply to give us your thoughts!
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@Suyeon Khim , did you mean JEE-Advanced? JEE-Mains is like Stage-I to Advanced.
Although there are a lot of things common in Brilliant and JEE, there is still a lot which differ. For instance, Brilliant has got Number Theory which is rarely asked in the exam (I don't remember seeing any NT problem, even if it has been asked before, I doubt it ever touched level 4 or 5 as per Brilliant standards). On the other hand, JEE has got Analytical geometry (or coordinate geometry) but there is a scarcity of those problems on this website. I understand this because Brilliant is more focused on Olympiad students than a country's national exam and it isn't really possible to cater to everyone's needs. What's present on this website is awesome enough.
Other topics such as complex numbers. Even though there have been problems related to complex numbers before on the website, I didn't find them along the JEE standards. That's not much of a problem though because in recent years, JEE hasn't asked too difficult problems related to complex numbers. One more topic I would like to add is Calculus. Other than the evaluation of difficult definite and indefinite integrals and limits, I didn't find much use of Calculus section. Have a look on the previous papers of JEE-Advanced 2013: Paper-I (Page-28 for Maths) Paper-II (Page-30 for Maths) , this gives a very good idea of what is asked in the paper. If problems of this kind (just a bit more difficult) appear on Brilliant, that would be great. :)
Oh, and I forgot about this, Matrices (and the one I hate the most), I don't remember seeing any problems on them. :/
@Suyeon Khim
Hey @Pranav Arora – A follow-up question: Can you tell me a bit more about how and why you use Brilliant, and how it would help you if we added more Calculus questions? Just trying to get a sense of what your life is like, and how we fit into it.
@Suyeon Khim
@Suyeon Khim - There is a lot I have learned from this website and I hope to learn more by staying on this website for long. Its almost time for D-Day so I don't think adding more Calculus questions is going to help me but it would be a great resource for the students who are going to face the exam in future. I am not sure how to properly put it, the problems mentioned in the Papers I linked should give a good enough idea of what kind of problems are asked. I can link more question papers if that helps. :)
@Pranav Arora
Hi Pranav - I have seen that giant books of questions are provided by the coaching schools in India. It seems like students have access to lots of questions via these books. I am curious - how would more questions on Brilliant be helpful for students who already have study books?
@Suyeon Khim
Yes, that is very true. The "big" coaching institutes have their own study material. Those students (like me) who are not a part of these "big" institutes can buy the study material and this study material is usually divided into bunch of booklets addressing different topics from the syllabus. From my experience, the questions start from the very basic ones and then later on comes the challenging ones but not as challenging as what you find on Brilliant (now this is a biased opinion, it would be great if others could share their opinion too). And to be honest, level 5 problems are really too much for JEE. I do have these study books but I find Brilliant immensely helpful because problems in these study books are quite routine ones (now this really again depends, this is my second attempt at JEE and this is why I find these problems routine-ones). I have learnt quite nice tricks from Brilliant and I have saved them, who knows what they would ask you in the test paper.
@Suyeon Khim
@Suyeon Khim, Until 2013, there were many exams for entrance in engineering colleges held. But the main focus was on IIT-JEE which is now the JEE-Advanced (one of the toughest exams held!). Almost everyone wants to go into an IIT (I am no exception). All of us study really hard in these two years (usually 16-17). It appears to me that Brilliant is going to help me achieve my dreams!
Can brilliant implement comprehension type questions. Some good comprehension questions(especially from Fiitjee packages) are really good. They take a concept and clear its fundamentals from basics to good applications in the 3 questions. You solve q1 and understand how to solve q2 and q3 is hardest and may be impossible to solve if you hadn't solved q1&q2
This is something we can do if it would be helpful. If we had such questions, how would Brilliant fit into your daily/weekly study routine? How do we fit into your study routine now?
@Suyeon Khim
Brilliant fits into my daily schedule as 1-2 hours in 2 days. It would be same time then and now, its just that it would be better and help me revise and strengthen concepts.
Harder Organic chemistry problems as appear in the book Himanshu Pandey. Chemistry is a big hurdle for me and I wish Brilliant develops something helping me learn it
Hi Megh, I read your comment and now I have started posting some of the chemistry questions, particularly, the organic chemistry ones. I will be posting many more. Hope you will enjoy it
First of all..I would say that brilliant is doing Brilliant work by posting questions which are very similar to that appearing in JEE ADVANCED and MAINS...well JEE tag is another achievement...so Kudos !!
further developments would be appreciated.
