Wrong! The question on the site was ... if you have a fridge with it’s door closed in a room -after a long time the temperatures stabilises. If you then open the door and the temperature stabilises will the room be warmer or colder than when the door was closed? The answer that the problem suggests is that the temperature will be the same. (I assume this is because the fridge is pumping heat from the room - to the room.
My answer was that the room will be colder and this was called WRONG. I assume the room is thermally insulated, the fridge closed and let’s say that the fridge was 0 deg C and the room 20deg C and the total volume of the room 10x that of the fridge. With the fridge door open and temperature stabilised the temperature of the room will be 18deg C. .... closed. (20x9) + (0x1) Open. 18x10 This is the first look at brilliant.org - this was Avery simple test - I can understand the concepts. When I find a more challenging test that I don’t fully understand I will not be able to trust the explanations.
I found this site after watching a great Utube vid Called ‘the hardest problem on the hardest test’ -
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