This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science
related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should
explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments
should further the discussion of math and science.
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Ask specific questions about the challenge or the steps in somebody's explanation. Well-posed questions can add a lot to the discussion, but posting "I don't understand!" doesn't help anyone.
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# I indented these lines
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# I indented these lines
# 4 spaces, and now they show
# up as a code block.
print "hello world"
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2 \times 3
\sin \theta
It is not a matter of it being a good idea or not. We acknowledge that chemistry would be useful to and fun for many of you. As has been said many times before and in this thread, it would take a lot of expansion and legwork for us to expand into chemistry and is not our top priority given the more immediate improvements we could make to our basic website experience, and improvements to physics and math.
Chemistry probably should be added to Brilliant eventually. I would not expect it to happen soon.
Although I want to expand into other territories as well (especially Chemistry, because I love Chemistry), I think it should focus on improving the two sections that were added fairly recently. Too many projects at the same time result in none of them achieving the best results.
I actually searched for the Chemistry section when i first looked into this site. If the quality of the Challenges doesnt get affected , I would love to see Chemistry section too.
Yes that is very necessary .There are a lot of things that are relates to chemistry and if we get those valuable blogs of yours in chemistry it would be even better . Thus a thumbs up from me
I think addding organic chemistry is agood idea because that's my favourite science subject but one thing should be remembered too many coooks spoil yhe broth.
For those of you who are interested in building out Chemistry on Brilliant, and would be willing to spend time writing up great wiki pages over the next month, please send me an email ([email protected]).
Easy Math Editor
This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
When posting on Brilliant:
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
[example link](
> This is a quote
to ensure proper formatting.2 \times 3
\sin \theta
It is not a matter of it being a good idea or not. We acknowledge that chemistry would be useful to and fun for many of you. As has been said many times before and in this thread, it would take a lot of expansion and legwork for us to expand into chemistry and is not our top priority given the more immediate improvements we could make to our basic website experience, and improvements to physics and math.
Chemistry probably should be added to Brilliant eventually. I would not expect it to happen soon.
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hey its a gud idea infact people like me who find org chem sumtimes confusing will b thankfull to u...
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you find organic confusing......!!!!!!! then you are dagger's drawn with chemistry....:)
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m never able to solve the questions and due to that i suffer alot......
Although I want to expand into other territories as well (especially Chemistry, because I love Chemistry), I think it should focus on improving the two sections that were added fairly recently. Too many projects at the same time result in none of them achieving the best results.
Of course, this would be a great move. It is just a matter of maintaining yet another category.
it will be good to have chemistry and even some section for logical questions would also be good.. but it would definitely take time
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u r asking for too much
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why, ???a logical demand is " too much" ..???.is it out of education related issue...??!!??!!
what u mean by logical question?
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something anyone can solve without much knowledge of physics or maths.
but challenges in chemistry should be given in the form of objective type. then only organic chemistry could be included.
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yes you have made a good point
not necessarily IIT JEE has questions in objective form and it covers physical and inorganic too.
I like the idea. should expand into more disciplines in the near future.
I think it's a good idea.Chemistry should be added because it is a passion for a lot of us!!!
Yes I think it would be good
it will be great
YES!! I love chemistry with a passion, would be a great way to review chemistry!!
YES!!!! I agree !!
Yes,chemistry should be added to
Yes, adding chemistry will expand the scope of learning in Brilliant. Not neccessarily to happen it very urgently.
to all of you:chemistry is fun,so i hope chemistry can be added to
I actually searched for the Chemistry section when i first looked into this site. If the quality of the Challenges doesnt get affected , I would love to see Chemistry section too.
Yes that is very necessary .There are a lot of things that are relates to chemistry and if we get those valuable blogs of yours in chemistry it would be even better . Thus a thumbs up from me
yes! please do add chemistry :)
i appreciate the goodwork by d brilliant staff members yet i also support d notion of adding chemistry even if its d basics as i love doing chem...
Yess surelyyy.....
i also think the same...
I think it's a good idea.
Yes it should be
please add chemistry to especially stoichiometry
Yes chemistry should be added
I think addding organic chemistry is agood idea because that's my favourite science subject but one thing should be remembered too many coooks spoil yhe broth.
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perhaps that's why they have not introduced the chemistry section.......:)
Offcourse !! It will help for JEE preparation !! When IIT includes it, why not brilliant ??
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IIT and brilliant are different thing's . SAT exams include english , so should Brilliant add english too.?
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ya it must be added to it
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Hi Muhammad,
Go to our search bar and search for "chemistry." there you will find lots of notes and problems on chemistry :)
For those of you who are interested in building out Chemistry on Brilliant, and would be willing to spend time writing up great wiki pages over the next month, please send me an email ([email protected]).
For more information, see this note.
Yes please. Chemistry on Brilliant would benefit us a lot. Thank you!
yes then this website will be popular then now...........
No, chemistry is different from math and physics...
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maths and physics are different than each other too
yes we know it is different from physics and maths but still it is a subject which has a significance and it is important too
Instead of wasting time on chemistry, better concentrate on improving MATHS & PHYSICS
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what makes you think chemistry is a waste of time?
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yes i agree it is not waste of time but as much important part of science as others
perhaps he thinks that as H2O is liquid... everything in chemistry would be as liquid as it is....;P