Thanks @Max B . How are you using the JEE questions on Brilliant? How and when do you use Brilliant generally? How do we fit into your daily/weekly study routine?
@Suyeon Khim
well..I use brilliant when I am done with my first study session of the day...i.e. till 12:30 pm .I get refreshed I then I have my lunch.so is a part of my routine.
@Suyeon Khim A third of the paper of JEE is based on Chemistry, which is one of the least seen topic on the site. Please give a little more attention to the Chemistry section. You can also make a Chemistry column in the 'who to follow' page, and get the Chemistry problems rated as soon as possible.(D'you remember my chemistry problem on World War IV?)
Thanks Satvik. How would Chemistry questions on Brilliant fit into your daily/weekly Chemistry study routine? What time would you use it? How many questions would you typically do? How would you select which questions to try?
@Suyeon Khim
@Suyeon Khim Brilliant Chemistry problems will be my final brush-up for the exams. Books may not have such great challenging questions that Brilliant has. So when I'll finish any topic , I'll solve the corresponding problems on Brilliant.
The number of questions I will solve will depend firstly on the number of available questions. I shall be quite satisfied if I get as many problems per day as I get in any of the individual topics in Maths.
It it very unlikely that there will be any sub-tags in Chemistry, so I do not see how I'd be able to differentiate between the topics' problems. Still, I'll try problems which I find interesting and would help me know something new.
I, therefore, request you to get the Chemistry problems rated as soon as possible, It'll help in getting a great support in the subject.
@Ameya Salankar
They'll never give ratings to topics like #JEE because this tag isn't subject specific. Otherwise they should give ratings to #Satvik too. :D
@Suyeon Khim I think what the others have suggested is enough and if that could be implemented it would be helpful to the students preparing for JEE.
According to me though the students who are preparing for it already have either joined coaching institutes which provide all the required material and those who haven't also have access to many questions for JEE already. For me Brilliant is a place where I learn something new; something that I was not going to learn in the coaching institute which already focuses on JEE. It is a place which allows me to relax and allows me to think beyond the syllabus.
Of course, this is completely my opinion. I am not saying that you should not try to cater to JEE at all... Anything you do for JEE would be an added bonus. My point is that maybe those preparing for it already have what is required and Brilliant helps us in a different way.
JEE means Joint Entrance Examination and so, there should be a JOINT examination in the form of mock tests as you can say Olympiads or for the JEE aspirants mock tests before the grand test.
I am in favor of the idea that there should be a different corner for the examinations like this. Inside that there should be parts divided on the basis of different exams like JEE and others for India, iPhoo, iChoo etc. Here, last year papers and questions based on JEE syllabus should be posted. Chemistry, which is usually considered easy and comes out to be the game-changer should be developed more on Brilliant.
Also, I would even consider to open a JOINT discussion where the people who have appeared in JEE paper can guide rookies or future aspirants like us in cracking the GRAND TEST.
I hope that my suggestions will be helpful in the Brilliant's journey to minimize the function of the coaching institutes(just joking').
Actually i think there should be a separate official tag "JEE" which consists only those question which belong to the chapters which are in the JEE syllabus
@Suyeon Khim , I am quite happy to see Brilliant trying to add a different aspect to itself by aiming to cater a different section of its users. As far as JEE is concerned, it is quite different from Brilliant, fundamentally in terms of its motive. While JEE is an examination which seeks to select the best students from India, Brilliant is more of a platform and a forum for discussion of physics and mathematics problems of various levels and practically each and every topic of these subjects. The idea is that JEE has to select a bunch of students who are fluent in terms of Physics, Chemistry and Maths on comparable levels and since the candidate is a general high school student there has to be an upper bound on the syllabus and topics on which a candidate will be tested. However, Brilliant offers more variety to candidate of an Olympiad wherein the candidate is expected to be whiz in a single subject irrespective of his knowledge in other subjects with practically no upper bound in terms of syllabus.
The crux is the present scenarios suggest distinct and immiscible ideologies. However, a solution to this can be probably thought of in this manner.
Firstly, the number of official tags can be increased ( as suggested by a couple of members as well ) for example one of them being coordinate geometry. I do not strongly emphasize on a special tag for JEE , however, its inclusion would enhance the JEE-dimension to Brilliant. Moreover, added tags would make it easier for members to find a problem of their choice improving chances of increased participation.
