Due to excess comments in the last messageboard, I thought of posting the third version of it. Feel free to ask me questions or talk to me about any random topic. I would be happy if you discuss mathematics problems with me.
Swapnil Das.
Easy Math Editor
This discussion board is a place to discuss our Daily Challenges and the math and science related to those challenges. Explanations are more than just a solution — they should explain the steps and thinking strategies that you used to obtain the solution. Comments should further the discussion of math and science.
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\sin \theta
Do you like Pigeons?
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Lol no.
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Why? They are so simple and soft...
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@aryan goyat
If you get time, please share the InPhO paper. Thanks.
@shubham dhull
Could the master provide a solution?
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i'm no master :p the q is a little hint: tricky think in the terms of relative motion
I'm currently studying Algebra and Number theory. Can anyone suggest books for them?
So, allow me to launch a topic for discussion, a number theory problem. This was the problem I had doubt in, but was unfortunately unable to get a nice solution. Can anyone provide one?
@Matt DeCross Would you do like to post some problems on thermodynamics? It shall be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
@Jon Haussmann
What if I add the condition : If xyz=1 to the problem? Will the answer be correct then?
@Otto Bretscher Happy Birthday!
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@Otto Bretscher Heppy Bday comrade!
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Did you know that he had is B'day?
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Thanks, but it's not my birthday, actually ;)
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LOL, I suddenly I saw a change in your profile to 60. When is your B'day? I want to wish you.
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I would really appreciate if you reply to this very question of mine. - Do photons possess mass?
It might be that they don't have rest mass, but have relativistic mass. Or do they don't have both?
@Michael Mendrin
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There was a time when physicists weren't sure if neutrinos had mass. Now not only we know they do, we know that neutrinos have "oscillating" mass, i.e., can vary over time, not related to relativistic effects. Unlike neutrinos, however, photons are still considered to be true massless particles. There are very few "true massless particles", the other two being the gluon and the graviton. All three are gauge bosons, respectively of the electromagnetic, strong force, and gravitational forces. Because they have no rest mass, they always travel at the speed of light in free space. All other particles that have a rest mass can be found to be traveling at considerably less than speed of light in free space.
Physics experiments have been done where light travels very slowly, but not in free space.
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Thanks a lot!
@Pranshu Gaba Which branch did you take at the IISc?
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There is just one branch in IISc for the first three semesters (1.5 years) in the undergraduate program. We have six courses for the each of the first three semesters: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Engineering and Humanities. After three semesters, we will choose one of these subjects as a major and one subject as a minor.
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What are you plans? What will you take?
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@Otto Bretscher
Happy advanced B'day, Sir!
@Calvin Lin
Kindly delete the following accounts, as they do not serve any particular purpose:
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If you own those accounts, you can deactivate them yourself.
For privacy reasons, we do not edit account details without further collaboration about ownership.
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I owned them back in 2013-14. The emails got hacked and passwords lost, forcing me to create a new account.
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@Spandan Senapati
I had a personal question, feel free to ignore if you don't like.
What's your aim in life? What do you want to become?
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Well.Pretty much I want to do research in mathematical physics/or Theoretical physics....Although I haven't explored much fields.But I would do research over corporate sector ...I like physics a lot and the use of mathematics just adds more to my interest.....But still I feel its quite hard to predict now.
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Our interests match so much! I was recently exploring mathematical physics and found that it's much more of mathematics than physics. Theoretical physics is much better, but I don't qualify as of the IQ required.
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I know Ed Witten from Class 6th :P
@Spandan Senapati
Bhaina could you please provide some advice for NSEP and NSEA to this poor guy? :P
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Lol.Only we two perhaps know what's the meaning of "Bhaina"in Oriya.....See it a kind of depends how you perceive these exams.For me physics Olympiad is what I had dreamt since I left the HBCSE for the airport(I had chickenpox just on the day our IJSO OCSC started on May 4,2016.Circumstances were not quite good.I had NTSE stage 2 on 8th and I had shifted through permission my centre to Mumbai).I had appeared in class 10 where I had a score quite close to the MAS...but couldn't make.So this yr right from the very start I tried everything I could do to qualify for the OCSC.atleast.Focus on every aspect of Jee physics.Try to get everything and be dedicated to your approach....Some great books are available try reading them not all.Some are-(Kleppner and Kolenkov,David Morin,Griffiths,Arthur Beiser(Modern Physics)etc).Take your time thinking(keep on trying).You may not reach the solution but the thinking that you put into that will definitely help you.But the most important is how you percieve it.Do solve the Inpho and NSEP past q papers.See in Odisha the cutoffs are not high.This time only 4 of us(2 from 12th and I and a friend of mine)had a score greater then the Merit index...So if you do score a bit more than MAS you are through...And NSEA...that seriously is quite easy for someone who has basic knowledge of Maths(and Physics of course)...
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Hari Bola, Jai Jagannath Thank you lol :P
Knowing that you're certain of qualifying KVPY, do you give more importance to JEE or IPhO >
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@Spandan Senapati
Bhaina, I need your help again :P
You just passed 11th, didn't you? If you could remember, what were the chapters of Mathematics phase test 1?
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Basic mathematics(functions,limits,derivatives,integration),Trigonometry...That was enough to trouble us in the reshuffling test.
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Why do they keep Calculus in Phase test 1?
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@Spandan Senapati
Today, I'm in a great trouble, brother. Perhaps you only could help me out, please help me.
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Yes I am..I used to ignore Chem in class 11 in pursuit of solving more of P+M. Initial phases were easy as I am pretty strong with physical chemistry. I knew most of the topics beforehand. But I joined kk sirs class. For he was teaching inorganic(believe me you will feel more of fun rather than rote learning if you go his way) . But I advise join his class coz he is probably the only one teacher who knows linking topics.. The best way.... Chem is scoring sub and don't neglect it.
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Hmm. Everything was alright upto now, I was discouraged for this ion electron method only. I can't solve RC Mukherjee!
@Spandan Senapati Could you tell me. how are the chemistry teachers at FIITJEE (CMP)?
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For us CDM is the code of Chem teacher. He is a great teacher.... And very receptive..... I like his teaching....
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Then why KK sir?
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