I thought I'm the only one having difficulties seeing old problems set. Past Solutions
I propose that the Brilliant Layout should add a side bar on the left side (like YouTube) with tabs:
Current Problem Sets (default)
Past Questions Viewed (like the Watch History in YouTube)
To solve list (this is especially useful when you've seen a problem not in your current problem set, and you believed you can solve it)
Bookmark (Questions, or even discussion topic)
(Any amount of tabs of your own, like a playlist)
Some details about the subfolders of the "Past Questions Viewed":
One) After clicking on "Past Questions Viewed", you will be have boxes to tick from: "Algebra", "Number Theory", "Combinatoric", "Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism", "Data Structures and Algorithms", "Probabilty", "Geometry", "Practice Problems", "Others"
Two) And on the far right, you can tick/untick these: "solved", "not yet attempted", "failed to solve after at least one try"
Three) There's also a search box for you to look for keywords (like "Matrix", "Limit", "Pairs", "Fibonacci")
Four) The questions/problems will be then displayed, and whenever you're at the end of the page, it will load somemore (like the end of the Facebook News Feed). The problems are displayed from latest to oldest (or vice versa), and at the top of each problem, it will display when it was first viewed.
Five) Alternatively, we have the choice of selecting the week of the problem set is released as they are displayed in a form of a calendar. This is better than the our initial viewing of previous problem sets, because we don't have to keep clicking "Load previous week".
This is my current input to navigate through previous problem sets.
On the other hand, I also have a few other suggestions/questions.
I) Speaking for the majority of people, most of us use Google Chrome on Windows, so when we're viewing the solution, we sometimes have to scroll the bar from left to right which can sometimes be a little bit annoying, especially when the equations/diagram/table is too wide. So I suggest the width to be increased by about 30 to 60 percent.
II) When I solve a problem which is not in my current problem sets, why it is not displayed in my Activity?
III) Sometimes people solved the problem but they gave an incorrect solution (I'm guilty of such action for one too many times), the moderators/BrilliantStaff should be able to mark them as incorrect and separate it from the solution tab and moved it to a separate tab (called the "Incorrect Solutions") so that the users can discuss where went wrong.
IV) On the far top right of every problem. it says that it is solved by X users. But it only display the latest 3 users. Shouldn't we display all of them? Like from first to last, or in order of name, or shortest time taken for users to solve, etc?
V) I've recently exchanged points for the Brilliant T-Shirt. And it says that I have claimed on "that date". Does it mean I can't claim it again should I have another 50000 points? This question also applies to the lanyard and the ebooks (not that it is needed). And why?
VI) When I vote up a particular solution, it says that I voted up a solution, but it didn't show WHO I voted up for.
VII) I don't know whether this has been suggested before but I'm bringing it up anyway. We should be able to buy hints (like 80 points each) for some (or maybe all) problem sets. For example: "Fibonacci", "Determinant", "Sine Rule".
VIII) When we view some user's profile, we should have a tab called submitted problems on the side (below "Activity" and "About") that displays the problems the user have posed/shared (which has been approved by the Brilliant Staff of course).
Easy Math Editor
This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
When posting on Brilliant:
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
[example link](https://brilliant.org)
> This is a quote
to ensure proper formatting.2 \times 3
\sin \theta
These are all sensible suggestions, and most of them are in the development plan. Thanks for your thoughtful, detailed, and well articulated feedback.
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Colors are not good. :( Previous ones were better.
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Totally agreed. The new colors are pretty dull.
I definitely agree. The previous colour scheme was much better. The colours are now less differentiable from eachother as they are all different shades of pink and purple. Having distinct colours such as green, blue, red and yellow made it much easier to distinguish levels from eachother.
me too
Thank you for your willingness to take feedback!
I'm really thankful that you guys are working really hard to make the site as helpful to its users as you can.
New color are very dull
Sir i wasn't a regular user of brilliant for past 3 months since i came today itself i totally agree with Pi Han G. that the older version was good and the suggestions he gave are brilliant for brilliant.org......and please bring back the old colors for the tabs these colors are very dull :(
Hints were provided in exchange for points during the first two weeks of July, but they have been cancelled now, so probably the Brilliant staff is not willing to provide hints. Other than that, I support all these changes. Also it would be cool if I could see which users voted up my solution. :)
And I thought I was the only one who was aspiring these changes! Thank you for speaking on behalf of all of us! Hope the Brilliant Staff takes this.
I want to request you to please change the items for point exchange.Or if it is not possible than please arrange for physical book rather than e-book.
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Agree man physical book should be posted ...
Your suggestions are really nice, i had another suggestion ,please remove the vote down system, people sometimes vote down meaninglessly. Check these discussions: 1)https://brilliant.org/assessment/s/mechanics/4704355/
2)https://brilliant.org/discussions/thread/kvpy-2013-question/(first, i had 5 down votes for my reply which now has 9 upvotes!)
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I'd also like to see the downvote system go. Upvotes alone do a good enough job of sorting posts by interest level. Downvoting tends to foster hostility and groupthink, in my experience. For truly objectionable material, "report spam" could replace "vote down."
i agree
We should be able to see Challenges from weeks before those we have joined.