Secondly, I have seen quite a increased demand for a separate Chemistry section. The idea is such a development would really make Brilliant a better site, both in general and for JEE. The only small hurdle is the theory and concepts and their mathematical interpretations are required before publishing problems in Chemistry. I have seen few members like @Christopher Boo and @Vishnuram Leonardodavinci posts notes and related problems and I was really happy to see the advancement in Chemistry section. But the problem is the questions were elementary even though they good to begin with. Maybe members like @Pranav Arora and all others who taking JEE this this year an help build this section as we have a lot of material which we can share. (In fact, I am planning to do something of this sort once I have taken JEE-Advanced.)
I would love to hear your feedback regarding the above.
I have already planned about posting a few notes for Calculus (related to problem-solving) and OChem after the D-Day but I can't promise anything. It would be great if the members who gave JEE this year could collaborate and enhance the JEE section. Let me tag them.
And yes, I agree with you on the tags part. Once there is large influx of notes and problems about JEE, dividing the JEE tag into further sub-tags would be a nice way to keep things organised.
@Suyeon Khim
By revision I mean revising class notes and problems.
JEE is time limited, so you need to know many concepts and problem solving techniques instantaneously in exam and you cant derive/think of everything in exam hall. Also we have to revise so that we dont make mistakes in Physics/Chemistry as many problems are put so that students make mistakes(tricky questions). Revision is challenging as we have to restudy problem solving technicques and what mistakes we had made in class.
Well can i say something......I don't know why Co-ordinate Geometry is my hurdle.Can u please put ion the practice map or at least upload some notes on the same.such as some tricks on how to crack tough problems ..some things that we need to know that u might have analyzed yourself.
thnkx :D
It's true that there are lots of books with lots of good questions but......
I think JEE doesn't require good problem solvers, it actually requires GOOD and FAST problem solvers. I experienced this many times while solving JEE practice test papers. Some of the problems were left unattempted due to lack of time.
So, I think it would be helpful if a timed test can be uploaded on Brilliant.org comprising of the MCQs that are currently present or will be uploaded later. Or if a problem is made time bounded, that would help too!
@Suyeon Khim
I don't use them all in one day. Certain exercises of certain books are recommended by our teachers to solve when particular topic is being taught and I do them then
they are all common.....almost everybody know them..I am using Universal Self Scorer for JEE.(it's simply a book).Oh yes and also Challenge and thrill of pre- college mathematics.
Hi Krishna – a follow up question: How and when do you use these reference books? How does Brilliant fit into your study routine, outside of your coaching and the reference books?
@Suyeon Khim
As Megh says, once a chapter is done in my institution, they usually recommend us to do some exercises from these books to strenghten concepts. Sometimes, I also refer to these books if I didn't understand a certain concept.
Since my summer vacations are going on, presently, I am using brilliant for around an hour every day.
As of now,I am mainly using brilliant to solve awesome, challenging questions and learn new concepts.
Brilliant helps me to brush up old topics and master new ones. :D
We learn trig in Grade 10 here in India, and Calculus begins in +1. I guess this is so bad seeing that our peers are way ahead of us in topics like this...
I think that Brilliant will be more usefull for those who want to crack JEE if some question sets( including Physics, Chemistry,Maths according to the level of JEE) are given as a separate tag. If you follow some sets of question paper of previous year of JEE, you have a clear idea about this exam and you will be able to set questions. For me the tag- Physics is proper for JEE mains & advance but it is needed to add a coordinate geometry tag. In algebra section Complex no. should be focused more. Mainly in JEE advance questions are asked which contain so many concepts i.e. they merge calculus with coordinate geometry. That type of questions are needed. You can take the help of those books which are mentioned by others to know the syllabus.
@Krishna Ar , there is no such good way rather than Understanding the problems, having basics and concepts cleared nd taking active part in problem making and solving, Thats All !!!
@Dinesh Chavan
Hey!@Dinesh Chavan Exactly...you're right..but I am lacking in resources when it comes to Algebra and Geometry. As I have already mentioned elsewhere I am quite bad at solving equations of high degree ( they usually get solved by factorization or Vieta's I guess), Maximum and minimum ( a LOT of brilliant level 4 problems are based on them..but I dont know them at all :( ) and so on..... Similarly in Geometry too. Thus I would appreciate if you could suggest resources since you are a level 5 in all of 'em. Thanks. And one more thing, I've seen a lot of Akola ppl having level 5's on brilliant...what's the secret ;) ?
@Krishna Ar
Oh, Hi Krishna, when it comes of solving ques, there has to be new invention. You cant stick to one method always to solve some problems. So, the key to get something right is to invent a new way of getting right.High order equation solving depends upon the type of polynomial. Sometimes its the ques that holds the secret. Maximum and Minimum can be solved easily using Inequalities or Calculus, some times. Geometry is too good in brilliant, but sometimes try to use sine or cosine rules, else menellaus theorem, it helps a lot. And LOL, there is no secreat in people from my city having a lot of Level 5s, but the real one is the institution where we study. Its really cool that all people from Akola are from same institution and we all study in 1 class. And I think the person who most inspired me is @Piyushkumar Palan , Who taught me what actually Maths is, Or rather to say, My sir taught me. So at the end its just dedication towards maths that can help you out
@Dinesh Chavan
Hi Dinesh – thanks for your great response. Can you tell me how Brilliant fits into your study routine? When and why do you use Brilliant? Why do your friends use Brilliant?
@Suyeon Khim
Yep, of course. I do use brilliant every day,(when I spare some net) every evening and night , about 5-6 hrs. Meanwhile, as our holidays have started, we try to complete the question booklets given to us. in general, there are about 400 ques on each topic., although we are given only 7-8 at present time. So, when I am bored, I try to propose some problems, or solve on brilliant. I am trying to propose many ques on chemistry these days in order to give a helping hand for the chemistry section of brilliant. Speaking of JEE, as the main point of this discussion, If we see roblems in JEE, as per analysis of this previous paper, , speaking of 30 ques, 12 were extremly easy that need no great calculation, 7 ques were a bit leangthy, 6 ques were just conceptual , while just 5 were good ones. Also in maths topicwise analysis, 7 ques of Calculus ( 4 easy), 7 of Algebra(4 easy), 5 Co-ordinate geometry(4 easy), 2 of Trignometry(1 easy) and 9 from Vectors, 3-D geometry, matrices, determinants,etc . So, its just great to score about 20 ques of 30 from practising in brilliant, while 10 ques, which include Co odrinate, Matrices, Determinants, LPP, etc are left. By the Way, this is taken from a magazing source and it is of JEE Mains, i.e. first level to Advance, which is supposed to be easy. So overall, Maths section is not much worrying type, only I think , My Chem needs to be sharpened. But Brilliant always takes away 2/3rd of my loads of practising So just Chem needs to be done more by me , Thats All. Thats why, I use brilliant in search of new ques every day
@Krishna Ar
I am in Ace of Pace centered Akola, Its my sir and my friend too @Piyushkumar Palan , along with many other sirs who gave me my position. So its just a fun here hanging with my best friend too,@Aditya Raut
@Dinesh Chavan
@Dinesh Chavan ^_^ ..... @Krishna Ar , solving problems helps , but trying to make problems helps more .. That's how we work . ..... If you lack resources then you can get free cool books at Library Genesis ...See the page Studying Maths .
Also , participate in the coming JOMO which starts on 26th May ...
@Suyeon Khim
Yes , We all friends go to Pace where we are being taught about basics, but a bunch of us , who are intrested in other sections often discuss about our difficulties, challenge out friends and we work together as brothers , not friends. So its really a great fun here,
@Ashtik Mahapatra
Wow! It looks that place is some haven for genii... or haven for turning people into genii...tell me more about it...whether any correspondence is possible though
@Krishna Ar
Wow! It looks that place is some haven for genii... or haven for turning people into genii...tell me more about it...whether any correspondence is possible though
You are right. We used to study from standard books only. S.L.Loney for Trig and Coordinate, Hall & Knight for Algebra and Piskunov (and / or I.A. Maron) for Calculus. But then I am talking about early 60's.
Thanks Rajen. Do many students believe that building problem solving skills (even if they are not directly mimicking the style of problems on your exams) will help them in their studies? How does Brilliant fit into your study routine?
Indian education system and examination papers are strictly syllabus oriented, even JEE competition. It is unfortunate that only a few students enjoy studies. Those who do can surely work out Brilliant problems with a larger goal of skills development, not restricted to cracking the entrance examination or passing. Nevertheless it is important to make them aware about Brilliant and its efficacy in developing grey cells for lifelong use.
Yes, I'm interested too in this. I went to India this winter and I was intrigued by the level of vigor with which some of my friends studied for this exam that was anywhere from 1 to 4 years away! My friend Kush is in Class 6 and is studying so much! It's pretty interesting, I'd like to hear from others as well. :D
Thanks for noticing! Well, if you look at the problems I've been solving, the majority are Brilliant Squared problems that I'd solved, but couldn't put the answer in to. For example, this problem is so ridiculously simple and easy to guess on, but it's rated Level 5. So things like these I just found and typed in my answers! :D
Easy Math Editor
This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
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What do you wish that Brilliant would build, to help you achieve a high score on your exams?
@Suyeon Khim , did you mean JEE-Advanced? JEE-Mains is like Stage-I to Advanced.
Although there are a lot of things common in Brilliant and JEE, there is still a lot which differ. For instance, Brilliant has got Number Theory which is rarely asked in the exam (I don't remember seeing any NT problem, even if it has been asked before, I doubt it ever touched level 4 or 5 as per Brilliant standards). On the other hand, JEE has got Analytical geometry (or coordinate geometry) but there is a scarcity of those problems on this website. I understand this because Brilliant is more focused on Olympiad students than a country's national exam and it isn't really possible to cater to everyone's needs. What's present on this website is awesome enough.
Other topics such as complex numbers. Even though there have been problems related to complex numbers before on the website, I didn't find them along the JEE standards. That's not much of a problem though because in recent years, JEE hasn't asked too difficult problems related to complex numbers. One more topic I would like to add is Calculus. Other than the evaluation of difficult definite and indefinite integrals and limits, I didn't find much use of Calculus section. Have a look on the previous papers of JEE-Advanced 2013: Paper-I (Page-28 for Maths) Paper-II (Page-30 for Maths) , this gives a very good idea of what is asked in the paper. If problems of this kind (just a bit more difficult) appear on Brilliant, that would be great. :)
Oh, and I forgot about this, Matrices (and the one I hate the most), I don't remember seeing any problems on them. :/
Helpful, thanks!
@Daniel Liu problems are good enough
Can you add a coordinate geometry tag and many@Pranav Arora, which institute are you in?
@Pranav Arora – A follow-up question: Can you tell me a bit more about how and why you use Brilliant, and how it would help you if we added more Calculus questions? Just trying to get a sense of what your life is like, and how we fit into it.
Hey@Suyeon Khim - There is a lot I have learned from this website and I hope to learn more by staying on this website for long. Its almost time for D-Day so I don't think adding more Calculus questions is going to help me but it would be a great resource for the students who are going to face the exam in future. I am not sure how to properly put it, the problems mentioned in the Papers I linked should give a good enough idea of what kind of problems are asked. I can link more question papers if that helps. :)
JEE-2012 Paper I
JEE-2012 Paper II
JEE-2011 Paper I
JEE-2011 Paper II
JEE-2010 Paper I
JEE-2010 Paper II
JEE-2009 Paper I
JEE-2009 Paper II
JEE-2008 Paper I
JEE-2008 Paper II
JEE-2007 Paper I
JEE-2007 Paper II
I will have to google the older ones and 2014's paper is going to be out soon enough. :)
@Suyeon Khim, Until 2013, there were many exams for entrance in engineering colleges held. But the main focus was on IIT-JEE which is now the JEE-Advanced (one of the toughest exams held!). Almost everyone wants to go into an IIT (I am no exception). All of us study really hard in these two years (usually 16-17). It appears to me that Brilliant is going to help me achieve my dreams!
Can brilliant implement comprehension type questions. Some good comprehension questions(especially from Fiitjee packages) are really good. They take a concept and clear its fundamentals from basics to good applications in the 3 questions. You solve q1 and understand how to solve q2 and q3 is hardest and may be impossible to solve if you hadn't solved q1&q2
This is something we can do if it would be helpful. If we had such questions, how would Brilliant fit into your daily/weekly study routine? How do we fit into your study routine now?
Harder Organic chemistry problems as appear in the book Himanshu Pandey. Chemistry is a big hurdle for me and I wish Brilliant develops something helping me learn it
Hi Megh, I read your comment and now I have started posting some of the chemistry questions, particularly, the organic chemistry ones. I will be posting many more. Hope you will enjoy it
First of all..I would say that brilliant is doing Brilliant work by posting questions which are very similar to that appearing in JEE ADVANCED and MAINS...well JEE tag is another achievement...so Kudos !! further developments would be appreciated.
Thanks @Max B . How are you using the JEE questions on Brilliant? How and when do you use Brilliant generally? How do we fit into your daily/weekly study routine?
@Suyeon Khim A third of the paper of JEE is based on Chemistry, which is one of the least seen topic on the site. Please give a little more attention to the Chemistry section. You can also make a Chemistry column in the 'who to follow' page, and get the Chemistry problems rated as soon as possible.(D'you remember my chemistry problem on World War IV?)
Thanks Satvik. How would Chemistry questions on Brilliant fit into your daily/weekly Chemistry study routine? What time would you use it? How many questions would you typically do? How would you select which questions to try?
@Suyeon Khim Brilliant Chemistry problems will be my final brush-up for the exams. Books may not have such great challenging questions that Brilliant has. So when I'll finish any topic , I'll solve the corresponding problems on Brilliant.
The number of questions I will solve will depend firstly on the number of available questions. I shall be quite satisfied if I get as many problems per day as I get in any of the individual topics in Maths.
It it very unlikely that there will be any sub-tags in Chemistry, so I do not see how I'd be able to differentiate between the topics' problems. Still, I'll try problems which I find interesting and would help me know something new.
I, therefore, request you to get the Chemistry problems rated as soon as possible, It'll help in getting a great support in the subject.
Satvik Golechha
@Satvik Golechha, don't you think that ratings in the JEE tag would be more interesting?
A Coordinate Geometry tag, More on Trignometry, and, Harder Problems in Chemistry.
very difficil
Well after viewing many comments and including my comment the need of the hour is to add good chemistry problems and notes.
@Suyeon Khim I think what the others have suggested is enough and if that could be implemented it would be helpful to the students preparing for JEE.
According to me though the students who are preparing for it already have either joined coaching institutes which provide all the required material and those who haven't also have access to many questions for JEE already. For me Brilliant is a place where I learn something new; something that I was not going to learn in the coaching institute which already focuses on JEE. It is a place which allows me to relax and allows me to think beyond the syllabus.
Of course, this is completely my opinion. I am not saying that you should not try to cater to JEE at all... Anything you do for JEE would be an added bonus. My point is that maybe those preparing for it already have what is required and Brilliant helps us in a different way.
JEE means Joint Entrance Examination and so, there should be a JOINT examination in the form of mock tests as you can say Olympiads or for the JEE aspirants mock tests before the grand test.
I am in favor of the idea that there should be a different corner for the examinations like this. Inside that there should be parts divided on the basis of different exams like JEE and others for India, iPhoo, iChoo etc. Here, last year papers and questions based on JEE syllabus should be posted. Chemistry, which is usually considered easy and comes out to be the game-changer should be developed more on Brilliant.
Also, I would even consider to open a JOINT discussion where the people who have appeared in JEE paper can guide rookies or future aspirants like us in cracking the GRAND TEST.
I hope that my suggestions will be helpful in the Brilliant's journey to minimize the function of the coaching institutes(just joking').
Actually i think there should be a separate official tag "JEE" which consists only those question which belong to the chapters which are in the JEE syllabus
@Vijay Raghavan @Sudeep Salgia @Anirudha Nayak @Zubin Arya @Ashtik Mahapatra @Rajen Kapur @Rohit Singh @Tanya Gupta @Avineil Jain @Karthik Kannan @Aabhas Mathur @Dushyant Janu @Raman Tejaswi @Irsha Haque @Arghyanil Dey @Pranav Arora @anup navin @Riddhi Joshi @Akash Shah @akhil ayyadevara @Rohan Rao @Anish Puthuraya @Max B @Shreya R @deepan kumar @Shabarish Ch @Abhay Agarwal @Anik Mandal @Krishna Ramesh @Siddhartha Srivastava @Krishna Ar @Satvik Golechha
Would love your feedback on the comments above.
@Suyeon Khim , I am quite happy to see Brilliant trying to add a different aspect to itself by aiming to cater a different section of its users. As far as JEE is concerned, it is quite different from Brilliant, fundamentally in terms of its motive. While JEE is an examination which seeks to select the best students from India, Brilliant is more of a platform and a forum for discussion of physics and mathematics problems of various levels and practically each and every topic of these subjects. The idea is that JEE has to select a bunch of students who are fluent in terms of Physics, Chemistry and Maths on comparable levels and since the candidate is a general high school student there has to be an upper bound on the syllabus and topics on which a candidate will be tested. However, Brilliant offers more variety to candidate of an Olympiad wherein the candidate is expected to be whiz in a single subject irrespective of his knowledge in other subjects with practically no upper bound in terms of syllabus.
The crux is the present scenarios suggest distinct and immiscible ideologies. However, a solution to this can be probably thought of in this manner.
Firstly, the number of official tags can be increased ( as suggested by a couple of members as well ) for example one of them being coordinate geometry. I do not strongly emphasize on a special tag for JEE , however, its inclusion would enhance the JEE-dimension to Brilliant. Moreover, added tags would make it easier for members to find a problem of their choice improving chances of increased participation.
Secondly, I have seen quite a increased demand for a separate Chemistry section. The idea is such a development would really make Brilliant a better site, both in general and for JEE. The only small hurdle is the theory and concepts and their mathematical interpretations are required before publishing problems in Chemistry. I have seen few members like @Christopher Boo and @Vishnuram Leonardodavinci posts notes and related problems and I was really happy to see the advancement in Chemistry section. But the problem is the questions were elementary even though they good to begin with. Maybe members like @Pranav Arora and all others who taking JEE this this year an help build this section as we have a lot of material which we can share. (In fact, I am planning to do something of this sort once I have taken JEE-Advanced.)
I would love to hear your feedback regarding the above.
That's very nicely written Sudeep! :)
I have already planned about posting a few notes for Calculus (related to problem-solving) and OChem after the D-Day but I can't promise anything. It would be great if the members who gave JEE this year could collaborate and enhance the JEE section. Let me tag them.
@jatin yadav , @Karthik Kannan , @Anish Puthuraya and @Avineil Jain , what are your views regarding this? :)
And yes, I agree with you on the tags part. Once there is large influx of notes and problems about JEE, dividing the JEE tag into further sub-tags would be a nice way to keep things organised.
Even Im planning to do a few more videos on YouTube..
All right, I'll post some problems after 25th!
Thanks Sudeep!
What challenges and hardships do you face when you're studying for your exams?
Chemistry is biggest hurdle and revision is another
By revision, do you mean reviewing a large section of material? What makes revision challenging?
JEE is time limited, so you need to know many concepts and problem solving techniques instantaneously in exam and you cant derive/think of everything in exam hall. Also we have to revise so that we dont make mistakes in Physics/Chemistry as many problems are put so that students make mistakes(tricky questions). Revision is challenging as we have to restudy problem solving technicques and what mistakes we had made in class.
Well, I haven't given IIT-JEE yet, but I've heard this from those who have.......
It is quite difficult to cope up with the huge syllabus and the board exams, and your rank is dwindled if you don't score well in the boards.
Physics seems the easiest, whereas chemistry it the most abstruse.
Well can i say something......I don't know why Co-ordinate Geometry is my hurdle.Can u please put ion the practice map or at least upload some notes on the same.such as some tricks on how to crack tough problems ..some things that we need to know that u might have analyzed yourself. thnkx :D
It's true that there are lots of books with lots of good questions but......
I think JEE doesn't require good problem solvers, it actually requires GOOD and FAST problem solvers. I experienced this many times while solving JEE practice test papers. Some of the problems were left unattempted due to lack of time.
So, I think it would be helpful if a timed test can be uploaded on Brilliant.org comprising of the MCQs that are currently present or will be uploaded later. Or if a problem is made time bounded, that would help too!
Are you using any other books or study tools outside of your coaching?
I have typed quite a few books on my profile. Here I have copied them:
How and when do you use all of these books when you're studying?
@Megh Parikh, correction- HC Verma- Concepts of Physics (written by an IIT - Kharagpur professor!).
they are all common.....almost everybody know them..I am using Universal Self Scorer for JEE.(it's simply a book).Oh yes and also Challenge and thrill of pre- college mathematics.
Yeah, other than my coaching, I am also using some reference books. Here's a list of the books(names of authors) I am using:
Physics: HC Verma(Concepts of Physics), IE Irodov(Problems in general physics)...I may also get Halliday, Resnick and Walker
Chemistry: RC Mukherjee(Modern approcah to Chemical calculations), OP Tandon
Maths: SL Loney(Plane trigonometry and coordinate geometry), Hall and Knight(Higher algebra)
Hi Krishna – a follow up question: How and when do you use these reference books? How does Brilliant fit into your study routine, outside of your coaching and the reference books?
Since my summer vacations are going on, presently, I am using brilliant for around an hour every day.
As of now,I am mainly using brilliant to solve awesome, challenging questions and learn new concepts. Brilliant helps me to brush up old topics and master new ones. :D
Helpful, thanks!
Get Halliday, Resnick Karne it is better than the walker one
What do you wish was better about your exam coaching schools?
We learn trig in Grade 10 here in India, and Calculus begins in +1. I guess this is so bad seeing that our peers are way ahead of us in topics like this...
Calculus begins in grade 9? Seriously? Which grade are you in?
@Shreya R, start with the downright basics! Buy +1's NCERT textbooks!
Yup. CBSE has really diluted the syllabus for 9th & 10th.
Here's a great website for jee books: www.askiitians.com/important-books-iit-jee.aspx
Yeah it is
I think that Brilliant will be more usefull for those who want to crack JEE if some question sets( including Physics, Chemistry,Maths according to the level of JEE) are given as a separate tag. If you follow some sets of question paper of previous year of JEE, you have a clear idea about this exam and you will be able to set questions. For me the tag- Physics is proper for JEE mains & advance but it is needed to add a coordinate geometry tag. In algebra section Complex no. should be focused more. Mainly in JEE advance questions are asked which contain so many concepts i.e. they merge calculus with coordinate geometry. That type of questions are needed. You can take the help of those books which are mentioned by others to know the syllabus.
please post questions on conic sections and 3-D geometry(line and plane)- these topics are a major chunk of IIT exams every year.
A little off the track question. Is this exam conducted all over the world or only in India?
Of course only in India
@Snehal Shekatkar - Could you please give me suggestions to improve in Algebra...solving level 4 , level 5 questions and the like....?
@Krishna Ar , there is no such good way rather than Understanding the problems, having basics and concepts cleared nd taking active part in problem making and solving, Thats All !!!
@Dinesh Chavan Exactly...you're right..but I am lacking in resources when it comes to Algebra and Geometry. As I have already mentioned elsewhere I am quite bad at solving equations of high degree ( they usually get solved by factorization or Vieta's I guess), Maximum and minimum ( a LOT of brilliant level 4 problems are based on them..but I dont know them at all :( ) and so on..... Similarly in Geometry too. Thus I would appreciate if you could suggest resources since you are a level 5 in all of 'em. Thanks. And one more thing, I've seen a lot of Akola ppl having level 5's on brilliant...what's the secret ;) ?
Hey!@Piyushkumar Palan , Who taught me what actually Maths is, Or rather to say, My sir taught me. So at the end its just dedication towards maths that can help you out
Oh, Hi Krishna, when it comes of solving ques, there has to be new invention. You cant stick to one method always to solve some problems. So, the key to get something right is to invent a new way of getting right.High order equation solving depends upon the type of polynomial. Sometimes its the ques that holds the secret. Maximum and Minimum can be solved easily using Inequalities or Calculus, some times. Geometry is too good in brilliant, but sometimes try to use sine or cosine rules, else menellaus theorem, it helps a lot. And LOL, there is no secreat in people from my city having a lot of Level 5s, but the real one is the institution where we study. Its really cool that all people from Akola are from same institution and we all study in 1 class. And I think the person who most inspired me is@Piyushkumar Palan , along with many other sirs who gave me my position. So its just a fun here hanging with my best friend too,@Aditya Raut
I am in Ace of Pace centered Akola, Its my sir and my friend too@Dinesh Chavan ^_^ ..... @Krishna Ar , solving problems helps , but trying to make problems helps more .. That's how we work . ..... If you lack resources then you can get free cool books at Library Genesis ...See the page Studying Maths . Also , participate in the coming JOMO which starts on 26th May ...
Brilliant is on track building competence in problem solving skills. This skill is helpful in any competitive examination and JEE is no exception.
@Rajen Kapur Sir, are iit jee papers of your time also available somewhere...in market only after 1980 are available?
You are right. We used to study from standard books only. S.L.Loney for Trig and Coordinate, Hall & Knight for Algebra and Piskunov (and / or I.A. Maron) for Calculus. But then I am talking about early 60's.
Thanks Rajen. Do many students believe that building problem solving skills (even if they are not directly mimicking the style of problems on your exams) will help them in their studies? How does Brilliant fit into your study routine?
Indian education system and examination papers are strictly syllabus oriented, even JEE competition. It is unfortunate that only a few students enjoy studies. Those who do can surely work out Brilliant problems with a larger goal of skills development, not restricted to cracking the entrance examination or passing. Nevertheless it is important to make them aware about Brilliant and its efficacy in developing grey cells for lifelong use.
Yes, I'm interested too in this. I went to India this winter and I was intrigued by the level of vigor with which some of my friends studied for this exam that was anywhere from 1 to 4 years away! My friend Kush is in Class 6 and is studying so much! It's pretty interesting, I'd like to hear from others as well. :D
I agree, why do you have downvotes?@Finn Hulse
@Mardokay Mosazghi, looks like someone is tampering or doing this just for his own fun.
Dunno. I guess people must really hate studying for JEE. :P
The rigour in 11th and 12th is monumental compared to 9th and 10th standards
How did you level up so much, so soon? @Finn Hulse
Thanks for noticing! Well, if you look at the problems I've been solving, the majority are Brilliant Squared problems that I'd solved, but couldn't put the answer in to. For example, this problem is so ridiculously simple and easy to guess on, but it's rated Level 5. So things like these I just found and typed in my answers! :D